Trip Report: Signal Mountain

Crisp and beautiful day on the way to Signal Mountain.

Winter Service Update from Parks and Rec

The Teton County/Jackson Parks and Recreation Department continues to work with local partners and the community to provide winter outdoor opportunities.

Staff has finally been able to groom everything including South Park Loop for the first time today. It is a bit thin but in good shape. Due to the New Year’s Holiday Cache Creek will be groomed on Saturday January 2nd rather than Friday the 1st . The High School Complex is a bit thin but will be groomed Thursday, and then not again until next Tuesday. Due to the Holiday South Park Loop Pathway and May Park will not be groomed again until next Wednesday. Please continue to check the website and/or Twitter feed (@TCJPRGrooming) for the most up to date information on conditions:

Dec. 30, 2020 – Nature Update

Provided by Cathy Shill founder of The Hole Hiking Experience

“On these vast, calm, measureless mountain days…Days in whose light everything seems equally divine, opening a thousand windows to show us God.” -John Muir

During the winter, periods of sun usually means frigid valley temperatures in Jackson Hole. The warmth of the sun heats the earth and this heat rises trapping the cold, denser air in the Jackson valley. This frigid air remains trapped by the mountains that encircle Jackson Hole until a change in weather. Our preferred weather forecast is by local meteorologist, Jim Woodmency, at Mountain Weather and it’s always good to compare with NOAA or a different resource.

Temperatures can plummet well below zero overnight. Being active helps generate heat so snowshoeing, cross-country skiing or fat biking are great options with proper layers and preparation. It is amazing how warm the sun can feel on these cold days.  You also can’t beat the views, the blue sky and the beauty of winter. On an afternoon walk, we saw a paraglider taking advantage of the calm air and blue sky to go for a ride. Looks fun!

Deep valley snow has yet to accumulate so animals continue to move. Once snow deepens, they will settle to conserve energy. Always nice to start the day with a drive to look for wildlife giving the sun time to rise and begin to heat the valley. On the back of the Elk Refuge, you can often see the Big Horn Sheep on Miller Butte. It is a winter territory for the sheep and easily seen from the road. Quite important to NOT let them lick your vehicles. The salt on our cars is not good for any wildlife. 

We have also enjoyed wildlife sightings on the drive north towards Grand Teton Park on Highway 89/191. Trumpeter swans, eagles, ravens, coyotes, fox, deer, elk and moose have all been seen.  Such fun to live in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem where the web of life is connected. Each day has the potential of amazing wildlife and beauty. Squirrel tracks can be seen in the snow in front of the Tetons in this photo. Reading the scene is a fun part of a nature excursion.

Busy holiday time with lots of happy clients. All of us are grateful to share such beauty and inspiration on our tours. You can’t beat time with a naturalist to connect to an area and deepen your understanding. Here’s to 2021 and the New Year ahead. May it bring peace and ease for us all and the connectedness we need to reach our true potential.  

The Hole Hiking Experience has been sharing this Ecosystem for over 30 years. Join us to get off the beaten track, find wildlife and the warm parts of Jackson Hole. 307.690.4453

Trail Creek Nordic

Last Updated: 12/30

Climbing the Hill to 2021!
The New Year is just around the corner and you won’t even have to ski up Faceplant to get there, in fact a nice gentle cruise around the East Fields will get you there just as fast.  This year has had its challenges but hopefully when you look back you will have some good memories and hopefully 2021 will be nothing but smooth corduroy if that’s your thing!

The morning temps were once again in the “quite a ways below zero” range today at Trail Creek.  The combination of cool temps and a light practice schedule meant that not much needed to be done today in the way of grooming.  What did happen was that the Pisten Bully made a best line skate pass on pretty much every trail with a fresh classic track being placed on Moose Loop because of elk damage.  All in all skiing should be nice today, just remember to dress appropriately.

Looking ahead light snow and warmer temperatures return beginning tonight so some really nice skiing should be just around the corner.  Further ahead in the near future we have high school races January 8-9 and again on January 22-23.

Groomer’s choice for today is to ski down Faceplant.

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec

Last Updated: 12/30
Game creek and three creek pathway are groomed and in good shape. There will be no grooming on Friday because of the holiday. Cache creek will be groomed on Saturday in place of the school fields to make up for missing it on Friday.

Teton Pines Nordic

Last Updated: 12/30
Daily grooming, wide corduroy skate ski lanes with well defined classic tracks make for excellent ski conditions. Skate and classic cross country ski/ boots/ pole rentals. All service is outside, so come dressed to ski.

We still have lots of nordic gear in our shop if you need to pick up some last minute gifts for the nordic skiers on your list! We currently have a good selection of sizes in skate  gear ( skis/boots/poles) but our classic gear is currently in short supply. We are expecting a small shipment of classic skis around Jan 1. We have a great selection and supply of hats, jackets, pants, socks and gloves by Daehlie, Skida, and Swix. If you want to explore Grand Teton NP and the Jackson Hole area on xc skis, we carry the must have xc ski trail guidebook for our region in the shop:

Please call or email Cody for more details: (307) 733-1733 or

Shooting Star

Last Updated: 12/27
The trails are in excellent shape and should remain very enjoyable through Wednesday. The snowshoe loop is now open again


  • Stay On the Far Edges of the Actual Groomed trail Surface OR Stay within 6FT of the groomed Trail
  • Walking On the Greens Promotes Severe Damage/Injury to the Putting Surface
  • Don’t Walk Across Lakes (Our Lakes Don’t Fully Freeze Over)


  • Dog Loops & All Nordic Skiing Trails OPEN
  • Sled Hill OPEN (Will be Groomed Again once more Snow Returns)
  • Classic Tracks SET
  • Snow Shoeing Loop OPEN
  • Casual Walking Not Permitted

Enjoy the Nordic Course and the fun conditions during the final days of 2020! Next Update will be Thursday 12/31.

Teton Village Pathway

Last Updated: 12/23
Teton village pathway – from Lake Creek Bridge north to the end of bike path/GTNP south entrance groomed today. Thanks to JHMR for the grooming and Teton Village Association for making it happen!

Grand Teton National Park

Last Updated: 12/29

It is a beautiful day in GTNP.  We are grooming all the way to Signal Mountain today.  We will not be grooming on Friday – New Years Day.  We hope everyone gets a chance to go out and enjoy the fresh tracks. 

Grand Teton Park Foundation has provided the following modifications to the grooming schedule for Teton Park Road over the holidays:

Sunday 12/27 — Grooming to 4 passes x4 miles Taggart to south Jenny
Tuesday 12/29 — Grooming to Signal Mountain AND 4x to South Jenny
Friday 1/1 — No grooming.
Sunday 1/3 — Grooming 4x to South Jenny
Tuesday 1/5 Grooming to Signal Mountain AND 4x to South Jenny
[Back to regular schedule after 1/5]

Remember that dogs must be on leash, and are only allowed on the groomed trail in the section of GTNP. Please consider making a donation to the Grand Teton National Park Foundation for funding winter grooming -one of our most iconic trails. For bonus points, note “Nordic grooming” on your donation so we can track the involvement from our invested community members!

Turpin Meadow Ranch

Last Updated: 12/29
Overnight lows have been well below zero, the trails have firmed up nicely, wax for cold conditions and bring your hat! For those of you with dogs remember, we require that you pick up after your furry friends and dispose of the bag properly; leaving it on the side of the trail is not an option. To help with social distancing and to get you on the trails faster please purchase your trail passes and sign your waivers online in advance. To keep an eye on live conditions, check out the webcams here

Grand Targhee

Last Updated: 12/30
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed 12/26/2020) Fat Bike OPEN.

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!

Alta Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 12/28
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Groomed the skate lanes tonight (Monday). Should be really good on Tuesday morning. I left the classic track alone. Still looked in great shape.

Please do not park in the library parking lot.


Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 12/30
Skate: Set | Classic: Not Set
The grooming machine doesn’t like these sub-zero temperatures. I will let things warm up a bit before venturing out today. I plan to set all the trail marking stakes and will pull the drag to level the trail as much as possible. Stay warm!

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/30
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Groomed the skate track with the drag. Did not reset classic track because it was in pretty good shape. Looks like good skiing out there. Did a pass with the drag on the dog walk/single track as well. Enjoy!

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Last Updated: 12/30
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Wednesday: Current temperature well below zero, so will wait until 9am to begin grooming. Plan to smooth out skate track and don’t think ill be able to improve classic, still in fair shape from Monday reset.

Southern Valley Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/29
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Great skiing awaits! Come and get it before the next cycle arrives. Classic track set with the counter clockwise skier in mind on all loops. Watch out for the track in the creek bottom just upstream of the road to the campground. I was sucked into some soft snow and had to stop setting track. I would recommend popping out of the track before it ends there. Otherwise as good as it gets!

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

Teton Springs Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/30
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
Teton Springs Nordic trail was last groomed on Sunday afternoon to compact the 7″ of fresh snow that fell Saturday night. The skate lane was groomed full width and a classic track was set. The singletrack trails were groomed on Monday. The sub-zero temps have really helped to create a firm and durable track. The next scheduled grooming will be Thursday morning. Happy Holidays!

No dogs allowed.

5th Street Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/27
Singletrack: Set
Sunday night – 5th St. is ridden in. A few inches of fluff on top packed in well and smoothed out the previous bumps. Go low on the tire pressures if these low temps stick around. Clockwise laps always easier (riding it both ways is believing).

Southern Valley Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/27
Singletrack: Set
The entire Southern Valley singletrack system has a fresh haircut. We groomed everything: Happy Hour, Nemo, Hillbenders, Upper and lower Lady Slipper and Pole Canyon to the trailhead. Enjoy the ride!

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

Darby Canyon

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/30
Some grooming has already occurred in Darby Canyon. We plan to begin grooming on a more regular schedule starting January 6th.

JH Nordic Recreation Masters Clinics

The third of eight in the clinic series featuring classic XC ski. Sessions run bi-weekly from 11:00am – 12:30pm through March 18th, alternating between skate skiing and classic cross-country.

Teton Ridge Classic

The 18th annual Ridge Classic benefits both Teton Valley Trails and Pathways and Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation. The race will start at 10 am. The 24, 14, and 7 km races will be intervals starts separated by 20 seconds. Individual start times will be emailed to registered participants on Friday before the race.

JH Nordic Alliance Annual Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe Event

Based on our goal to Recreate Responsibly, the JH Nordic Alliance has decided to cancel this season’s Annual Free Winter Trails Nordic, Fat Bike and Snowshoe Event. Stay tuned for January 2022! In the meantime, we encourage you to get out safely, responsibly, wear a mask, keep your groups small, and space out!

We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic

Explore JH Nordic



  • September Trail Report
    JH Nordic Spotlight: Board Member Dave Bergart How many Nordic-y things are you involved in?JHNA board member, TRC race director, competitor in international race circuit (racing the Norwaigen birkie this year!), dad of 2 girls on the GTSSF Nordic (and alpine) team.  What are 3 trails you love that would be fun to go see now on a bike or a walk/run before the snow flies, and why?1. Moose Creek>Taylor loop>Moosecreek – TVTAP did an incredible job this summer… Read More