What’s Groomed in Jackson Hole/Teton Valley?
See real-time grooming in the Jackson Hole/Teton Valley region. Find all the latest grooming & fresh groomed tracks. Plan your next Nordic Adventure with ease.
Behold the Beauty of Winter!
Big hoar frost crystals shimmered in the morning sun at Trail Creek Nordic Trails this morning, it’s worth getting out in the early morning to experience the beauty of winter right at your feet! -NL

Camina Conmigo Nordic Guia Group
The Camina Conmigo Guias are getting ready for a winter of cross country!

Uno de los objetivos de las caminatas de Camina Conmigo es ayudar a la fuerza laboral latina de Jackson a disfrutar y conectarse con la belleza del lugar en el que viven y trabajan. Hacemos esto proporcionando a nuestros guías toda la capacitación y recursos que necesitan para sentirse cómodos liderando a otros grupos al aire libre los veranos e inviernos.
La misión de Camina Conmigo es inspirar a los adultos que hablan español en nuestra comunidad a experimentar el aire libre al centrar la educación, el desarrollo de habilidades y la construcción de relaciones en las excursiones locales.
One of the goals of Camina Conmigo hikes is to help Jackson ‘s Latino workforce enjoy and connect with the beauty of the place where they live and work. We do this by providing our guides with all the training and resources they need to feel comfortable leading to other outdoor groups summers and winters.
Camina Conmigo’ mission is to inspire Spanish speaking adults in our community to experience the outdoors by centering education, skill development and relationship building on local excursions.

Now through December 24 you can pick up gifts for anyone in store. You’ll be on the nice list for shopping local and supporting one of our JH Nordic Alliance members.
Trip Report: Skating’s Good at Targhee

Thanks CM for checking out the conditions at Grand Targhee and sending these amazing photos.

New on the Blog: Nordic Staycation Ideas
Looking for a fun winter getaway just a few hours from home? Checkout our favorite spots because there comes a point in the winter when our routines begin to feel a bit mundane and our restlessness urges us to explore something new. Fortunately for those in the Jackson area, you don’t need to leave the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem for a new cross-country ski adventure local overnight getaway lodges. Miles of trails await in any direction, each offering something unique.

Trail of the Month: Teton Canyon
Each month, we feature a different trail as our ‘Trail of the Month’ to inspire and provide season-specific guidance. As snowfall accumulates in the valley, it is recommended to explore trails at higher elevations that will have better coverage during this time of year. For December, we invite you to explore Teton Canyon, a trail known for its early-season grooming, which can be accessed by heading up Ski Hill Road from Driggs, ID.

More Areas Open This Weekend
Both Shooting Star and Turpin Meadow Ranch opened on Friday, December 15. While all areas are dealing with early season conditions you can find consistent (though maybe not daily) grooming on many of your favorite winter trails (see below). Please remember that trail maintenance happens as conditions permit – it is best to check on real time conditions for each area before your adventure.

Registration is Open for Betty Woolsey Classic
Join us on December 23, 2023!
This event commemorates Betty Woolsey, a ski racing Olympian and the founder of Trail Creek Ranch. During her lifetime, Betty Woolsey pioneered backcountry skiing on Teton Pass, opened Trail Creek to JHSC for Nordic skiing in 1967, and helped the JHSC Nordic and biathlon programs get off the ground.
This community event offers distances for every age and ability; 10 AM start time with a mass start classic format. Racers can choose from 0.5k, 3k, 5k, and 10k options. The general public should register with the “open/citizens race” link. Online registration closes December 22 at 11AM.
Friends of Pathways Winter Grooming Fundraiser
Winter is finally here (albeit in fits and starts!) and Friends of Pathways is grooming 12+ miles of winter singletrack in the Cache Creek area – the only free winter singletrack in Jackson Hole. This includes 4.6 miles on the Cache Creek Road, 7.5 miles of singletrack along the Hagen Trail, Ferrins Trail and more. Grooming started with this most recent snow storm and will go through April, weather depending. Last season was our longest season ever and we groomed from November 7-April 7. If you enjoy using these trails, please give to FOP’s Winter Grooming Campaign. We can’t do it without your help!

Trail Creek
Grooming As Needed
Last Update: 12/16
Joyful Morning
It’s a lovely, frosty, foggy, but skiable and lovely morning at Trail Creek today. Sure, you could grumble about the early season conditions and lack of recent snow, but there is quite a bit of snow, snow is in the forecast, and skiers are still finding plenty of joy on their Nordic outings.
More joy is happening this morning in West Yellowstone where our IMD skiers are moving rapidly across the snow up there in the 2023-2024 Intermountain Division season opener. The results are coming in live as this report is being posted from a link on the event website. There is also a live webcam from somewhere in West Yellowstone that is showing a lot of activity this morning.

Trail Creek was also showing a bit of activity this morning with a good group of entry level skiers, finding joy in sliding across the snow in the stadium with the help of several of the valley’s Nordic veterans. Additional activity today included multiple Ginzu passes around the Close Field and on Moose Loop with single, snow conserving, Ginzu passes most every other place recently groomed.
We’re grooming about every other day until snow hopefully arrives again next week in order to conserve snow. Conditions are firm and range from pretty good to a bit brushy and rough. Looking ahead, brush cutting and snow shoveling on the trails will continue on a daily basis with major “light” groomings happening on an every other day schedule (Monday for the next one) until snow returns which the forecast indicates could happen as early as Tuesday.
Groomer’s choice for today is to look for joy in your Nordic ski today.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Last Update: 12/11
Staff went up Game Creek on Saturday. Weekend storm was a bust. Snowmobile and pull behind took a real beating so we pulled out before getting into the sunny areas. We need 3-4” of wet snow or more fluffy snow to keep grooming.
For the most up-to-date grooming info visit: http://www.tetonparksandrec.org/1353/Grooming-Report
Cache Creek Singletrack
Groomed by Friends of Pathways
Grooming As Needed
Last Update: 12/10
We groomed the Cache Creek road to Noker Mine and upper Hagen from bridge 5 to 2. The lower trails are still a little thin on snow, especially under the trees, but are still compact enough to use for now. We will keep snowshoeing around and packing things in until there is enough snow to take the roller through.

Teton Pines Nordic
Grooming As Needed
Last Update: 12/16
Ski early this weekend for fast and firm conditions. It is not icy–it’s just a firm, solid track. Ski after 11am for a softer track once the sun has been on it for a while. The skate track is great with a few iffy (thin)spots and the classic track is ok in most areas. We’ve had a total of around 10″ of snow this season (most of which melted somewhere along the way) so please bear with us right now on the classic track! Thanks!
The shop is open 9-4 daily for your holiday gift, waxing, and rental needs. We are planning to lightly groom when necessary right now to conserve the base we have. Fingers crossed for snow soon..!
Shooting Star
Grooming As Needed
Last Update: 12/15
We are officially open! See the map showing where is currently open and please see the following notes:
- Trail conditions are early season. Please ski with caution as the snow profile is extremely thin.
- Walking is not allowed and will be extremely detrimental to the track with the very low snowpack.
- No classic tracks will be set, and sporadic bare/brushy/exposed area may be present.
- Grooming frequencies will be as needed to preserve the track.
- Sled Hill is Closed. Needs ample snow (2FT).
- Temporary closures of the Nordic Course may be needed until additional snow accumulates if severe melt occurs.
Outlook is calling for continued dry weather through the next week with above average temperatures that will be in the 40’s after the weekend. We’ll do our best to keep the trails open and skiable. Enjoy the early season laps and hopefully Santa will bring us cooler temps and more snow!
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Grooming As Needed
Last Update: 12/15
We are officially open for activities and lunch. Trail conditions are thin but the folks who made it up to ski were rewarded with sunshine, smiles, and great views. All ski trails have been groomed with the ginzu but still no classic track is set. We are still recommending bikes stay on the roads until more snow buries the vegetation on the single track. In the mean time there is decent coverage on Towgotee pass so you may consider a ski up on Rosie’s ridge or Flaggstaff road and have lunch (between 11:30-2:30) here at the ranch before or after your tour.
TMR is open to all for skiing, lunch, Nordic lessons, and tours! Call the office (307) 543-2000 or visit our website to book your adventure and/or meal! Check out our live webcam for current conditions.

Please help support trail grooming in GTNP by donating to the Grand Teton National Park Foundation. It’s easy and encouraged. All you need to do is visit: GTNPF.org/donate/ and leave the comment “Nordic” in the designation section. There is the opportunity to leave a one time gift or reoccurring monthly donations in any amount.
Grooming Has Yet to Begin in Grand Teton National Park.
Grand Targhee
Grooming: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/16
Please keep in mind that even with the recent snowfall, variable conditions exist across the mountain. Please ski with caution. GTR is no longer grooming for fat biking or snowshoeing.

Please support TVTAP winter trail grooming on your favorite TV winter trails by purchasing a TVTAP Trail sticker Please remember to manage your dogs and respect dog and wildlife closures. Buy a dog trail sticker, too!
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/16
Saturday: The track has held up well during this long stretch of dry weather. Good coverage, no rocks showing. Plan to reset skate track this morning and will try to reset south side classic. Conditions are firm and fast. Cattle guards are covered but remain thin. Was able to reset both classic after the first mile, with fairly good results.
Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Southern Valley Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/16
Groomed powerline/BPA road, grumpy access, upper and lower hillbender tonight. The trails should be riding well tomorrow morning. Please lower tire pressure to not create ruts or consider not riding trails when temperatures are too warm. The bottom section of hillbender was rutted out.
Please note the USFS dog closure policy Dec 1st – April 15th at this venue.
Teton Reserve Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 12/2
It snowed and we are excited to begin grooming soon. Stay tuned to the grooming report for updates as we get trails open. Please respect the Teton Reserve golf course and only ski on the groomed trail. We will announce when the trail is open, soon. Stay tuned…
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/16
Left the classic track but took a few laps on the skate track to try and freshen it up.
Driggs School Loops
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/2
It snowed and we are excited to begin grooming. Stay tuned to the grooming report for updates as we get trails open.
Alta Nordic Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/11
Groomed the Library Loop and the Stadium Monday night. Thin snow but totally skiable. Holding off on the rest of the track until we get more snow. It will come…

Fat Bike Community Meeting
Monday, December 18th
Highpoint Cider, Victor, ID
Discuss current opportunities with Teton Valley Trails & Pathways, regional organizations, bike shops and riders. Topics to be discussed: · Singletrack grooming · Where to ride in the region · Volunteer grooming opportunities · Trail sharing and etiquette on multi-use trails · Supporting grooming and programming · Meet local riders · Short film + fat bike games!

JH Ski & Snowboard Club Nordic Masters Ski Clinics
Thursdays, Dec 14 – Feb 22
Teton Pines and Trail Creek
11am – 12:30pm
5 classic clinics and 5 skate clinics at Teton Pines Nordic Center and Trail Creek Nordic Trails.
Join these clinics to work on your Cross-country classic and/or skate ski technique, balance, stamina, efficiency, performance , and fun.

Betty Woolsey Classic Race
Saturday, December 23rd
Trail Creek Nordic Center
This event commemorates Betty Woolsey, a ski racing Olympian and the founder of Trail Creek Ranch. During her lifetime, Betty Woolsey pioneered backcountry skiing on Teton Pass, opened Trail Creek to JHSC for Nordic skiing in 1967, and helped the JHSC Nordic and biathlon programs get off the ground.
This community event offers distances for every age and ability; 10 AM start time with a mass start classic format.
Racers can choose from 0.5k, 3k, 5k, and 10k options.

Christmas Brunch with Santa
Saturday, December 23rd
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Head over to Turpin Meadow Ranch 11:30am – 2:30pm for brunch and pictures with Santa! Reservations are required. Call 307-543-2000 to reserve your spot today!

Teton Ridge Classic
Saturday, January 6th
Mike Harris Trail System
Classic cross country ski races -distances: 15 km and 7 km courses.
For the last 2 decades, the Teton ridge Classic (TRC) has been one of the premier classic Nordic ski races in the Greater Teton region. The Teton Ridge Classic will take place just south of Victor, Idaho on the Mike Harris trail system.

Save the Date
JH Nordic Alliance 6th Annual Free Ski, Fat Bike, & Snowshoe Day
Sunday, January 7th, 2024
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Free Classic and skate ski gear demos, ski lessons, trail use, Backcountry Nordic ski tours, Snowshoe tours, Kids Corral, Town-to-Turpin free van shuttle -Family friendly.

Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on all the wonderful events coming up! Explore the highlighted events below or find more events on our website at https://jhnordic.com/events/