What’s Groomed in Jackson Hole/Teton Valley?
See real-time grooming in the Jackson Hole/Teton Valley region. Find all the latest grooming & fresh groomed tracks. Plan your next Nordic Adventure with ease.

Moose tracks, Classic XC skiing at Trail Creek Nordic
Following moose tracks while cross country skiing at Trail Creek Nordic through the woods on a snowy day! JH Ski Club Nordic alumni glided past, back home on college break enjoying their home trails!

Snowshoeing Roots Run Deep
Whether snowshoeing to catch a fish dinner (left), or out for a stroll under the Tetons (right) snowshoes make it easy for everyone to get out and explore winter trails responsibly, have an adventure, and discover somewhere wild.

Friendly reminders from our Friends at TVTAP:
• Don’t walk or ride over classic-set tracks.
• Only ride your fat bike when/where snow is firm. Groomed tracks can be variable.
• Comply with local leash laws and always have your pet under voice control.
• Pick up after your dog. No one likes brown snow.
• Walkers and snowshoers should yield trail to skiers.
• Skiers- keep speed under control when others are around.

December 21, 2022 Nature Update
Provided by Cathy Shill founder of The Hole Hiking Experience
“This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath.” ― Margaret Atwood.
Winter begins this week on December 21, 2022, with the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The solstice is a time celebrated by many with festivals and ceremonies marking the day of “sun’s rebirth.” I have an annual tradition with friends, and we create a small fire to burn away any regrets and create energy towards the future and wishes. Wonderful time to reflect during these long nights.
Spending time in Jackson Hole gives you a chance to slow down and enjoy nature. You can race downhill on your skis, but I also recommend time away from the crowds. The solitude of winter will rejuvenate your soul. Wonderful places close to town or endless options in our mountains.
One favorite is the dike along the Snake River Bridge. The bridge crosses Highway 22 so can’t be missed. Great place to explore near Emily’s Pond on the east side of the river. You can take your skis, fat bike or enjoy a walk. If you plan to ski, check the grooming schedule and go early since lots of walkers and they will mark the track.
On a short walk this past week, I saw two bull elk in the woods, four trumpeter swans flying over the water, lots of goldeneye ducks and the views are amazing. It is also busy so a nice place to venture for a first time. Join our team of naturalists if you have the desire to learn about winter and get further away from the crowded trails.
Town is bustling. Skiers and holiday travelers have arrived. Make sure to be extra careful in town. Lots of deer and moose winter near homes. We live in prime winter habitat. Wildlife will use plowed roads since easier to walk and long nights make them especially hard to see. Lots of fresh snow so have fun and stay safe.
For a guided tour, give us a call 307.690.4453 or check out tour options on the website- www.holehike.com. With access to the most trails, we have a great option for you.

Trail Creek
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 12/22
A Bit Crispy!
It is a bit of a crispy chilly morning today at Trail Creek, but the temps are way warmer than were forecast. Predictions were as low as the mid 20’s below zero, but the coldest temperature seen this morning on the cabin weather station was a relatively moderate -17ºF. The forecast does call for one more night of subzero temperatures before things begin to warm a bit, but a blazing sun is doing a pretty good job of warming things up today.
Thankfully, most of the equipment had no problem starting up today. The image above is the Pisten Bully that is filling in for a while heading out on the Betty Woolsey Course, leaving a lovely plume of steam on this subzero morning. The snowmobile also started today and was able to find said course so that our temporary driver knew where to go. We did have one equipment issue today which was that the chainsaw ripcord chose this cold morning to give up the ghost. The trees that had gone down in yesterday’s wind were only partially taken care of, but we are able to get through on the course, many thanks for the reports.
Up until Monday and the Betty Woolsey Classic Race conditions look favorable and we should be able to put on a great race, make sure you get your registrations in!
Groomer’s choice for today is the Betty Woolsey course.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Grooming Today: Cache Creek, Game Creek, Wayne May Park, South Park Pathway
Last Update: 12/22
The school fields are groomed and in good shape. I’ll be finishing the rest of the trails later than usual because they require some more work to deal with the drifts.
The levee is groomed and in decent shape. Any fresh snow was scoured off the trail though so it is still firm with a somewhat shallow classic track. I am currently working on Stilson and should be done around 11:15.
Cache Creek Singletrack
Groomed by Friends of Pathways
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Update: 12/21
We did a lap yesterday and again today and everything in the trees is in good shape but there is a lot of blowing snow in the open areas. It may take a while to shovel out the Sidewalk section between bridge 2 and 3.
Teton Pines Nordic
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 12/16
Our trail conditions are incredible right now and should remain perfect throughout the upcoming sunny days! We have a shop full of gear for the xc skier on your holiday gift list. We are fully open to the public from 9am-4pm daily.
Click here for our current trails grooming and conditions: https://nordic-pulse.com/ski-areas/US/WY/Teton-Pines-Nordic-Center We offer private lessons, skate and classic ski rental packages, and bc xc rentals for the park. Please call to book lessons and with any other questions. Our shop phone number is: (307) 732-4130
Shooting Star
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 12/22
Anticipate below zero temps to the remain all day. Yesterday’s wind event has created variable & inconsistent conditions (icy & powdery sections). Grooming will be ongoing through 10:30 am to level off track. Recommendation is to allow temps to warm around lunchtime before pursuing a Nordic adventure.

Grand Teton National Park
Last Update: 12/16
Fresh tracks Taggart Lake Trailhead to Signal. Have a great weekend everyone!
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 12/22
It is incredible what wind can do! There was drifting and scouring and a down tree from the strong winds on the solstice. All was dealt with as best as possible on Thursday morning’s groom. With the scouring in the hills there are still some thin spots but the drifting in the flats made for a beautiful track! The single track was groomed Wednesday evening and looks to be set up nicely. The sun is shining and the temperature is no longer in negative digits as I write this (our pisten bully was reading -22 most of the morning). Enjoy the day and stay warm!
Turpin Meadow Ranch is open to all for skiing, lodging, dining, Nordic lessons, and tours! Ours is a short season so be sure to plan a visit this winter between now and March 13, 2022. Call the office (307) 543-2000 or visit our website to book your adventure and/or meal!

Please support TVTAP winter trail grooming on your favorite TV winter trails by purchasing a TVTAP Trail sticker Please remember to manage your dogs and respect dog and wildlife closures. Buy a dog trail sticker, too!
Grand Targhee
Grooming Schedule: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/21
Classic Track: Not Set | Fat Bike Trails: Open | Snowshoe Trails: Open
3 inches of fresh powder blew in yesterday morning. High winds and big wind gusts will make for interesting skiing conditions. Be on the lookout for wind loaded aspects.
Temperatures plummeted to well below zero this morning, but this cold front won’t stick around. Expect temperatures to warm up by Christmas Eve.
Remember, singletracks will be closed when there is more than 3 inches of snow in a 24 hour period.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 12/22
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
Will try to roll the track if the temps get above 0F today. I don’t expect that to happen before noon if at all. Will update later today.
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 12/21
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
Heading out now to smooth out the drifts. I won’t be setting the classic track since they will likely get filled in by the wind in minutes. Hope to be done by 5pm.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 12/21
Skate: Set | Classic: Not Set
Reestablished the skate track and walking trail after the storm. Rolled skate track 3 laps. Variable conditions. Wind blown in spots soft snow in others.
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/22
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Thursday afternoon: Set both classic and skate tracks.
Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Southern Valley Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday & Sunday
Last Updated: 12/22
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Planning to begin grooming at 10 am tomorrow (Friday). I’ll start with yeti and then groom campground. Hope everyone stays warm today!
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Teton Reserve Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Thursday & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/22
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Thursday afternoon groomed and reset the skate and classic track. It’s not perfect but it is pretty good considering all the drifted snow. Enjoy the glide.
Southern Valley Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/18
Singletrack: Set
Good news! All trails from Happy Hour to Pole Canyon are groomed and ready! Excellent trail conditions exist. Enjoys it while it lasts!
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Darby Canyon
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Groomed by USFS
Last Updated: 12/15
Groomed 12/14, enjoy.
South Leigh Road
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Groomed by USFS
Last Updated: 12/13
Groomed 12/13. Enjoy.

Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on all the wonderful events coming up! Explore the highlighted events below or find more events on our website at https://jhnordic.com/events/
Christmas Brunch with a Nordic Twist TODAY!
December 23, 2022
Turpin Meadow Ranch
What’s better than Nordic skiing and brunch? Add an appearance by Santa and some of his friends and you’ve got yourself one magical day! Grab your skis, snowshoes, fat bikes, dogs, and loved ones and head on up to Turpin Meadow Ranch on Friday December 23 for a festive adventure with a special brunch menu from 11:30-2:30.
Reservations are required, please call 307-543-2000 to get your name on the nice list!

Betty Woolsey Classic Race
December 26, 2022
Trail Creek Nordic Center
Registration now Open!
Come work off your Christmas feast in style! This community event offers distances for every age and ability, 10 AM start time with a mass start classic format.
Racers can choose from 0.5k, 3k, 5k, and 10k options.
Nordic Masters Clinic
Thursdays – from Mid December to late February
Next Clinic: Thursday, December 29 – Skate Ski
The JH Ski Club would like to encourage participants to pre-register/pre-pay for the clinics, including drop-ins.
Join us this winter season to increase your ski speed, stamina, and strength. Work on your technique and form with professional tips and exercises from USSA certified coaches. Stay and ski all day with your clinic ski pass at Teton Pines Nordic Center or Trail Creek Nordic Center (we will ski at both locations through out the winter to provide a variety of terrain and technique).

JH Nordic Alliance 5th Annual Free Ski, Fat Bike, & Snowshoe Day
Sunday, January 8th, 2023 | 9:30AM – 3:00PM
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Fun, Free Community Day – with Raffle benefiting local Nordic Alliance non-profit. Free trail pass, Free skate & classic XC ski demo gear, Free fat bike demos, free Nordic ski lessons, Free BackCountry Nordic Ski & Snowshoe tours, Kids Corral (2-5 yr olds), Bridger-Teton USFS wildlife and wilderness info, Kates Bars, Lunch, snacks, hot & cold drinks.
Sponsored by the JH Nordic Alliance members. Family. Friends, visitors, dogs (on leash) welcome. Bring your own skis and bikes recommended to use between free demos and tours.
We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic