Nordic Masters Clinic This Week Postponed
Due to extreme cold (-19F!) on Thursday, December 22, the JH Ski Club Skate Masters Clinic will be postponed to Thursday, December 29th, 11am-12:30pm at Teton Pines Nordic. No need to re-register. See everyone on the 29th! Stay warm out there!
Happy Holidays from JD High Country Outfitters

What’s Your Why?

Why do you put on your ski boots? What compels you to fat bike or snowshoe? For everyone heading to the trailhead or Nordic area there is a unique answer and we want to hear yours! If you feel inspired to share (and/or want a chance to win a JH Nordic sticker) please head over to our Instagram @jhnordic to give your answer.

Trail Creek
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 12/19
Winter Storm Warning!
Another major shot of snow is headed our way with the current hourly forecast for Trail Creek calling for about 14 inches by the time it is done on Thursday. The forecast continues in a rather interesting direction with a high of -1ºF on Thursday and then down to -16º Thursday night. Beyond that however the temps warm to the lovely Nordic range by Christmas.

Looking ahead one week from today on Monday December 26th is the Betty Woolsey Classic Race. Race time is 10 AM with 0.5, 3, 5, and 10 K options. Full information is available on the event web page; it will be a great opportunity to work off that Christmas feast!
Today’s grooming at Trail Creek was with the Ginzu groomer and covered nearly every trail. Most classic tracks were in good shape and were not touched but the warmer temps this morning allowed the Ginzu to do a pretty nice job on the skate lanes. Field trails received multiple passes while most woods trails received a best line pass.
Groomer’s choice for today is Boiler.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Grooming Today: Cache Creek
Last Update: 12/17
The levee, stilson, and school fields are groomed and in good shape.
Cache Creek Singletrack
Groomed by Friends of Pathways
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Update: 12/16
12/16: Cache Creek Road Groomed
12/12: I smoothed all the trails out in Cache last night so they would be good for the week. Here are some suggestions for exploring the groomed trails:
Bikers – Go up Hagen Highway and down lower Ferrins, both the Lloyd’s Cut and Sink or Swim connectors are groomed for a shorter or longer loop option.
Hikers – Check out the Sidewalk trail near the trailhead, I am trying to keep the first 3 entrances groomed for short dog walking loops.
Skiers – Explore off of the Cache Road over to Hagen, all of the connectors at bridges 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are groomed.
Teton Pines Nordic
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 12/16
Our trail conditions are incredible right now and should remain perfect throughout the upcoming sunny days! We have a shop full of gear for the xc skier on your holiday gift list. We are fully open to the public from 9am-4pm daily.
Click here for our current trails grooming and conditions: https://nordic-pulse.com/ski-areas/US/WY/Teton-Pines-Nordic-Center We offer private lessons, skate and classic ski rental packages, and bc xc rentals for the park. Please call to book lessons and with any other questions. Our shop phone number is: (307) 732-4130
Shooting Star
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 12/15
Trails are in great shape and conditions should continue to be very enjoyable through Monday. Look for weather to take a big change beginning Tuesday (12/20), as our next storm cycle is forecasted to arrive, potentially bringing substantial accumulations during the holidays. Enjoy the calm conditions and we’ll send the next update on Tuesday (12/20) morning. Also, anticipate more frequent updates next week throughout the next storm.
Ongoing Trail Notes
- No Walking Allowed
- Early Season Conditions Exists (Thin/Bare Spots)
Grand Teton National Park

Last Update: 12/16
Fresh tracks Taggart Lake Trailhead to Signal. Have a great weekend everyone!

Turpin Meadow Ranch
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 12/19
The classic track is set around the summer homes, riverside, and willows loops. Early season conditions still exist but the skiing is fast and fun! We are hoping for lots of snow this week!
Turpin Meadow Ranch is open to all for skiing, lodging, dining, Nordic lessons, and tours! Ours is a short season so be sure to plan a visit this winter between now and March 13, 2022. Call the office (307) 543-2000 or visit our website to book your adventure and/or meal!

