February 10, 2022 Nature Update

Provided by Cathy Shill
Founder of The Hole Hiking Experience

It’s time for a weather change. Sun for these past few weeks makes for beautiful views but we need snow. January snowfall is well below average. January started strong but then fizzled out. Fortunately, we are riding the shirt tails of December snow. Doing the snow dance, for sure.

Photos of the ladies having Bachelorette fun under the Tetons. Boy, you can’t beat the views. Unlike summer skies, winter views are crisp and clear. Haze will settle in the valley over the summer months due to fires. You also can’t beat the winter solitude of Grand Teton Park. Trailheads get busy, but knowing where to go allows us to leave the crowds behind.

During summer months, millions of visitors come to the Parks while in the winter visitation is much less. We enjoy touring in the Gros Ventre Mountains to see the entire Teton Range and explore spectacular areas more off the beaten track. With all the sun and clear skies, it is easy to journey and explore new locations.

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it connected to the rest of the world. -John Muir

The venerable Zen teacher, Thich Nhat Hahn, recently died at the age of 94. He is well known for his teachings on mindfulness, engaged Buddhism and the interconnectedness of all beings. He coined the phrase, “inter-be” and pointed out that we cannot separate ourselves from the environment.

We are dependent on the earth, came from the earth and will return to the earth. To survive the snow world, organisms need to cope with unique challenges and adapt ways to survive and interact with the environment. Bison are dependent on summer grasses to survive the winter. We depend on the winter snowpack for our water.  When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it attached to everything else. Helpful for me to think, I am “with” nature and not just “in” nature. To contemplate and connect more deeply fills my heart with joy.  Fun to consider as you glide along beneath the majestic peaks.

Delve into the natural world by joining us to explore and discover. Give a call to discuss options or check us out on the web. www.holehike.com 307.690.4453

JH News & Guide Nordic Notes 2/9

Balmy afternoons, light breezes and clear skies bring to mind visions of an island paradise, not Jackson Hole, but it’s exactly what the valley is blessed with this week. Errant waves of snow have washed over exposed trails; while winds remain calm, be sure to try them out. Put on your grass skirt and lei and enjoy the warm weather while it lasts.

Tech tip of the week | Courtesy of Scott Horn
If you are new to Nordic skiing and have found yourself confused about terms used in our sport, don’t feel dispirited. Some of the terminology does not make a lot of sense. You have probably heard the term “no wax ski,” which is often used to describe classic skis with a fish scale or mohair skin kick zone. Although this kick zone/grip section needs less attention than a normal classic ski, the tips and tail section need wax on a regular basis in order to achieve an appropriate glide. No ski is truly a “no wax ski.”

Speaking of “kick,” it seems there is a split among skiers, instructors and coaches as to its meaning in classic technique. Some refer to “kick” as the downward pressure on the ski in diagonal stride — in order to create grip or purchase with the snow — but there is also a faction that insists the “kick” is the forward (soccerlike) “kick” of the glide leg ski. Either explanation can work to help with technique. Just remember the “kick” is not a backward, mulelike kick. Any backward movement is simply follow-through after downward pressure of the skier’s weight has been applied to the grip section of the ski.

Perhaps it’s best to stop here before I try to explain why we purchase all that expensive glide wax, melt it on the ski, only to then scrape and brush it all off.

TODAY: JH Nordic Masters Skate Ski Clinic

11am – 12:30pm
Hosted by Scott Horn and JH Ski Club Nordic Team Coaches

Trail Creek

Grooming Daily
Last Update: 2/9

Classic Distance!
The JHSC Nordic athletes have been training hard for months and months; skiing on snow since November with IMD Qualifiers and High School races in their tracks.  There is just one more race to go, the final IMD Qualifier here at Trail Creek Friday and Saturday where the successful will win a chance to go to nationals.  Their bodies are ready; the time is here, so an easy classic distance day was the call of the coaches, a brief breather before giving their all at the races.

IMG_4318 (800x753).jpg

In response to the classic distance call, pretty much every trail in the network received fresh classic grooming today.  The Husky made a single skate/classic pass through every woods trail except for Animal Farm which received a double pass.  The fields all received at least one classic track as well as additional skate grooming.

Tomorrow’s (Thursday’s) schedule is for the close field to be groomed into a hybrid configuration of the two race days and open to course inspection by 10 AM.  If all goes according to plan, a Husky Pass will be possible later in the morning in the woods.  Race grooming will dominate from Thursday night until Sunday morning.  Your understanding in working around the race schedule is much appreciated; detailed information about everything concerning the race is on the event website.

Finally, couldn’t close the grooming report without including an amazing picture of one of Coach Kathy’s skiers performing some amazing, if not quite Olympic caliber, gymnastics in Nordic gear, way cool!

Groomer’s choice for today is classic skiing Woolsey Woods. 

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec

Grooming Monday-Saturday
Last Update: 2/9

Cache creek and May park are groomed. Game creek will be done around 11:00.

Thursday Grooming: High School Fields, Emily’s Pond Levee, Wilson Centennial Pathway

Cache Creek Fat Bike Trails

Last Update: 1/31

I ran a drag over the trails in Cache tonight to smooth out the new snow into ruts and footprints.  Things are still nice and firm up there.

Grooming by Friends of Pathways.

Teton Pines Nordic

Grooming Daily
Last Update: 1/23

Our trails continue to be in incredible shape with this awesome weather we’ve recently had! The cold temps and clear skies are great for the track. We groom 13km+ daily for both skate and classic with our new snowcat. 

Our trails and shop are fully open to the public 9am-4pm daily. Day passes, 10 punch cards, and season passes are available at the shop. 

Please call us in advance to book lessons at: (307) 733-1733. You do not need a reservation for skiing and we do not take reservations for rentals. Please contact us in advance to check availability for off-site rentals.

We still have a great selection of skate skis, a few classic track and BC skis, boots, jackets, pants, gloves, and hats. We also have a good selection of used skate gear available. Call or come by to see if we have your sizes! We have a full tuning shop so drop off your skis for a wax done by our great wax techs!

Visit our website for pricing and other information: www.tetonpinesnordiccenter.com

Shooting Star

Grooming Daily
Last Update: 2/9

Sunny and dry weather is again forecasted through this weekend continuing to provide very enjoyable Nordic Conditions. Be aware that some icy areas are forming, and the snowpack is now hard packed from the lack of fresh snow. It’s now been about 30+ days since we’ve received any meaningful snow accumulations and this dry weather pattern looks to continue for the foreseeable future. The track would greatly benefit from another 1-2ft of fresh snow to get us through the late part of the season. Until more snow returns, we’ll try our best to work/groom the snow as best we can with the limitations of the current snowpack.  Overall, skiing should remain great! Get outside and make the most out of these rare sunny winter days! Next Update Monday (2/14).


  • SLED HILL GROOMED on 2/7 (Grooming will occur as needed)

Snake River Sporting Club

Daily Nordic grooming for both “Front Nine”  (south side) and “Back Nine” (North side) Nordic Trails

Public access to the groomed Nordic trails is $50 per person per day, with no season passes available. Ski rentals are available at the Sports Shop. Guests must check in at the Sports Shop to sign a waiver and make payment before heading out. The daily pass does not allow access to the Restaurant this season. The clinics that are being offered are for members and lodging guests only.

Please call the Sports Shop with any questions you may have at 307-200-3093

Grand Teton National Park

Last Update: 2/8

It is a beautiful sunny day today in GTNP.  Grooming to Signal from Taggart Lake trailhead.

Update: It is now on our schedule to groom to Signal on Tuesdays and Fridays unless something unforeseen comes up.  We are only grooming to Jenny on Sundays.  

Grooming is sponsored by the GTNP Foundation and generous donations from our community.

Turpin Meadow Ranch

Grooming Daily
Last Update: 2/9

Our groomer did a double pass with the ginzu on the skate lanes in the meadow and riverside on Wednesday evening. A single pass on the skate lane was done in the hills. Everything groomed very nicely. Classic lanes still look good. Whichever sport you choose to participate in you can expect good times, fresh air, and beautiful views.

Please sign acknowledgment of risk forms and pay for trail passes online ahead of your visit. Call the front office (307) 543-2000 ahead of your visit for booking equipment rentals and Nordic adventures (lessons and tours).

https://www.turpinmeadowranch.com | 307.543.2000

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!

Grand Targhee

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday
Last Updated: 2/9
Cross Country 15k: XC OPEN
Fat Bike Trails : Open
Snowshoe Trails: Open

Targhee’s Nordic trails are groomed Tuesdays, Thursdays & Sat/Sundays. Fat bike/snowshoe trails are groomed regularly but not on a set schedule – the groomer usually waits until after a storm cycle to groom the single track. 
Trail day passes are $20 this winter. 

Remember, singletracks will be closed when there is more than 3 inches of snow in a 24 hour period.

Alta Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 2/7
Skate: Set | Classic: Set

Reset skate lane. Classic is in good shape. Nice corduroy for skating and firm fast classic tracks for Tuesday morning.

Please do not park in the library parking lot. Please be sure to keep your dogs on a leash and to clean up after them.


Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 2/9
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set

Heading out now. Finish by 11 AM

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 2/

Skate: Set | Classic: Set

Skate track came out nice with the drag….should be excellent! Classic track needs snow to reset but is there! Do your snow dances!

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 2/

Skate: Set | Classic: Set

Cleaned up the skate lane tonight. Epic skate skiing continues.

Southern Valley Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday & Sunday
Last Updated: 2/7
Skate: Set | Classic: Set

Headed out to start grooming by 5:30 PM with a plan to reset the skate and classic track. Please be aware of the grooming equipment.

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

Teton Reserve Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Thursday & Saturday
Last Updated: 2/9
Skate: Set | Classic: Set

Completed skate and classic grooming late this afternoon. Should be really nice skiing tomorrow.

No dogs allowed.

Southern Valley Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/4
Singletrack: Set

Friday morning early a.m. I was able to drag and reset happy hour, Powerline all the way to Pole Canyon, upper and lower lady slipper and Sherman Springs access road. The entire singletrack system is rockin and rollin. Enjoy the ride.

Hillbender to Nemo

Nemo to Lady Slipper

Happy Hour (aka Mike Harris to ID/WY state line)

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

Darby Canyon

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 1/13

Grooming to summer trail head 1/13

Rammell Mountain Road

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/15

The USFS is continuing to monitor snow levels on our roads and will close them to wheeled motorized vehicles when there is enough snow to groom.

South Leigh Road

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/8

Groomed evening 2/8.

JH Nordic Masters Classic & Skate Ski Clinics

11am – 12:30pm

Hosted by Scott Horn and JH Ski Club Nordic Team Coaches

There will be 10 clinics running every Thursday in January and February from 11am-12:30pm. The Nordic Masters clinics will focus on skate ski and classic cross country skiing every other week.

Joining all 10 clinics is your best approach to developing your full Nordic skiing technique, balance, stride, stamina, and overall fitness while having fun in a small group. For those who only wish to focus on one technique, we are offering a Skate Ski Clinic series of 5 clinics or a Classic Cross country series of 5 clinics.

We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic

Explore JH Nordic



  • September Trail Report
    JH Nordic Spotlight: Board Member Dave Bergart How many Nordic-y things are you involved in?JHNA board member, TRC race director, competitor in international race circuit (racing the Norwaigen birkie this year!), dad of 2 girls on the GTSSF Nordic (and alpine) team.  What are 3 trails you love that would be fun to go see now on a bike or a walk/run before the snow flies, and why?1. Moose Creek>Taylor loop>Moosecreek – TVTAP did an incredible job this summer… Read More