Annual Free Ski – Fat Bike – Snowshoe Day Hosted by JH Nordic Alliance is CANCELLED
Due to the surge in Covid outbreaks in Teton County, the JH Nordic Alliance and Turpin Meadow Ranch sincerely regret we must cancel our Annual Event, previously scheduled for tomorrow, January 9th.
Check TurpinMeadowRanch.com or the JH Nordic Trail Reports for updates for Nordic Ski, fat bike and snowshoe trails.
For the health and safety of our community, we encourage responsible outdoor winter recreation with social distancing, using a mask when indoors, stay home when sick.
Thank you for your understanding… See you on the trails..

JHNTeton Ridge Classic Ski Race
Grand Targhee Nordic Trails, Alta Wyoming
19th Annual Classic Cross Country Ski race – Race format: wave starts based on distance; 24 km, 14 km, 7 km, and 2 km.
For more info and registration: https://tetonridgeclassic.com/registration
For race trail maps: https://tetonridgeclassic.com/maps
Do You Know The Avalanche Danger?
Currently the avalanche danger is considerable to high depending on elevation. Considerable avalanche danger means that dangerous unstable slabs exist and that human triggered avalanches are probable, natural avalanches possible. High Avalanche danger means that natural avalanches are likely and human triggered slides are very likely; dangerous conditions exist and travel in avalanche terrain is not recommended.
Please know the avalanche forecast before you go into the mountains, passing below or traversing even a small steep slope can be dangerous no matter what sport you are participating in. The Bridger-Teton Avalanche Center website is a fantastic resource to help with your trip planning; know the conditions and make smart decisions out there! Sometimes a smart decision is choosing to change plans. Most Nordic centers in our area are without avalanche terrain so perhaps this weekend is a good time to head to a Nordic resort.

Ski Adventures With Your Pup

It’s always hard to think about leaving your favorite adventure partner at home when you embark on a snowy adventure. But what if you didn’t have to?
Cross Country skiing with your dog is the perfect workout in the fresh winter air while bonding with your favorite furry friend. The JH Nordic blog has some helpful tips for a smooth start out on the winter trials.
Read more to know the basic guidelines and our favorite places to ski with your dog(s).

Trail Creek
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 1/7
How Are We Doing?
Hopefully you are doing well and 2022 has been good for you so far. When we look into how Trail Creek is doing in relation to historic snow packs, it is also doing really well. The Water Resources Data System & State Climate Office shows that the Snake River Basin is currently sitting at 127% of normal for this date. If you focus in a little closer at our nearest reporting station, the Phillips Bench Snotel site, it shows us a little less percentage wise, but still a very healthy 111% of normal. One interesting trivia bit is that that amount is only 45% of the average annual maximum which means we still have a lot of snow to go.
Almost all of that recent snow that has fallen on the trails at Trail Creek has been enlisted in the fulfillment of our primary mission here, providing great Nordic skiing. If you make it out today you will find some nice conditions. Overnight temps were nearly in the tropical range with the mercury barely reaching down to the freezing level. As of report time the fancy new thermometer on the Husky was reporting around 40ºF and we were experiencing moderate breezes.
First of the season double classic tracks were placed in the East Fields, extra wide grooming happened on the Close Field, Moose Loop, and Animal Farm, and pretty much everything else got at least one pass. The overnight accumulation of about two inches of really heavy snow converted into some pretty fast and firm conditions today. If you have the time you won’t be sorry for taking advantage of a TGIF ski today.
Groomer’s choice for today is the double classic tracks in the East Field.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Grooming Monday-Saturday
Last Update: 1/7
Cache creek and May park were groomed 1/6 and in good shape. Game creek was not be groomed Friday because the avalanche danger for low elevations was rated as considerable. Three creek pathway was done Friday morning.
Saturday Grooming Schedule: High School Fields, Emily’s Pond Levee, Wilson Centennial Pathway.
Cache Creek Fat Bike Trails
Last Update: 1/7
I did another lap with a lot of shoveling today so the trails should be in good shape as the temps drop this evening and the snow sets up.
Grooming by Friends of Pathways.
Teton Pines Nordic
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 1/4
The snow is great at Teton Pines! We groom 13km+ daily for both skate and classic with our new snowcat.
We are open to the public 9am-4pm. Please call us in advance to book lessons at: (307) 733-1733. You do not need a reservation for skiing and we do not take reservations for rentals. Please contact us to check availability for off-site rentals.
We still have a great selection of classic skis, skate skis, boots, jackets, pants, gloves, and hats. We have a full tuning shop so drop off your skis for a nordic wax done by our great wax techs who are all nordic skiers!
Visit our website for pricing and other information: www.tetonpinesnordiccenter.com
Shooting Star
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 1/7
It looks like we’re finally at the tail end of this recent weather system. Anticipate a windy rain/snow mix this afternoon that’ll linger through tomorrow morning followed by what appears to be a week’s worth of sunny/calm weather. Due to the recent storms weather, our snowcat won’t be picked up for repairs until early next week… So, we’ll continue to limp the snowcat through on the yellow loop over the weekend. Next update will be Monday (1/10).
Snake River Sporting Club
Grooming Daily
Both the Front and Back Nine trails are groomed daily and are in excellent condition. Call for info 307-201-3093 and check in at the Clubhouse to pay trail fee. www.snakeriversportingclub.com

Grand Teton National Park
Last Update: 1/7
Showing off the new Husky – GTNP – Taggart Lake Trailhead to Signal Mountain Friday morning. Skiing conditions look good with all the new snow.
Grooming is sponsored by the GTNP Foundation and generous donations from our community.
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 1/7
The trails are looking good after this most recent storm. Just a reminder that the annual Free Ski Day on Sunday, hosted at Turpin, is cancelled. But any day and everyday is a glorious day to ski – fat bike – snowshoe at Turpin. Please sign waivers and pay for trail passes online ahead of your visit. Call the front office (307) 543-2000 ahead of your visit for booking equipment rentals and Nordic adventures (lessons and tours).
https://www.turpinmeadowranch.com | 307.543.2000

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Grand Targhee
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday
Last Updated: 1/6
Cross Country 15k: XC OPEN – last groomed 1/4/2022
Fat Bike Trails : Closed
Snowshoe Trails: Open
Targhee’s Nordic trails are groomed Tuesdays, Thursdays & Sat/Sundays. Fat bike/snowshoe trails are groomed regularly but not on a set schedule – the groomer usually waits until after a storm cycle to groom the single track.
Trail day passes are $20 this winter.
Remember, singletracks will be closed when there is more than 3 inches of snow in a 24 hour period.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 1/6
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Set
Set 2 classic all around south and north loops. Unable to compact and set skate. Very sticky snow, above freezing temperature.
Please do not park in the library parking lot. Please be sure to keep your dogs on a leash and to clean up after them.
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 1/7
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
No grooming at Driggs Friday, we were busy preparing for the TRC race. Hope to see you there!
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 1/7
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
No grooming at Sherman Park Friday, we were busy preparing for the TRC race. Hope to see you there!
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 1/7
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Friday am: Rolled new snow yesterday, so able to use Ginzu this morning to reset both skate and classic tracks. Finish by 930. Perhaps still a bit soft, but not bad.
Southern Valley Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday & Sunday
Last Updated: 1/6
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
Go powder skiing! Mike Harris parking area is not accessible and the trails are not groomed. Snowplows are doing their best, but struggling to keep up with the storm. Stay tuned for the latest parking lot and trail conditions.
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Teton Reserve Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Thursday & Saturday
Last Updated: 1/7
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
All tracks set Friday evening; finished around 6:30pm, but it is wicked windy. Good news is the course is nicely established.
No dogs allowed.
Southern Valley Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 1/3
Singletrack: Not Set
All the trails have been snowmobile compacted, but not groomed. With more snow and rising temperatures in the forecast, it may be a few days till they’re fat bike ready.
Happy Hour (aka Mike Harris to ID/WY state line)
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Darby Canyon
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/28
Groomed 12/28 to summer trailhead.
Rammell Mountain Road
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/15
The USFS is continuing to monitor snow levels on our roads and will close them to wheeled motorized vehicles when there is enough snow to groom
South Leigh Road
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/28
Grooming 12/28

JHNTeton Ridge Classic Ski Race
Grand Targhee Nordic Trails, Alta Wyoming
19th Annual Classic Cross Country Ski race – Race format: wave starts based on distance; 24 km, 14 km, 7 km, and 2 km.
For more info and registration: https://tetonridgeclassic.com/registration
For race trail maps: https://tetonridgeclassic.com/maps

JH Nordic Masters Classic & Skate Ski Clinics
11am – 12:30pm
Hosted by Scott Horn and JH Ski Club Nordic Team Coaches
There will be 10 clinics running every Thursday in January and February from 11am-12:30pm. The Nordic Masters clinics will focus on skate ski and classic cross country skiing every other week.
Joining all 10 clinics is your best approach to developing your full Nordic skiing technique, balance, stride, stamina, and overall fitness while having fun in a small group. For those who only wish to focus on one technique, we are offering a Skate Ski Clinic series of 5 clinics or a Classic Cross country series of 5 clinics.
January Women’s Skate Skiing Clinics
Dates: Fridays – January 14 and January 21
Time: 11am-12:30pm
Teton Pines Nordic Center

If you’d like to improve your skate technique and fitness, come join us for three Skate lessons at Teton Pines. We’ll improve our glide on skate skis and learn to be more efficient uphill, downhill, and review the different skating strides. These clinics are for those with some skate skiing experience who would like to improve. We will cover more than the basics to get you skating longer distances with ease and going up and down hills with proficiency and confidence. Each session will be part instruction with plenty of time to ski and practice. $50/Clinic or $135 for all 3 ($45/Clinic for Teton Pines Nordic Center season pass holders). Rentals available for $35. Trail pass is included.
Instructor: Kim Springer Kim grew up warming her fingers in the Octagon on Mt. Mansfield in Stowe, Vermont. After college she discovered the warm world of Nordic skiing and has been passionate about all aspects of the sport ever since. She loves sharing that passion with others and has taught in and around Jackson Hole for many years.
Questions or to register: Call Teton Pines Nordic Center at: (307) 733-1733

We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic