Daily Trail Report Spring Schedule

As winter trail grooming is wrapping up, the JH Nordic Daily Trail Report will be transitioning towards a spring schedule which means beginning Monday, April 3 updates will happen a little less frequently. You can expect emails Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays until April 15 (which will be the final winter trail post of the 2022/23 winter season). You can still stay up to date on opened groomed trails and last grooming dates anytime by checking the grooming page. On May 6th we will shift to monthly JH Nordic Trail Reports delivered on the 1st Saturday of each month until late November when snow covered trails return!

What’s Groomed in Jackson Hole/Teton Valley?

See real-time grooming in the Jackson Hole/Teton Valley region. Find all the latest grooming & fresh groomed tracks.  Plan your next Nordic Adventure with ease.

In Grand Teton, Moose-Wilson Road road closure begins April 10

Nordic skiers who love to ski to Phelps Lake or LSR Preserve from Granite Canyon trailhead parking area need to get out this week! Grand Teton National Park will close the road between Granite Canyon trail head and LSR Preserve entrance starting April 10th, to resume construction of the Moose-Wilson Road upgrade.

Skiers and snowshoers (as long as the snow lasts) and eventually hikers can access both locations via the north from Moose.

Read the full story from JH News & Guide.

Wildlife Wednesday with EcoTour Adventures

Research Revealed: Bighorn sheep & pneumonia
We’re back with another “Research Revealed” segment, this time about the very important work being done to better understand the Gros Ventre bighorn sheep herd and the effects pneumonia has on the population. Research suggests that higher population densities could cause massive herd die-offs due to reduced body fat among individuals, making the bighorn sheep unable to fight off a pneumonia outbreak. Head to the link below to read more about this ongoing study.

End of Grooming Dates

Teton County Parks & Rec: Last day of grooming April 8th.
Shooting Star: Last day of grooming April 9th, then closed for the season.
Trail Creek: Done grooming for the season, but still open for skiing.
Turpin Meadow Ranch: Done grooming for the season, but still open for skiing.
Teton Pines: Closed for the season.
Grand Teton National Park: Done grooming for the season, road snow removal operations underway.
Teton Valley:
Darby Canyon, Rammell Mountain Road, South Leigh Road, Pinnacle Trail done grooming for the season.

JH Ski Club Nordic Masters Ski Clinics – Take the Feedback Survey

In their 4th season, the JH Ski Club Nordic Masters Skate and Classic Ski clinics continue to be a popular way to improve one’s technique, meet fellow skiers, receive some personal ski coaching.

If you attended the Clinics this winter, in previous winters, or are interested for next year, the JH Ski Club Nordic Masters coaches would value your input.

Will, Scott H, and fellow coaches would greatly appreciate hearing your feedback, so they can continue to deliver high quality, fun Nordic Masters clinics and improve every year. Please fill out this survey. They will randomly select 20 surveys to win a JH Ski Club or JH Nordic buff.

Trail Creek

Grooming has Ended for the Season
Last Update:
Thanks For A Beautiful Season!
It’s been a beautiful day, and a beautiful season. Near-record snows have kept us going in perfect condition far beyond the average, making every day a gift we should truly stop and take a moment to appreciate. Alas, all good things must come to an end, and today, Trail Creek had its final grooming of the season. The last of the signs and markers were pulled last night, leaving Trail Creek clean and unblemished. A few signs were lost under the snow, so if any start to pop out later in the season, please bring them back up to the cabin; it would be much appreciated!

Today’s grooming was a near-total double pass over all the trails in the system, the Husky doing its utmost to bring every single trail to perfection before entering its long hibernation over the summer. This includes Woolsey Woods, Moose Poop Loop, Moose Loop, Déjà vu, Animal Farm, Black Hole, Boiler, Mugs Meadow, the East Fields, and the Close Fields. Take advantage of it while you can, there’s an unbelievable amount of new snow on the way!

A massive thank you to the many, many people who help make grooming at Trail Creek possible!

  • The Coaches, who help introduce new generations to the joys of Nordic skiing.
  • The ski teams, who put in enormous effort to be the best they can be.
  • The people who work behind the scenes, building the framework we need to function.
  • The donors, who provide the resources needed to make Trail Creek a success.
  • The landowners, who generously allow us to use their property.
  • The volunteers, who offer up priceless time to keep Jackson Hole the skiing treasure it is.
  • And most importantly: You! Without the skiers, none of this would be possible.
  • A special thanks to Groomer 1; without your constant advice and guidance, this season could never have been as good as it was.
  • Thanks to all of you, and we hope to see you next season!

Signing off, Groomer 2(and, by proxy, Groomer 1).

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec

Grooming Today: Emily’s Pond Levee, High School Fields, Wilson Centennial Trail
Last Update: 4/5

Game creek is groomed and in good shape although I had to turn around at the creek crossing. There were two stressed moose on the trail and they would not let me pass. I did not feel comfortable pushing them up the trail and stressing them more than they already were.

Last day of grooming April 8th

Cache Creek Singletrack

Groomed by Friends of Pathways
Grooming Schedule: As Needed

Last Update: 4/2
Singletrack groomed 4/1.

Teton Pines Nordic

Closed for the Season
Teton Pines Nordic Center and trails are closed for the season.  The golf crew is getting things ready for summer and we ask that everyone stay off the track until we open next December. Thanks for a great season! 

Shooting Star

Grooming Daily
Last Update: 4/3
It’s officially the final week for Nordic Skiing! Grooming will stop after Sunday, April 9th. Conditions should be very enjoyable with stable afternoon temperatures in the Low 30’s through Thursday followed by warmer/wet weather for the weekend. Soak up the remaining days of what’s been a very snowy winter!

After April 9th the course will be closed as GCM will begin removing snow from the cart paths and commence spring golf course preparations once conditions allow.

Please help support trail grooming in GTNP by donating to the Grand Teton National Park Foundation. It’s easy and encouraged. All you need to do is visit: GTNPF.org/donate/ and leave the comment “Nordic” in the designation section. There is the opportunity to leave a one time gift or reoccurring monthly donations in any amount.

Grand Teton National Park

Grooming Has Ended For The Season
Winter grooming of the 14-mile section of Teton Park Road between Taggart Lake Trailhead and Signal Mountain parking area ended March 10. The road will remain open for winter activities until March 20 when snow removal operations begin.

While grooming in GTNP has come to an end for the season, there are other great options of where you can track ski. Check out JHNordic.com/Grooming/ to find other fresh grooming in our new real-time map, thanks to our partner, Nordic-Pulse.

Turpin Meadow Ranch

Closed For The Season
Thank you all for a wonderful winter season at Turpin Meadow Ranch! While our trails are on the Bridger-Teton National Forest (meaning you can still come enjoy them on your own) they are no longer being maintained. If you do make the drive, bring your bear spray and remember: the lodge and all services are closed for the season, please respect that all buildings on the resort are private.

Please support TVTAP winter trail grooming on your favorite TV winter trails by purchasing a TVTAP Trail sticker  Please remember to manage your dogs and respect dog and wildlife closures. Buy a dog trail sticker, too!

Grand Targhee

Grooming Schedule: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday
Last Updated: 4/5
Classic Track: Set | Fat Bike Trails: Closed | Snowshoe Trails: Open
Temperatures are beginning to warm up as we head towards the weekend. Expect patchy clouds today with moments of sunshine. There are still patches of good snow throughout the mountain if you know where to look. Come and get it before the warm spell arrives!

Remember, singletracks will be closed when there is more than 3 inches of snow in a 24 hour period.

Alta Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 4/4
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Rolled one skate lane and set the classic track everywhere except the northwest inner loop. Bothe skating and classic should be good.


Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 4/4
Skate: Set | Classic: Set

Driggs was groomed Tuesday evening and it turned out really well, especially considering it is April. Get out and enjoy some great skiing before it gets warm again. Full moon ski anyone?

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 4/5
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
Grooming sled wouldn’t start. Hope to fix over the next two days. Appreciate your patience

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 4/5
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Grooming turned out great. Softer beyond Reunion Flat CG. Only saw one moose. She was quite far from the trail but be aware that moose are frequently on the trail beyond Reunion Flat. Just a heads up, Winter Range closures are being extended to May 1. The critters need some extra time to deal with deep snow. Beautiful day to ski! Don’t miss it!

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!

Southern Valley Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday & Sunday
Last Updated: 4/4
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Tuesday morning: Everything groomed out really well on Campground and Yeti loops. I reset classic and skate tracks on all loops. The parking lot was plowed and is in good condition. Get out and enjoy the sliding, might be some of the last great Nordic skiing of the winter!

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

Teton Reserve Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
Last Updated: 4/4
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
Tuesday morning plan to reset the skate and classic track in hopes of being done for 9:30 AM.

No dogs allowed. Please stay on the groomed trails at all times.

Southern Valley Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 4/5
Singletrack: Set
Wednesday evening groomed powerline all the way, Lower Lady Slipper, Upper Lady Slipper and Nemo. Enjoy the ride!

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

Darby Canyon

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Groomed by USFS
Last Updated: 4/4

Done grooming for the season.

Rammell Mountain

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Groomed by USFS
Last Updated: 4/4

Done grooming for the season.

South Leigh Road

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Groomed by USFS
Last Updated: 4/4

Done grooming for the season.

Pinnacle Trail

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Groomed by USFS
Last Updated: 4/4

Done grooming for the season.

Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on all the wonderful events coming up! Explore the highlighted events below or find more events on our website at https://jhnordic.com/events/

Save the Date
JH Nordic Alliance 6th Annual Free Ski, Fat Bike, & Snowshoe Day

Sunday, January 7th, 2024
Turpin Meadow Ranch

We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic

Explore JH Nordic



  • 10 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Sunny and windy today! Mountain Weather is forecasting mostly clear skies with warm daytime temps and overnight colds still below freezing. For a detailed daily forecast check out mountainweather.com. What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Monday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on conditions. Thank you groomers! Town of Jackson puts out e-bike use survey! Town of… Read More