JHNordic Daily Trail Report image for November 18, 2022

Early Season Grooming is Underway!

We’re excited with this early snow and cold temps to announce that Nordic and fat bike trail fall grooming has begun in some areas!

Remember that early season conditions (shallow snow pack) exist. If you ski off groomed trails and on the backcountry trails, be alert and careful of obstacles under the snow, rocks, logs. Bring bear spray if you venture into the backcountry and give wildlife a lot of space.

Read on to the grooming section for grooming and conditions and stay tuned for more groomed trail openings as the snow falls. See the latest grooming updates on JHNordic.com/grooming/.

Snowmobile image and singletrick grooming begins

Winter is ON! Singletrack Grooming Begins!

It’s snowing and Friends of Pathways is grooming 12+ miles of winter singletrack in the Cache Creek area – the only free winter singletrack in Jackson Hole. This includes 4.6 miles of singletrack along the Cache Creek Road, 7.5 miles of singletrack along the Hagen Trail, and more. FOP started grooming Nov. 9 and will groom on an as-needed basis through April, winter weather depending. 

If you enjoy using these trails, please give to FOP’s Winter Grooming Campaign. The capacity to groom depends on your support!

Don’t Poach the Powder

Cold temperatures, extreme terrain, and deep snow are what we live for as skiers, snowboarders, snowmobilers, and snowshoers.

But these same elements, combined with a scarce food supply and the dire need to conserve energy, make it really hard for wildlife, especially large mammals, to survive our long, cold, harsh winters. When we disturb wildlife in the winter, we increase their stress levels and force them to expend precious energy by relocating to areas where foraging and security coverage is not optimal. This often leads to poor health and ultimately death, furthering overall population declines.  

Winter closures exist to protect critical habitat for a variety of species. As people who care about wildlife, we have a responsibility to know before we go which backcountry areas serve as critical winter habitat and migration pathways for wildlife and are closed seasonally to protect wildlife.

November Nature News
The Importance of Beavers in Nature

By The Hole Hiking Experience
We’ve enjoyed a glorious Indian summer in Jackson Hole this year. A high pressure lingered over the valley for most of October bringing unseasonably warm days with fall’s signature chilly nights and great fall colors. As we reach the end of the month, snow and chilly temps have arrived, right on schedule. The change in the weather encourages migration so keep on the lookout for wildlife while you are out enjoying the beauty.

Beavers are amazing creatures, dubbed nature’s engineers. They are the largest member of the rodent family (in the United States) and like other rodents, their teeth never stop growing — so the animals never stop gnawing. Their diligent dam-building work can change the landscape to maintain wetlands, store water, and create habitat that is used by many different species. American Indians called the beaver the “sacred center” of the land because the species creates rich, watery habitat for other mammals, fish, turtles, frogs, birds and ducks.

JHSC Holiday Card Contest

Get your art supplies ready for the Jackson Hole Ski & Snowboard Club 4th annual Holiday Card Contest! Artwork must represent JHSC values, be hand-drawn or two dimensional, and submitted by December 1. All participants will be entered in a raffle for sweet prizes and the Grand Prize Winner will receive one dozen of their own printed cards, JHSC NeckTube, and new JHSC sweatshirt.

JH Nordic Winter Tours with Ecotour Adventures

Winter Tours with Ecotour Adventures

Winter is all but here, which means we’re gearing up for our snowshoe and cross-country skiing tours! We are now offering our winter tours. We have a great start to our snowpack on the valley floor for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing tours! Give us a call or click the link below to book your winter adventure with us!

Trail Creek

Grooming Schedule: Daily starting 11/26
Last Update: 11/17

We’re Back!
Welcome back to a soon to be fantastic 2022-2023 Nordic ski season at Trail Creek Nordic Center!  Conditions are still very thin with lots of vegetation showing through the snow cover and most trails have around a 5 inch base.  That being said, you are more than welcome to grab your (older) skis and have a great Nordic ski at Trail Creek today.   

The Close Field has been experiencing the Ginzu for some time; on the rest of the trails, except for the top of Homesite/Suicide and the area of the Boiler trail near the Old Pass Road, these trails have also been rolled in the past few days and received their first Ginzu grooming of the year today.  The East Fields still need a couple of feet of snow before grooming begins there.  Things are definitely coming along, but don’t expect Olympic quality skiing just yet.

Groomer’s choice for today is the Close Field.

Please purchase your season pass or day ski pass online -or pay your trail fee ($20) directly in the box at the JH Ski Club cabin. Your payments help the JH Ski Club Nordic program to operate daily grooming and support our kids’ Nordic ski program.  https://secure.givelively.org/event/jackson-hole-ski-snowboard-club/2022-23-trail-creek-pass-purchase

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec

Last Update: 11/17
Not Grooming Yet
The Teton County/Jackson Parks and Recreation Department has been busy the past several weeks transitioning into winter operations, but more snow is needed before grooming operations will be in full effect 

Despite early season snowfall and cold temperatures, there is still not enough snow in most areas to allow for safe operations of the PistenBully groomer, which requires at least an additional six inches of snow on the ground.

Cache Creek

Last Update: 11/17
Main Trail (forest service road), Hagen and Ferrin’s Trails Grooming
Thanks to Friends of Pathways’ Chris O., he has been out doing some early grooming for fat biking and nordic skiing up Cache. We remind walkers to keep to one side in the existing footprints, to maintain a nice smooth trail for skiers and riders. And keep the trail clean, pick up the poop. Respect wildlife and wildlife closure areas.  Donate to Friends of Pathways and Friends of Bridger Teton to support these Bridger Teton Forest winter trails.

Shooting Star

Last Update: 11/17
Opening Day TBD
Opening by Mid-December (Weather Pending).  Currently, need additional 12” of snow to support grooming equipment. Once the additional snow accumulates, then trails will be open after we’ve had several days to prep/pack track. Season Pass sales are available to non-Club members .

Grand Teton National Park

Last Update: 11/17
Granite canyon Moose-Wilson road closed until Dec 16th
The portion of the Moose-Wilson Road, south of Death Canyon junction and including Granite Canyon Trailhead, remains closed due to construction activities. The road and trailhead will open to over-snow winter recreation December 16. The northern section of the Moose-Wilson Road remains open.

 Taggart to Signal – closed to vehicles, not yet groomed (until early mid Dec.), however thhere is skier track along the road allowing for enjoyable classic xc skiing. Dogs allowed on leash only on the road trail. Donate to Grand Teton National Park Foundation’s Nordic grooming fund to contribute to the cost of grooming. GTNPF.org/donate and note “Nordic”.

Teton Valley Trails & Pathways image

Please support TVTAP winter trail grooming on your favorite TV winter trails by purchasing a TVTAP Trail sticker  Please remember to manage your dogs and respect dog and wildlife closures. Buy a dog trail sticker, too!

Grand Targhee

Last Updated: 11/17
Opening Day!
Opens today. Excellent snow conditions – Be sure to buy your trail pass at the Ticket Office.

Teton Canyon

Last Updated: 11/15
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
The gate closes on Friday and we will do our best to smooth out the ruts and create a skiable track for the weekend. Stay tuned

Southern Valley Nordic

Last Updated: 11/15
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
Thursday will be the day! We are working with the Forest Service to get appropriate barricades up and gates unlocked so we can begin grooming Yeti and Campground Loops on Thursday afternoon. Get Ready!

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on all the wonderful events coming up! Explore the highlighted events below or find more events on our website at https://jhnordic.com/events/

Skinny Skis – Avalanche Awareness Night

December 1, 2022
Center for the Arts

Join us for a night of winter backcountry outlook, information, food, fun, and prizes as we all take a refresher course on backcountry safety and adverse conditions from industry experts. A silent auction will benefit the Bridger Teton Avalanche Center, BT National Forest and Teton County Search and Rescue.

JH Ski Club Masters Nordic Ski Clinics

Thursdays – from Mid December to late February
First Clinic (Classic) – Thursday, December 15
Teton Pines Nordic Center

Join us this winter season to increase your ski speed, stamina, and strength. Work on your technique and form with professional tips and exercises from USSA certified coaches. Stay and ski all day with your clinic ski pass at Teton Pines Nordic Center or Trail Creek Nordic Center (we will ski at both locations through out the winter to provide a variety of terrain and technique).

Betty Woolsey Classic Race

December 26, 2022
Trail Creek Nordic Center

Come work off your Christmas feast in style!  This community event offers distances for every age and ability, 10 AM start time with a mass start classic format.

Racers can choose from 0.5k, 3k, 5k, and 10k options. 

Annual Free Ski, Fat Bike, and Snowshoe day

JH Nordic Alliance 5th Annual Free Ski, Fat Bike, & Snowshoe Day

Turpin Meadow Ranch
Sunday, January 8th, 2023
Fun, Free Community Day – with Raffle benefiting local Nordic Alliance non-profit.
Free trail pass, Free skate & classic XC ski demo gear, Free fat bike demos, free Nordic ski lessons, Free BackCountry Nordic Ski & Snowshoe tours, Kids Corral (2-5 yr olds), Bridger-Teton USFS wildlife and wilderness info, Kates Bars, Lunch, snacks, hot & cold drinks.

Sponsored by the JH Nordic Alliance members.
Family. Friends, visitors, dogs (on leash) welcome.
Bring your own skis and bikes recommended to use between free demos and tours .

We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic

Explore JH Nordic



  • 14 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – March storms coming! Mountain Weather is forecasting highs in the 30s and snow for the weekend.. For a detailed daily forecast check out mountainweather.com. What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Friday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on conditions. Thank you groomers! Skier completes all groomed trails in Teton Valley in one day! When the idea to… Read More