Top Jackon Hole and Teton Valley Hiking Trails

Go to, click on “Trails” in the Nav bar, click on the “summer hiking” icon. Add other filters for a specific region, difficulty, dog friendly, distance and more:

Phelps Lake, Photo: AllTrails

Bradley and Taggart Lake
Cache Creek
Game Creek
Mt Elly -Teton Pass South
Coal Creek
Emily’s Pond
Hermitage Point 
Mail Cabin Creek
Phelps Lake -from Death Canyon trailhead
Philips Canyon to Philips Pass
Red Creek
Rimrock Ranch trail
Shadow Mountain
Ski Lake
Teton Village Trail
and more…

Hole Hiking Experience – Summer Update

With the start of summer, snow melts at higher elevations and wildflowers dance in the meadows. With over 1000 species of flowering plants in Jackson Hole, summer meadows are spectacular and share a mosaic of colors. By the solstice, energy reaches a seasonal high with young animals, young birds calling from the nest, blooming flowers, sunny days, and lots of visitors. 

97% of Jackson Hole is protected. Millions of acres to explore. Make sure to tread lightly and give wildlife space. Peak flowers currently around 8000-9000 feet in elevation.  Join a naturalist with The Hole Hiking Experience ( hike off the beaten track and learn about plants, wildlife, ecology, cultural history and much more. You also can’t beat an afternoon on the water during the heat of the day so join one of the many rafting companies to get wet. Quite busy on the roads and trails so take a breath and enjoy the beauty if you get delayed. 

Hot and dry conditions in Jackson Hole. By the middle of June, fire danger increases to high due to dry vegetation and lack of rain.  52 abandoned fires have been reported by Teton Interagency personnel. Fire ban now in place and dry conditions have increased fire danger to “very high.” Our community is asking everyone to be careful.

Enjoy the beauty of summer and maybe we will see you on the trail.

The Hole Hiking Experience   307.690.4453

Camping: What to Know

Campsites fill up fast, so be sure to plan ahead. Camping in Bridger-Teton National Forest is first come first serve, while in Grand Teton National Park it’s all on a reservation system. Check the website if you want to camp in the park.

Fire Safety
Check local fire restrictions before making a fire. Use only existing fire rings and make sure the fire is truly out before departing. As of July 1, we are under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions. This means:

Lighting, building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire, barbecue or grill is allowed
only at designated recreation sites such as established campgrounds or picnic areas. Use of
portable stoves and lanterns using gas, jellied petroleum or pressurized liquid fuel, or use of a
fully enclosed sheepherder type stove with a spark arrester screen is permitted.

• Smoking is allowed only in an enclosed vehicle, building (unless otherwise prohibited),
developed recreation site, or while in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or
cleared of all flammable materials (i.e. parking lots, developed campsites, or locations
surrounded by water).

Food Storage
Store anything that smells in a hard sided vehicle or bear proof box to keep bears and people safe. If you’re not near a vehicle, hang items four feet away from trunk and ten feet above the ground. Pack out what you bring in.

JH Ski & Snowboard Club Nordic Cat Campaign

A new grooming snow cat is on its way to Trail Creek this winter, for the best groomed trails ever! Only $70k remaining to raise to meet our $260k total goal. Please consider making a donation to help our Ski club meet this key goal. Trail Creek Nordic is our home groomed trail place for nearly 200 local kids in our nordic training programs, as well as host to our favorite local/regional classic cross country and skate races for kids and masters alike.

Friends of the Bridger-Teton June Update

Friends of the Bridger-Teton has been busy! Desperately needed vault toilets have been installed at Shadow Mountain and Toppings. Bear poles, fire rings and bear boxes installed. Illegal campsites have been cleaned and weeds treated. Friends of the BTNP has invested your financial support to help mitigate the surge of visitors in the area. Click below to read more about what the Friends of the Bridger-Teton have been up to!

Proper Pathway Etiquette with Friends of Pathways

A big thanks to Friends of Pathways for putting together this fun video on pathway etiquette. Visit their website to learn more:

Teton Food Tour – Tickets on Sale Now

Join Friends of Pathways on Sunday, July 18th from 12:30-5:00 for this pedal-powered event from R-Park to Teton Village celebrating delicious food and pathways. Featuring small plates and beverages prepared by local vendors, live music and bike decorating! Check out this fun video from the 2019 Food Tour.

Tickets are $40 per person through July 12th and $45 thereafter$4 snack bags for kids!

Three registration times for a staggered start: 12:30 p.m., 12:45 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. Participants will experience wide and ample tastes from Street Food, Persephone BakeryAspens MarketFarmstead CiderSweet Cheeks MeatsSnake River Brewing, Hannah Cakes, Bodega & Kate’s Real Food. Bike check-ups provided by Hoback Sports. Musical entertainment as well. Tickets on sale now – get em while you can, this event has always sold out!

Wildlife Update with Ecotour Adventures

EcoTour Adventures is out every day guiding half day, full day, and multi day Wildlife and National Park Tours of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks.  The diverse and abundant wildlife of Wyoming are one of the top reasons people come to visit our state and we’re proud to be the top rated outdoor activity for travelers on TripAdvisor.  Join one of our experienced Naturalists in our 4×4 Safari Style Vehicles, complete with custom roof hatches, professional Maven binoculars and spotting scopes, hot coffee and fresh snacks to maximize your time exploring with us.  

Learn more about the EcoTour Adventures Difference Here

EcoTour Adventures is a founding member of Wildlife Tourism For Tomorrow, which inspires businesses and individuals who depend upon Wyoming’s Wildlife to help fund on-the ground projects that make a difference.

Save the Dates for your favorite Fall and winter Events:

Saturday, September 25th – JH Ski & Snowboard Club – Black Tie Blue Jean Ski Ball – -Back at the Top of the Gondi – don’t miss this fabulous party to support coaching and programs over 500 local kids ages 5-19

Saturday, October 16th – Annual JH Ski & Snowboard Club Ski Swap -drop off on Friday Oct 15th –

Sunday, January 9th -JH Nordic Alliance 5th Annual Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe Day @ Turpin Meadow Ranch

We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic

Explore JH Nordic



  • Crust Cruising, Get It While You Can!
    crust cruising on skate and classic cross country skis is a highlight of spring Nordic skiing in Grand Teton National Park