HAPPENING TODAY: Winter Trails Day

Come celebrate your local trails today! The Hub Bicycles will be hanging out in the Cache Creek Parking Lot with Friends of Pathways drinking hot cocoa and hooking you up with a chance to try out our awesome fleet of Borealis Flume Fat Bikes! Don’t miss this chance to see what you’ve been missing!
Fat bike demos will also be available at Emily’s Pond trail with Teton Mountain Bike Tours, plus cross country ski demos with Skinny Skis! Drop by Emily’s Pond to say hello to JH Nordic and Friends of Pathways too!
New on the Blog: Profiles in Nordic, Brot Coburn

JH Nordic interviewed Brot Coburn about his storied history with Nordic skiing and gleaned some sage advice in the process.
JH Nordic: What advice would you offer a Nordic skier who is just starting out?
I hope that anyone able, young or old, can learn to X-C and get out and ski at least occasionally; if they live to my age, it just may be the safest winter recreation one can find, short of migrating to Florida. Until recently, I nurtured dreams of picking up wingsuit diving and open ocean kiteboarding (“splat sports,” a friend calls them) but have decided — okay, my wife Didi decided — that I should stick to more age-appropriate activities. I should have stuck with X-C all along. Slow down and enjoy!

Provide your input with the JH Travel and Tourism Resident Sentiment Survey. Tourism is important to our economy, and JH Travel and Tourism Board is refocusing how we manage it so we can protect the environment, enhance residents’ quality of life, and maintain a sustainable local economy.

A Reminder: Clean up After your Pet on Public Trails
Department (TCJPRD) would like to remind the public to clean up after pets when utilizing
public hiking and walking trails. There have been numerous complaints to TCJPRD this year regarding owners leaving their pets mess on the trails. “There are always those people who don’t pick up their pet’s mess, but this year it seems to be quite substantial,” said Parks Manager Andy Erskine. “It’s not just that it is unpleasant for others to have to walk around, but it can have serious consequences on others and the
Cleaning up after our fur friends not only preserves the beauty of our natural environment, but it also protects human health, dog health, and our waters. Erskine says that Emily’s Pond and Cache Creek are especially susceptible to watershed contamination from animal waste.
Many diseases are also transferred between dogs through fecal matter/oral transmission, such as intestinal parasites, like roundworms and hookworms. Bacterial and viral infections, such as Parvovirus, can also spread through fecal matter.
Trail etiquette starts with being mindful of sharing public trails with others. When pet fecal matter is not picked up, it can diminish the outdoor experience for others: It smells; it can be stepped in; it is visually unpleasant; it carries diseases. Please be respectful of shared trails by controlling your pet, picking up after them, and properly disposing the bag. Please do not leave a bag behind for others to pick up.

Trail Creek
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 2/25
Lots of Happenings!
There’s no shortage of things to check out this weekend! As this grooming report goes live, the first day of the 2022 Wyoming High School Nordic Skiing Championships are in progress in Pinedale where our skiers are attempting to score yet another state championship. Results will be posted as soon as they are available on this High Plains Nordic page.
Closer to home, Saturday looks to be a fun day at Trail Creek. Coach George is organizing a fun race day that will include skate races and Nordic X competitions. The complete press release is below:
This Saturday we will be putting on a series of very informal Youth races at Trail Creek!! There is no entry fee for these races for for all JHSSC athletes. Trail passes will need to be purchased by non- JHSSC athletes if you don’t already have one and plan to ski. All U10’s and under must be accompanied by an adult, or at least a responsible older sibling.
In the morning we will hold mass start skate races for:
Time-10:00 a.m. age group:- u14’s- Distance 4k
Time- 10:30 a.m. – Age group: u12’s- Distance 2k,
Time- 10:50 a.m.- Age group: u10’s- Distance 1.5 k,
Time- 11:15 a.m. -Age group: u8’s- Distance 1k.
Time: 11:30 a.m. – Age group: Geezers and Geezettes. 2k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 10k, 12k….. or until dizzy.
Sign-up upon arrival at Trail Creek. All race distances/start times are approximate. Waxing of skis is discouraged. Costumes not mandatory, but encouraged. Bring your friends, but they will need to sign a waiver. Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation is slated to bring over a # of athletes!
The morning races will go until around 12(ish). After the morning of racing, we will be holding a potluck for athletes etc. Please bring a dish to share! If you need inspiration, take a walk through the Albertson’s Deli. We will provide a table, plates, spoons, and forks as well as some cold drinks. Please bring your own water.
WAX CLINIC: 1:30- 2:00 Skate ski and classic ski preparation for du.. novices. This will be a good opportunity for those new to the sport of Nordic skiing to get a brief introduction to how to prepare and care for Nordic skis ( by popular demand).
In the afternoon starting around 2:30, we will run a series of Nordic X heats. We will maintain the same age groups from above, and start athletes in heats of 4. Awards may be given for big air, as well as best trick. More details to come on race day in terms of how we will do brackets etc.
Once the Nordic X races conclude, we will hold an awards ceremony and finish up any remaining food from the potluck.
Sounds like a fantastic day, come on out if you can make it!
Today’s grooming in the woods was pretty much a single Husky pass with fresh classic tracks all along the way except for Moose Loop and Animal Farm which received double passes. The fields were totally reworked with double classic tracks and skate lanes all receiving fresh grooming. The Nordic X also got some additional terror added.
Groomer’s choice for today is Moose Loop.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Grooming Monday-Saturday
Last Update: 2/25
Saturday Grooming Schedule: High School Fields, Emily’s Pond Levee, Wilson Centennial Pathway.
Cache Creek Fat Bike Trails
Last Update: 2/22
I groomed the trails in Cache last night and will take another lap this afternoon to firm things up and will snowshoe the smaller trails on Wednesday. That way everything should be in good shape for Winter Trails Day this Saturday!
Grooming by Friends of Pathways.
Teton Pines Nordic
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 2/23
New Salomon skis in stock now!! Today we received a surprise shipment of classic skis that are perfect for the 110-145lb and 160-195lb weight range. We have boots and poles to go with them too! These skis were supposed to arrive last September but have been stuck in the Covid shipping delay situation. We are happy they finally made it to the shop!
Our trails are in great shape after the recent snowfall so come out and ski! We groom 13km+ daily for both skate and classic with our new snowcat. Our trails and shop are fully open to the public 9am-4pm daily. Day passes, 10 punch cards, and season passes are available.
Please call us in advance to book lessons at: (307) 733-1733. You do not need a reservation for skiing and we do not take reservations for rentals. Please contact us in advance to check availability for off-site rentals.We still have a small size selection of skate skis and BC skis, but have lots of boots, poles, jackets, pants, gloves, and hats.
We also have a good selection of used skate gear available. Call or come by to see if we have your sizes! We have a full tuning shop so drop off your skis for a wax done by our great wax techs! Visit our website for pricing and other information: www.tetonpinesnordiccenter.com
Shooting Star
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 2/21
Overnight 2” of new snow fell and was a welcomed change to soften the block of ice we’ve been grooming over the recent weeks. The trails are in great shape and should ski well through Friday. Please, be aware that some light drifting will likely occur throughout each day, especially Monday & Tues as an artic front will push through bringing substantially colder temperatures for most of the week. Stay warm and enjoy! Next Update will be Friday (2/25).
- SLED HILL GROOMED on 2/21 (Grooming will occur as needed)
Snake River Sporting Club
Daily Nordic grooming for both “Front Nine” (south side) and “Back Nine” (North side) Nordic Trails
Public access to the groomed Nordic trails is $50 per person per day, with no season passes available. Ski rentals are available at the Sports Shop. Guests must check in at the Sports Shop to sign a waiver and make payment before heading out. The daily pass does not allow access to the Restaurant this season. The clinics that are being offered are for members and lodging guests only.
Please call the Sports Shop with any questions you may have at 307-200-3093

Grand Teton National Park
Last Update: 2/25
A little foggy in GTNP Friday morning while grooming from Taggart to Signal Mountain.
Grooming is sponsored by the GTNP Foundation and generous donations from our community.
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 2/25
Friday evening the pisten bully reset everything in the hills and the ginzu groomed the skate lane on the summer home and riverside loops. The fat bike trails were all reset as well. Saturday looks to be another wonderful day to get outside and get on the snow!
Please sign acknowledgment of risk forms and pay for trail passes online ahead of your visit. Call the front office (307) 543-2000 ahead of your visit for booking equipment rentals and Nordic adventures (lessons and tours).
https://www.turpinmeadowranch.com | 307.543.2000

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Grand Targhee
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday
Last Updated: 2/24
Cross Country 15k: XC OPEN
Fat Bike Trails : Open
Snowshoe Trails: Open
Targhee’s Nordic trails are groomed Tuesdays, Thursdays & Sat/Sundays. Fat bike/snowshoe trails are groomed regularly but not on a set schedule – the groomer usually waits until after a storm cycle to groom the single track.
Trail day passes are $20 this winter.
Remember, singletracks will be closed when there is more than 3 inches of snow in a 24 hour period.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 2/24
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Starting to groom at 8am, should be finished at 10:30.
Please do not park in the library parking lot. Please be sure to keep your dogs on a leash and to clean up after them.
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 2/25
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Driggs will be groomed 3PM Friday. Skate and classic will be set at this time.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 2/25
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Reset everything. Turned out pretty nice and should firm up great in the next cold hour or two. Enjoy!
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 2/25
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Plan to reset both skate and classic tracks this morning. Expect continued good skiing today.
Southern Valley Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday & Sunday
Last Updated: 2/22
Skate: Set | Classic: Not Set
Tuesday afternoon I finished grooming and was able to reset the skate track on yeti‘s and campground loops. I was not able to set the classic track. Enjoy the glide
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Teton Reserve Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Thursday & Saturday
Last Updated: 2/25
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Friday evening I plan to groom starting by 5:45. The plan is to reset the skate track and possibly the classic track. Please be aware of the grooming equipment.
No dogs allowed.
Southern Valley Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/23
Singletrack: Set
Wednesday evening we were able to groom multiple passes on happy hour, powerline, pole connector, upper and lower ladyslippers, upper and lower Hillbenders.
Happy Hour (aka Mike Harris to ID/WY state line)
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Darby Canyon
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/18
Groomed to summer TH 2/16
Rammell Mountain Road
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/10
Groomed 1/14
South Leigh Road
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/18
Groomed 2/16

WYLD Times at R Park, Hosted by JH Land Trust
Saturday, March 5th
Rendezvous Park | 3 – 5 pm
On Saturday, March 5 from 3-5 pm the Jackson Hole Land Trust (JHLT) will host WYLD Times at R Park. You are invited to enjoy this free, winter festival to kick off the JHLT’s new WYLD membership initiative. WYLD members fuel free community conservation programming that enriches the livability of this valley and invites accessible open space experiences for all.
WYLD Times at R Park will feature several activity stations with something for everyone. You can take a fat tire bike for a spin courtesy of The Hub Bicycles and brush up on avalanche rescue skills and backcountry preparedness with Teton County Search and Rescue. Kids (or those young at heart) can learn about nature with the JHLT’s Discovery Boxes and sled R Park’s iconic knolls. All activities are free, and you are invited to join WYLD for fun extras like hot cocoa, beer, and custom donuts from Provisions. Don’t have avalanche safety gear to practice with? You can join WYLD for a chance to win an ARVA Evo 4 Combo Kit, including a beacon, probe, and snow shovel!
Become a WYLD member by visiting jhlandtrust.org/wyld today. Attendees who join the WYLD membership program before or during the March 5 WYLD Times at R Park event will be entered into the giveaway to win the ARVA Evo 4 Combo Kit, including a beacon, probe, and snow shovel.
We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic