First JHNordic Masters Classic Clinic POSTPONED
Today’s 1st Classic cross country ski clinic is postponed to Thursday, Dec 23rd. The 1st Skate Ski Masters Clinic remains scheduled for Dec 16th 11am-12:30pm.
Clinics will run every Thursday in January and February from 11am-12:30pm. The Nordic Masters clinics will focus on skate ski and classic cross country skiing every other week.
Joining all 10 clinics is your best approach to developing your full Nordic skiing technique, balance, stride, stamina, and overall fitness while having fun in a small group. For those who only wish to focus on one technique, we are offering a Skate Ski Clinic series of 5 clinics or a Classic Cross country series of 5 clinics.
- Thurs. December 23rd -classic cross country ski
- Thurs. January 6th – classic cross country ski
- Thurs. January 20th – classic cross country ski
- Thurs. February 3rd – classic cross country ski
- Thurs. February 17th – classic cross country ski
- Thurs. December 16th -Skate ski
- Thurs. January 13th – Skate ski
- Thurs. January 27th – Skate ski
- Thurs. February 10th – Skate ski
- Thurs. February 24th -Skate ski

JHSC Nordic Gets Ready for Winter
JHSC Nordic is in a great place moving into the ski season! We have over 230 athletes enrolled, all the way from Lollipoppers to Masters, which is a huge increase from the 175 we had last season. We are currently working on distributing lease equipment, prepping Trail Creek for the snow, adding kilometers to the trail system, and gearing up for the race season ahead! This season will look crowded at Trail Creek, but we will have the addition of a new Prinoth Husky snow groomer to handle all the volume and make sure that we keep good tracks for all the skiers out there.
With so many new faces, equipment, and items, things will look different but it will be the same JHSC community as always. Please be respectful and welcoming to the newcomers and enjoy the facilities we have! All hands on deck! This will be a huge year!! – Will Wicherski, Head Coach and Nordic Program Director

News from Trail Creek
First off, a huge Thank You to all who have made possible the procurement of the new Prinoth Husky. It is amazing to see it sitting in front of the cabin at Trail Creek. While our old Pisten Bully Paana made a lot of nice tracks for many years, we are extremely excited to have upgraded to this technologically advanced snow cat and have every expectation that it will bring positive results to our trails this winter. Let is snow!
Like everyone, we had hoped that Covid would be over by now, but that just isn’t the case; however, we are learning to live with it a little better and are hoping that the fulfillment of our Nordic mission won’t be adversely affected by the continuing pandemic. The cabin will be open this year, although masks are required when more than one family is in the facility. We look forward to a full racing and skiing season and will do our best to provide a safe way for people to exercise and be healthy.
The basic rule is to socially distance, mask if distancing is not possible, be wise, stay healthy, and have fun while getting your exercise!
One positive is the return to shuttling kids this year so hopefully the traffic situation will be a little easier to navigate.
We had a great clean-up day and the trails are overall in pretty good shape. There has been some helpful tree removal in the woods which has relieved some of the old pinch points.
As of report day the snow depth was pretty much in the zero range. But, as everyone is aware, a balmy fall can turn to full winter in a matter of days if a big storm system moves in, so make sure you get your passes purchased and are ready to go! Passes can be purchased at the Trail Creek page.
Fun at the Targhee TuneUp
Targhee TuneUp Skate Ski Race on Saturday at Grand Targhee. Fun race and Rec ski, grooming thanks to TVTAP Idaho. Good to be on snow!!

ON THE BLOG: Trail Snacks – New Ideas, Ratings and Recipes
Headed out for a long ski, trail run, bike ride, or adventure? Sick of eating the same Clif bar, or forcing a GU down? With these new snack ideas you will be counting down the minutes until your next snack break!
A great trail snack has the perfect amount of healthy fats, some protein, and fast burning carbohydrates, the main source of energy in long endurance activities. Oh and for a PERFECT trail snack it has to be tasty!
However, that being said, everyone’s body is different! So finding that perfect snack that keeps you from bonking may take a little trial and error. Here are some of my favorite go to snacks to try out.

Let’s Connect on Facebook!
Join the new JH Nordic Facebook Group! This group is designed to give Nordic skiers a place to meet up, plan ski outings, coordinate car pooling, and share trail knowledge.

Trail Creek
Not yet open, grooming coming soon
Currently minimal snow, but as everyone is aware, a balmy fall can turn to full winter in a matter of days if a big storm system moves in, so make sure you get your passes purchased and are ready to go! Passes can be purchased at the Trail Creek page.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Grooming coming soon
Grooming scheduled to begin in mid December after sufficient snowfall and a groomable base. Updates to follow.
Cache Creek
Grooming coming soon
Pending snowfall and a groomable base, more updates to follow. Fat bike trails are groomed by Friends of Pathways; main trail is groomed by Parks & Rec
Teton Pines Nordic
We are open 9am-2pm M-F until further notice. We will roll and open for skiing as early as the weather allows.

Shooting Star
Not yet open, grooming coming soon
Pending snowfall and a groomable base. Updates to follow.
Grand Teton National Park
Grooming coming soon
The inner park road is closed to vehicles at the Taggart Trailhead. Grooming is scheduled to begin in mid December, after sufficient snowfall and a groomable base. Updates to follow.
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Not yet open, grooming coming soon
Grooming scheduled to begin mid December, after sufficient snowfall and a groomable base. The ranch opens for the winter 2021-22 season December 19 for the public.
https://www.turpinmeadowranch.com | 307.543.2000, office
Grand Targhee
Fatbiking, Snowshoeing and Nordic currently closed.

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Not yet open, grooming coming soon
We hope to begin grooming soon. The farm fields at the Alta Track were aggressively tilled this fall, so it will take quite a bit of snow coverage before we can begin grooming. Let it snow!
Please do not park in the library parking lot. Please be sure to keep your dogs on a leash and to clean up after them.
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Not yet open, grooming coming soon
We hope to begin grooming soon. LET IT SNOW!
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Not yet open, grooming coming soon
We hope to begin grooming soon. LET IT SNOW!
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/7
Skate: Set | Classic: Not Set
Tuesday: An inch or two new snow accumulated, rolled track, first mile had completely melted off past week so remains a bit rocky. Three miles beyond had not melted off so groomed out fairly well. Hopefully a bit more snow Wednesday night will allow a good groom Thursday morning.
Southern Valley Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday & Sunday
Not yet open, grooming coming soon
We need more snow before grooming can begin. The good news is that the dry weather enabled the installation of a new bathroom facility at the Mike Harris trailhead. The pathway construction has come to a halt for the winter season. We do not plan on grooming the pathway corridor this winter due to the lack of a safe access across the highway.
Teton Reserve Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Thursday & Saturday
Not yet open, grooming coming soon
NEW VENUE! We are working hard to create an amazing Nordic trail for you to enjoy around the Teton Reserve golf course. The trail will be about 7KM in length and have 100 ft. of elevation gain/loss. Teton Reserve plans to have their Clubhouse open (normal business hours) for the public to utilize the bathroom facility, and purchase a warm drink or pint of something frothy. We need about a foot of snow before taking the groomer out on the course. Stay tuned for more updates.
No dogs allowed.
5th Street Singletrack
Not yet open, grooming coming soon
Southern Valley Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Grooming coming soon
Please don’t ride muddy trails. We need more snow and freezing temperatures before any grooming happens. Stay tuned…
Darby Canyon
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Grooming coming soon
No grooming operations until there is more snow.
South Leigh Road
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Grooming coming soon
Has not been groomed since March 2021

JH Nordic Masters Classic & Skate Ski Clinics
Hosted by Scott Horn and JH Ski Club Nordic Team Coaches
There will be 10 clinics, starting with 2 clinics in December, then running every Thursday in January and February from 11am-12:30pm. The Nordic Masters clinics will focus on skate ski and classic cross country skiing every other week.
Joining all 10 clinics is your best approach to developing your full Nordic skiing technique, balance, stride, stamina, and overall fitness while having fun in a small group. For those who only wish to focus on one technique, we are offering a Skate Ski Clinic series of 5 clinics or a Classic Cross country series of 5 clinics.

JHNordic 5th Annual Free Ski, Fat Bike, & Snowshoe Day at Turpin Meadow Ranch
Turpin Meadow Ranch – 1 hr north of Jackson- Buffalo Valley Road (off Hwy 287/26) – Parking onsite/carpooling encouraged.
Fun, Free Community Day – with Raffle benefiting a local Nordic Alliance non-profit:
Free trail pass, Free skate & classic XC ski demo gear, Free fat bike demos, free Nordic ski lessons, Free Back Country Nordic Snowshoe tours, Kids Corral (2-5 year olds), Bridger-Teton USFS wildlife and wilderness info, Kates Bars – Lunch, hot & cold drinks.
Sponsored by the JH Nordic Alliance members.
Family, friends, visitors, dogs (on leash) welcome: please register in advance to secure your spot!
Bring your own skis recommended to use between free demos and tours .
Email : Info@JHNordic.com for more info
We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic