What’s Groomed in Jackson Hole/Teton Valley?

See real-time grooming in the Jackson Hole/Teton Valley region. Find all the latest grooming & fresh groomed tracks.  Plan your next Nordic Adventure with ease.

Friends of Pathways Winter Grooming Fundraiser

Winter is finally here (albeit in fits and starts!) and Friends of Pathways is grooming 12+ miles of winter singletrack in the Cache Creek area – the only free winter singletrack in Jackson Hole. This includes 4.6 miles on the Cache Creek Road, 7.5 miles of singletrack along the Hagen Trail, Ferrins Trail and more. Grooming started with this most recent snow storm and will go through April, weather depending. Last season was our longest season ever and we groomed from November 7-April 7. If you enjoy using these trails, please give to FOP’s Winter Grooming Campaign. We can’t do it without your help!

Trip Report: Emily’s Pond Trail  – Now 1/2 Mile Longer!

What a great expansion of public access, with the BLM Gate now open, extending the trail by nearly 1/2 mile. Lots of people checking out the public land extension; skiers, walkers, fat bikers, all with smiles. We checked out the actual brass cap of the key north boundary, which TC Road and Levee found.

Thanks to our Board of Country Commissioners, County staff, and a team of local trail and Snake River enthusiasts!

Reminder that for now, the trail extension is a skier/biker/walker track – not groomed…a very beautiful trail!

Teton Canyon Skate Ski Tuesday!

Photo courtesy of Lori I. Thanks, Lori! Looks like a great day for a ski! Don’t forget to send your photos to TrailConditions@jhnordic.com to be featured.

Emily’s Pond Trail extended by 2000 ft on North Side

Emily’s Pond trail is to be extended by 2000 ft on north side – skier and fat bike track, boot pack to start, thanks to ruling Monday by Teton county Board of County Commissioners. Extend your outing on Emily’s by nearly a mile (1/2 mile extra out then back) along the shore of the Snake!

Trail Creek

Grooming Daily
Last Update: 12/12
Talk About Snow!
This time of year the topic of snow is on everyone’s mind around the valley, especially in our Nordic community.  The past few La Niña winters may have spoiled us a bit with widespread Husky grooming, often by Thanksgiving.  Perhaps this El Niño winter is a bit of a reality check; don’t despair however, if you look at our closest Snotel reporting station of Phillips Bench, while not a record year so far, the image above shows we are currently holding at 81% of the median snow level for December 12th.  All in all we’re not doing too badly and we have been already experiencing some pretty good early season skiing.  More great snow will hopefully be coming soon.

We do however have a bit of a dry forecast through the weekend so in order to preserve the current base, grooming will switch to every other day with the next grooming being Thursday morning until more snow falls.

Today’s grooming covered pretty much every trail that has been recently groomed, mostly with a Ginzu best line pass.  The close field and Armin’s did get multiple passes.  Classic tracks were reset in Armin’s and for the first time in the Close Field inner loop.  Brush cutting was also high on the agenda for today.

Temps are balmy so grab your skis, watch out for the early season brush, and come on out and have a great Nordic ski today!

Groomer’s choice for today is Armin’s.

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec

Last Update: 12/11
Staff went up Game Creek on Saturday. Weekend storm was a bust. Snowmobile and pull behind took a real beating so we pulled out before getting into the sunny areas. We need 3-4” of wet snow or more fluffy snow to keep grooming.

For the most up-to-date grooming info visit: http://www.tetonparksandrec.org/1353/Grooming-Report

Cache Creek Singletrack

Groomed by Friends of Pathways
Grooming Schedule: As Needed

Last Update: 12/10
We groomed the Cache Creek road to Noker Mine and upper Hagen from bridge 5 to 2.  The lower trails are still a little thin on snow, especially under the trees, but are still compact enough to use for now.  We will keep snowshoeing around and packing things in until there is enough snow to take the roller through.

Teton Pines Nordic

Grooming Daily
Last Update: 12/12
Skate skiing is great today! You don’t need rock skis right now but you do need some warm wax. The classic track is great in many areas but thin in other areas.

Come ski now while things are good! Keep you fingers crossed for more snow!!

Shooting Star

Planned Opening Day 12/15!
Last Update
: 12/13
We plan to open select areas this Friday (12/15), pending severe melt. See the attached map for the locations that will be available to ski… the areas that have “X” are closed.  Coverage is extremely thin with sporadic bare/exposed/brushy areas. Trail conditions will be early season, and on the rougher side.  Grooming frequencies will vary to assist with preserving the track. The sled hill will not be open until significant snow falls (2ft) and no classic tracks will be set.  Please note that if conditions deteriorate, we may need to halt grooming efforts and potentially close all trails until more snow accumulates. Outlook is calling for continued dry weather with above average temperatures for the next 7+days. Next update will be on opening day, 12/15.

Turpin Meadow Ranch

Last Update: 12/14
Not Grooming Yet
Turpin Meadow Ranch will be open for activities and lunch beginning Friday, December 15 and lodging opens on December 20. We are very excited to open our doors and welcome you, the lunch menu will be worth the trip. Trail conditions are on the rougher side due to the lack of snow. If you decide to make the journey up to visit us this weekend for skiing or biking please understand that we are dealing with early season conditions; we do not have the amount of snow needed to open all trails at this time. The trails that are open have cordurroy but no classic track yet. Expect some thin spots with sporadic bare/exposed/brushy areas. The trails in better condition are riverside and willows. We are recommending bikers use the snowmobile trail or the Buffalo Valley Road as there is still a lot of brush on the single track. Grooming will be done as needed when possible until we have more precipitation. In the mean time there is decent coverage on Towgotee pass so you may consider a ski up on Rosie’s ridge or Flaggstaff road and have lunch (between 11:30-2:30) here at the ranch before or after your tour.  

Please help support trail grooming in GTNP by donating to the Grand Teton National Park Foundation. It’s easy and encouraged. All you need to do is visit: GTNPF.org/donate/ and leave the comment “Nordic” in the designation section. There is the opportunity to leave a one time gift or reoccurring monthly donations in any amount.

Grooming Has Yet to Begin in Grand Teton National Park.

Grand Targhee

Grooming: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/12

As of this week, the Nordic trails will be groomed on the regular schedule, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. When the classic track will be set is still to be determined. GTR is no longer grooming for fat biking or snowshoeing.

Please support TVTAP winter trail grooming on your favorite TV winter trails by purchasing a TVTAP Trail sticker  Please remember to manage your dogs and respect dog and wildlife closures. Buy a dog trail sticker, too!

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/14
Plan to reset skate track Friday morning. Snow has held up well this week and classic probably remains better than trying to reset, especially first mile, as snow depth is only 3 inches, but no rocks currently showing.  Weather is beautiful, Skiing is good. Caution at cattle guards. 

Meet and greet the Favaro Snow Rabbit, our newest addition to the grooming equipment, Friday afternoon, 2-4pm.

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!

Southern Valley Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/14
Starting to groom Nordic trails now. Planning on the full meal deal. Skate and classic.

Please note the USFS dog closure policy Dec 1st – April 15th at this venue.  

Teton Reserve Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 12/2
It snowed and we are excited to begin grooming soon. Stay tuned to the grooming report for updates as we get trails open. Please respect the Teton Reserve golf course and only ski on the groomed trail. We will announce when the trail is open, soon. Stay tuned…

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/13
Groomed Sherman Park singletrack and Nordic trail. Skate and classic track are set. It’s thin but it’s in! Be aware of hazardous conditions on the far E. Side Loop. There are branches of sagebrush sticking up.

The city has established a paved loop around the perimeter of the park with established mutt stations and trash cans. A great place to walk a dog if you don’t have snowshoes!

Enjoy the ride and glide. 

Driggs School Loops

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/2
It snowed and we are excited to begin grooming. Stay tuned to the grooming report for updates as we get trails open. 

Alta Nordic Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/11
Groomed the Library Loop and the Stadium Monday night. Thin snow but totally skiable. Holding off on the rest of the track until we get more snow. It will come…

Fat Bike Community Meeting

Monday, December 18th
Highpoint Cider, Victor, ID

Discuss current opportunities with Teton Valley Trails & Pathways, regional organizations, bike shops and riders. Topics to be discussed: · Singletrack grooming · Where to ride in the region · Volunteer grooming opportunities · Trail sharing and etiquette on multi-use trails · Supporting grooming and programming · Meet local riders · Short film + fat bike games!

JH Ski & Snowboard Club Nordic Masters Ski Clinics

Thursdays, Dec 14 – Feb 22
Teton Pines and Trail Creek

11am – 12:30pm

5 classic clinics and 5 skate clinics at Teton Pines Nordic Center and Trail Creek Nordic Trails.

Join these clinics to work on your Cross-country classic and/or skate ski technique, balance, stamina, efficiency, performance , and fun.

Betty Woolsey Classic Race

Saturday, December 23rd
Trail Creek Nordic Center

This event commemorates Betty Woolsey, a ski racing Olympian and the founder of Trail Creek Ranch. During her lifetime, Betty Woolsey pioneered backcountry skiing on Teton Pass, opened Trail Creek to JHSC for Nordic skiing in 1967, and helped the JHSC Nordic and biathlon programs get off the ground.  

This community event offers distances for every age and ability; 10 AM start time with a mass start classic format.

Racers can choose from 0.5k, 3k, 5k, and 10k options.  

Christmas Brunch with Santa

Saturday, December 23rd
Turpin Meadow Ranch

Head over to Turpin Meadow Ranch 11:30am – 2:30pm for brunch and pictures with Santa! Reservations are required. Call 307-543-2000 to reserve your spot today!

Teton Ridge Classic

Saturday, January 6th
Mike Harris Trail System
Classic cross country ski races -distances: 15 km and 7 km courses.

For the last 2 decades, the Teton ridge Classic (TRC) has been one of the premier classic Nordic ski races in the Greater Teton region. The Teton Ridge Classic will take place just south of Victor, Idaho on the Mike Harris trail system.

Save the Date
JH Nordic Alliance 6th Annual Free Ski, Fat Bike, & Snowshoe Day

Sunday, January 7th, 2024
Turpin Meadow Ranch

Free Classic and skate ski gear demos, ski lessons, trail use, Backcountry Nordic ski tours, Snowshoe tours, Kids Corral, Town-to-Turpin free van shuttle -Family friendly.

Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on all the wonderful events coming up! Explore the highlighted events below or find more events on our website at https://jhnordic.com/events/

Tune into KHOL Every Morning for your JH Nordic Daily Trail Report

Explore JH Nordic



  • 29 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Chance of snow Mountain Weather is forecasting a chances of snow this weekend. Enjoying winter trails is not over yet! For a detailed daily forecast check out mountainweather.com. What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Saturday Be sure to check the real-time grooming for your trail by clicking the links above. Grooming is dependent on conditions. Groomers may change their regular habits to produce the best results with warmer days of spring. Great idea to… Read More