Please support TVTAP winter trail grooming on your favorite TV winter trails by purchasing a TVTAP Trail sticker Please remember to manage your dogs and respect dog and wildlife closures. Buy a dog trail sticker, too!
Grand Targhee
Grooming Schedule: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/19
Classic Track: Not Set | Fat Bike Trails: Open | Snowshoe Trails: Open
Hamster Loop Groomed 12/19. Cold and dry temperatures stayed in the valley throughout the afternoon yesterday. A moderate storm cycle is predicted to roll through tonight bringing some fresh snow by tomorrow morning. Bundle up!
Remember, singletracks will be closed when there is more than 3 inches of snow in a 24 hour period.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 12/18
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Sunday: Plan to begin grooming around 9am on this cold morning. Will reset skate track and see if conditions allow for improvement of classic track.
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 12/18
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
All set for Monday morning. Should be firm and fast.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 12/19
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Reset the skate track and single track this morning. Classic track was in good condition, so left it alone. Have a great day!
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/19
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Monday: Plan to reset skate and classic tracks this morning. Should finish by 9am.
Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Southern Valley Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday & Sunday
Last Updated: 12/18
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Sunday morning groom with a plan to reset the skate and classic track.
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Teton Reserve Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Thursday & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/16
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Late Friday afternoon I groomed out a couple inches of light fluff that had accumulated since the track was rolled. Skate lanes look good, classic track came out a bit uneven. Everything should set up well overnight.
Southern Valley Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/18
Singletrack: Set
Good news! All trails from Happy Hour to Pole Canyon are groomed and ready! Excellent trail conditions exist. Enjoys it while it lasts!
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Darby Canyon
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Groomed by USFS
Last Updated: 12/15
Groomed 12/14, enjoy.
South Leigh Road
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Groomed by USFS
Last Updated: 12/13
Groomed 12/13. Enjoy.

Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on all the wonderful events coming up! Explore the highlighted events below or find more events on our website at https://jhnordic.com/events/
Nordic Masters Clinic
Thursdays – from Mid December to late February
UPDATE: December 22nd clinic is postponed!
Due to extreme cold (-19F!) on Thursday, December 22, the JH Ski Club Skate Masters Clinic will be postponed to Thursday, December 29th, 11am-12:30pm at Teton Pines Nordic. No need to re-register. See everyone on the 29th! Stay warm out there!
Join us this winter season to increase your ski speed, stamina, and strength. Work on your technique and form with professional tips and exercises from USSA certified coaches. Stay and ski all day with your clinic ski pass at Teton Pines Nordic Center or Trail Creek Nordic Center (we will ski at both locations through out the winter to provide a variety of terrain and technique).
Christmas Brunch with a Nordic Twist
December 23, 2022
Turpin Meadow Ranch
What’s better than Nordic skiing and brunch? Add an appearance by Santa and some of his friends and you’ve got yourself one magical day! Grab your skis, snowshoes, fat bikes, dogs, and loved ones and head on up to Turpin Meadow Ranch on Friday December 23 for a festive adventure with a special brunch menu from 11:30-2:30.
Reservations are required, please call 307-543-2000 to get your name on the nice list!

Betty Woolsey Classic Race
December 26, 2022
Trail Creek Nordic Center
Registration now Open!
Come work off your Christmas feast in style! This community event offers distances for every age and ability, 10 AM start time with a mass start classic format.
Racers can choose from 0.5k, 3k, 5k, and 10k options.

JH Nordic Alliance 5th Annual Free Ski, Fat Bike, & Snowshoe Day
Sunday, January 8th, 2023 | 9:30AM – 3:00PM
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Fun, Free Community Day – with Raffle benefiting local Nordic Alliance non-profit. Free trail pass, Free skate & classic XC ski demo gear, Free fat bike demos, free Nordic ski lessons, Free BackCountry Nordic Ski & Snowshoe tours, Kids Corral (2-5 yr olds), Bridger-Teton USFS wildlife and wilderness info, Kates Bars, Lunch, snacks, hot & cold drinks.
Sponsored by the JH Nordic Alliance members. Family. Friends, visitors, dogs (on leash) welcome. Bring your own skis and bikes recommended to use between free demos and tours.
We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic