Connect to the grooming page for relevant updates before you head out!

Today’s Avalanche Forecast

Nordic and winter trail users are urged to use caution when recreating on trails and terrain below steep slopes. The BTAC reports and their website is a valuable local resource for planning your outing. Visit their forecast page for the most up-to-date information.

What’s Groomed in Jackson Hole/Teton Valley?

See real-time grooming in the Jackson Hole/Teton Valley region. Find all the latest grooming & fresh groomed tracks.  Plan your next Nordic Adventure with ease.

GTNP Spring Crust Cruise & Bike

This has been the perfect weather and snow combo to crust cruise (skate and classic) before 11am, then switch to your bike as the day warms.

We had endless open meadows to ski, starting at the Cottonwood gate ( just north of Taggart), with no one in site. Then we spotted a skier barely visible in the distance circumnavigating Timbered Island (east of Teton Park road, 1 1/2 miles north of Taggart).

Next week looks to have similar conditions. Whether you get out in your skis in the crust, or your bike on the vehicle free road, be sure to go!!

April Nature News: Snow Melts and Wildlife Migration Begins

Provided by the Hole Hiking Experience
March ended with a big winter storm which is not uncommon for the start of spring in Jackson Hole. I notice spring’s arrival by the change in nature sounds, as winter releases its grip and birdsongs fill the air. Flickers call for mates. Redwing blackbirds sing to establish territories and attract a female. Walking the bike path south of town, listen for the song of the meadowlark and look for the flash of a mountain bluebird. As each day gets brighter, nature responds. 

Animals are beginning to move to summer territories and bears are emerging from dens. Wildlife dance with the weather… snowy days limit progress but then the sun and warmth spur movement again.  Elk have begun to leave the regional feed grounds. The National Elk Refuge, near the town of Jackson, encompasses about 24,700 acres and is only ¼ of the historical size of elk wintering grounds. Over time, elk have lost suitable habitat as people moved into Jackson hole.

Thank you to our Groomers and all trail operators

THANK YOU to all our groomers, trail operators and public land management for hosting our endless Nordic and Winter trails. We are grateful for our groomed, ungroomed, winter wilderness areas and recreational spaces in Jackson Hole, Teton Valley, and Grand Teton National Park and beyond.

It has been a great season and it’s not quite finished for a number of locations. TVTAP trails, Shooting Star and Targhee continue to groom through this weekend, with some trails continuing on into mid April. Crust cruising will also be good for some time!

Teton (the dog) loves Jackson Hole’s dog friendly Nordic trails!

Teton is a beloved pet of one of our Silver Sponsors. We sure do love taking our pets on our favorite winter trails, don’t we? Don’t forget that you can filter out trails that are “dog-friendly” on

We encourage winter trail users to support all of our grooming teams across Jackson Hole and Teton Valley. When possible please consider a donation to the trails you frequent. Please leave a comment such as “grooming” or “Nordic” in the designation or campaign section.

Trail Creek

Grooming Daily
Last Update: 4/1

Final Edition!
At 4:54 PM the Husky shut down after the final session of the year, wrapping up yet another glorious day and year at Trail Creek and what a year it has been!

In the dark days of November and December we wondered if we would even have a Nordic season as the snow was not materializing.  The Betty Woolsey did pull the Nordic community together on skate skis for a great day, even though there wasn’t even enough snow for the traditional classic tracks.  As 2024 rolled in, our snowy fortunes changed, bringing day after day of great skiing, so much so that the snow pack returned to normal allowing our three day January high school IMD competition to be a great success.  Record numbers of Lollipoppers, Teewinots, Ositos, and Devos joined our Prep/Comp and Junior teams in January as well, making for some crazy busy afternoons.  The Master skiers and elementary school winter sports programs also jumped into the melee as the winter rolled on.  We logged thousands of recreational skier days, our JHSC racers once again excelled nationally and internationally, and finally we wrapped up with the three day International Spring Series FIS race, capping off another season for the record books.

Nordic skiing can be a lifelong passion; most days we have skiers from kindergarten to well past social security age.  None of what we do would happen if there weren’t a whole lot of people that think Nordic skiing is a really good thing for not only themselves, but the youth and adults of our community as well.  Literally thousands of volunteer hours, generous community financial support, and the endless energy of our coaching staff, administrative staff, and youth skiers all come together to make this amazing thing we call JHSC Nordic and Trail Creek a wonderful thing, year after year.  Thank you if you are part of this community!

Before signing off until next year, prior to shutting down at 4:54 PM, the Husky made a final skate/classic pass through pretty much every trail in the system resulting in some lovely corduroy and classic tracks.  Watch the sun in the days to come, but there’s still time for one more amazing Nordic ski at Trail Creek.

Groomer’s choice for today is Trail Creek.

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec

Grooming has Ended for the Season

Cache Creek Singletrack

Groomed by Friends of Pathways
Grooming As Needed

Last Update: 3/24
Bridge 2 Connector, Bridge 3 Connector, Ferrin’s Trail, Hagen, Hagen Highway, Sidewalk Bridge 2 to 3, and Sink or Swim were groomed the evening of 3/24.

Teton Pines Nordic

Grooming Has Ended For The Season
Last Update
: 3/24
Thanks for another great season! See you in early December!

Teton Village Trails

Grooming Has Ended For The Season
Last Update: 3/14
Starting plowing the windy mile at the south end so more people can bike to avoid traffic.

Shooting Star

Grooming Daily
Last Update: 4/5
The final weekend for Nordic skiing is here! Grooming will be conducted during the morning hours this Saturday & Sunday, as cooler temperatures and wintery weather are forecasted to return. This will be the last update of the season, pending any usual weather or equipment issues. Enjoy and thanks to all the skiers, dogs, and staff for another successful Nordic season!

  • Sunday, April 7th is the last day to Nordic Ski
  • Monday, April 8th, Snow Removal to Expose Cart Paths Begins.

Turpin Meadow Ranch

Grooming Has Ended For The Season
Last Update: 3/22
Turpin Meadow Ranch is located on the Bridger-Teton National Forest therefore you can still use the winter trails though they will no longer be maintained and most amenities are closed for the season. The lodge restrooms and retail shop will be open from 9am-4pm until April 15. If you venture up this spring be sure to carry your bear spray, bear tracks and scat have been spotted in the Buffalo Valley. We kindly ask that any springtime trail users respect the fact that the buildings, vehicles, and essentially anything above ground is private property and unavailable during the off season.

Grand Teton National Park

Grooming Has Ended For The Season
Last Updated: 3/15

Final day of grooming for 2023/2024 season. Taggart Lake Trailhead to Signal Mtn.

Grand Targhee

Grooming: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/31

Fresh snow is keeping conditions good. GTR grooms Rick’s Basin area trails Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun. Trails are in good condition. No classic track. Spring conditions.

Please remember no dogs on the Nordic trails and be alert for dog sledding traffic at intersections along the Nordic Connector.

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 4/5
Friday: Plan to smooth out skate track and reset north classic if conditions allow. 

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!

Southern Valley Nordic

Grooming has ended for the season.
Last Updated: 4/5
Grooming the Southern Valley Singletrack Trails is finished for the season. Thank you for supporting our mostly volunteer based nonprofit grooming crew through your donations and Trail Support sticker purchase. Your donation is accepted here:

Please note the USFS dog closure policy Dec 1st – April 15th at this venue.  

Teton Reserve Nordic

Grooming has ended for the season.
Last Updated: 4/4
Grooming at Teton Reserve is finished for the season. Thank you for supporting our mostly volunteer based nonprofit grooming crew through your donations and Trail Support sticker purchase. Your donation is accepted here:

ATTENTION: Do not CRUST CRUISE on golf course property and respect the privacy of homeowners. Stay away from homes, private property and ski on established trails only. Thank you. 

Sherman Park

Grooming has ended for the season.
Last Updated: 4/5

Grooming at Sherman Park is finished for the season. Thank you for supporting our mostly volunteer based nonprofit grooming crew through your donations and Trail Support sticker purchase. Your donation is accepted here:

Driggs School Loops

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 4/5
Holding off on grooming until tomorrow. Colder temps and snow are in the forecast for tonight.

Please pick up your trash and dog pop with the supplied Mutt Mitt station.

Alta Nordic Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 4/3
Reset classic track and skate lane Wednesday night. If it freezes tonight and doesn’t snow track will be in good shape Thursday morning.

ATTENTION: Skiers CRUST CRUISING please respect the privacy of homeowners stay away from homes and private property. Thanks. 

Darby Canyon

Grooming As Needed
Last Updated: 3/27
Grooming today, 3/27.

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!

Rammell Mountain Road

Grooming has ended for the season.
Last Updated: 3/27

Done grooming for the season.

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!

South Leigh Road

Grooming As Needed
Last Updated: 3/19
Groomed today 3/19.

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!

Pinnacle Trail

Grooming As Needed
Last Updated: 3/27
Grooming today, 3/27.

Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on all the wonderful events coming up! Explore the highlighted events below or find more events on our website at

Tune into KHOL Every Morning for your JH Nordic Daily Trail Report

Explore JH Nordic



  • September Trail Report
    JH Nordic Spotlight: Board Member Dave Bergart How many Nordic-y things are you involved in?JHNA board member, TRC race director, competitor in international race circuit (racing the Norwaigen birkie this year!), dad of 2 girls on the GTSSF Nordic (and alpine) team.  What are 3 trails you love that would be fun to go see now on a bike or a walk/run before the snow flies, and why?1. Moose Creek>Taylor loop>Moosecreek – TVTAP did an incredible job this summer… Read More