Connect to the grooming page for relevant updates before you head out!
Today’s Avalanche Forecast
Nordic and winter trail users are urged to use caution when recreating on trails and terrain below steep slopes. The BTAC reports and their website is a valuable local resource for planning your outing. Visit their forecast page for the most up-to-date information.

What’s Groomed in Jackson Hole/Teton Valley?
See real-time grooming in the Jackson Hole/Teton Valley region. Find all the latest grooming & fresh groomed tracks. Plan your next Nordic Adventure with ease.

Summer Storage Waxing for Nordic Skis – by Toko
At the end of the season, it is so tempting to just leave the skis the way they are and walk away. There is a price to pay for this though: slow skis that need to be stoneground. Here are some basic steps to take at the end of the season that you will be grateful for come early winter:
1. Clean any kick wax or klister completely off the ski bases using Waxremover or GelClean.
2. Clean and copper brush your bases very well so the bases are clean. Quite often in the spring, the snow is very dirty. You want to remove any dirt you might have picked up. This includes not only brushing the skis out well with a copper brush, but probably also using wax remover. If ski bases are dirty, apply wax remover and then brush well with a copper brush through the wax remover before cleaning. You might need to do this multiple times. Powder snow, which is what is commonly skied on in the fall is extremely sensitive to dirt. Dirty skis will be especially slow in early season snow.
3. Hot wax the bases with Base Performance Red. Red is the perfect consistency for storage waxing. A harder wax can yield air pockets and a softer wax can get “eaten up” over the summer. Make sure to use a lot of wax for maximum protection.
4. Store the skis in a place or fashion where they will not get very dirty or dusty. If they do get dirty during storage, be sure to scrape the ski bases before heating wax in (do not reheat the dirty summer storage wax!).
If all this seems like too much work, we recommend bringing your skis to a professional Nordic ski shop to prepare your skis for you. Skinny Skis, JD High Country Outfitters in Jackson, Teton Pines Nordic Center in Wilson, and Yostmark and Peaked Sports in Driggs specialize in Nordic ski waxing.

The Fastest in the Nation!
Big win for Lena and JHSC! Truly remarkable performance, outstanding coaching from JHSC! We are so proud!!
Much thanks to Coach Luna for sending in the podium shot above where our very own Lena Poduska was standing in the center number 1 spot. Lena place 1st in the U18/U20 women’s 7.5K skate at Junior Nationals yesterday, way to go Lena! Don’t forget that they’re racing two hours ahead of us at Lake Placid, NY, but you can follow the results at the event website and they also have a live webcam at this Mt Van Hoevenberg website where it looks like it’s a warm and sunny day there today. – Steve Swan, Trail Creek

First unofficial Yellowstone grizzly sighting of the year reported by wildlife watcher
Article: Buckrail // Photo: @kaptainkyle90
Spring must be on its way, because the bears are starting to emerge from their long winter naps.
The first grizzly bear sighting in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) was reported on Friday, March 8, by social media user Kyle Vetter, who lists himself as a park ranger, which has not been verified by YNP. The observer identified the bear as 781, though this remains unconfirmed.
Calling all adventure seekers: enter to win the Jackson Hole Nordic Winter Trail Adventure Giveaway! Embark on 5 or more winter trail adventures in the Tetons and then tell us about it. Your journey not only enriches our community but could also score you some fantastic prizes like: XC skis, a puffy coat, or a backpack to name a few!

We encourage winter trail users to support all of our grooming teams across Jackson Hole and Teton Valley. When possible please consider a donation to the trails you frequent. Please leave a comment such as “grooming” or “Nordic” in the designation or campaign section.

Trail Creek
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 3/13
Final Week Festivities!
Coach Libby once again contributed some great images of the Teewinots having lots of fun at Trail Creek as they are wrapping up an amazing season this week.
Coach Libby reported, “Teewinots are finishing up their season with a week of team building. Five groups of athletes embarked on a team scavenger hunt on Monday. Highlights included building human pyramids, spelling words with Nordic equipment, skiing TCR’s famous hills, finding forts & ringing cowbells & cheering our Prep/Comp racers and making videos thanking Muggs, Trail Creek Ranch, parents, JHSC board members and YOU!”
Thanks to Coach Libby for the pictures, all the rest of the coaches for all they do, and all of our skiers for giving it their all this year. Check out video 1 and video 2 of the Teewinots.
Lots of grooming happened today but before talking about that, a discussion of the weather is merited. We’ve been recently blessed with snow and cold, allowing us some wonderful January-like conditions for the past week or so, pushing the local Snotel reporting station Phillips Bench to 104% of normal today. However, the forecast is showing big changes ahead; it looks like spring will be arriving at Trail Creek very shortly. Sunshine and temps climbing to near 50 early next week will be dramatically different from recent conditions. Thankfully we have a great snow base which should last for some time; the biggest change will be that the grooming schedule will probably shift to evening grooming in order to leave the best mid-day tracks. Grooming frequency might drop off a bit next week as the programs wrap up; stay tuned for more details next week.
Today however, everything has been groomed and everything is in nice shape. The initial Husky work was a single skate/classic pass on every woods trail which was followed by multiple passes of the fields, play areas, and Nordic X. You will find a few voids in some of the grooming although the majority is very nice, temps are rising, the snow is softening, and it should be a great day to ski!
Groomer’s choice is widest and flattest of the year Homesite.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Last Update: 3/13
3/13: South Park Pathway, Game Creek, May Park groomed.
3/12: Stilson Loops, Wilson Centennial, and Emily’s Pond groomed.
3/11: Grooming for the remainder of the season in Cache will not go up to Noker Mine. Staff hopes to continue through April 1st this year. Stay tuned for updates on the schedule.
Cache Creek Singletrack
Groomed by Friends of Pathways
Grooming As Needed
Last Update: 3/9
Much of the Cache Creek Single track was groomed the evening of 3/8.

Teton Pines Nordic
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 3/11
The track is perfect and fast foday! Come ski and set your Strava lap record. (Swix violet/red glide wax). 20% all clothing, skis, boots and poles in the shop and we still have some demo skate packages remaining!
We groom approximately 16km of track for both skate and classic daily. We have a full retail and rental shop. We offer lessons daily. Call us with questions and to book lessons: (307) 732-4130. To keep our track in pristine shape for skiing we do not allow dogs, walking, snowshoeing, or fatbikes.
Teton Village Trails
Groomed Periodically
Last Update: 3/12
Groomed Gray’s Meadow Trail and Teton Village to Lake Creek Winter Trail 3/12.
Shooting Star
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 3/12
Spring’s just around the corner and Golf Maintenance is scheduled to conduct our annual practice of applying black sand on the greens that naturally aids in melting the snow. Based on the upcoming forecast, we anticipate temporarily switching to evening trail grooming this Wednesday (3/13) which allows us to perform maintenance on the greens during the mornings. Evening grooming begins at 5:30 pm and all skiers need to be off the trails by this time. Reminder, that conditions may be icier during the morning hours throughout the final portion of the season. Below is an approximate outline of the upcoming Maintenance schedule during March 13-18 (Weather & Equipment pending):
- Wednesday (3/13): Evening Grooming begins at 5:30 pm, skiers need to be off the trails.
- Thursday & Friday: The snow on the greens will be packed down via our snowcat during the morning and early afternoon hours. Evening Grooming will begin at 5:30 pm daily, skiers need to be off the trails.
- Saturday, Sunday, and Monday: Black sand will be applied to the greens during the morning hours. Evening Grooming will begin at 5:30 pm daily, skiers need to be off the trails.
- Tuesday (3/19): Grooming switches back to mornings, pending completion of maintenance practices.
Note, skiers may encounter some rough sections caused by equipment hauling materials to the Golf Maintenance facility, but skiing conditions should remain enjoyable throughout this process. This is a time sensitive operation and needed to be performed during this timeframe, as above average temperature are forecasted next week. Thanks.
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Grooming Daily
Last Update: 3/12
Trails are in good shape. You can’t go wrong with a trip to Turpin today, the single track and ski trails are sure to be delightful.
TMR is open to the public daily for skiing, meals, Nordic lessons, and tours! Call the office (307) 543-2000 or visit our website to book your adventure! Check out our live webcam for current conditions.

Grand Teton National Park
Grooming: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/12
Taggart Trailhead to Signal Mtn groomed 3/12.
Grand Targhee
Grooming: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/10
GTR grooms Rick’s Basin area trails Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun. Trails are in good condition. No classic track.
Please remember no dogs on the Nordic trails and be alert for dog sledding traffic at intersections along the Nordic Connector. GTR is no longer grooming for fat biking or snowshoeing, however fat biking is permitted on the groomed Nordic trails.

Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Last Updated: 3/13
Wednesday: A bit of new snow and favorable temperatures should allow a good reset of both skate and classic tracks. Skate is good, classic not so good.
Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Southern Valley Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/12
Tuesday morning: All skate and classic tracks have been reset on Campground and Yeti loops. Not sure how long it will stay fresh as it’s snowing pretty hard, but should ski well. Have fun out there!
Singletrack: 3/13
Groomed upper and lower lady slipper, happy hour, BPA Road east and west, and Sherman Springs access. Expect soft snow and rotten snow underneath. Groomer pro tipi!!! Utilize the trails when it’s below freezing. You will not enjoy the experience over 32°. Adhere to these tips and you’ll have a wonderful time. Enjoy the ride and glide.
Please note the USFS dog closure policy Dec 1st – April 15th at this venue.
Teton Reserve Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/12
Rolled out about an inch of wet, heavy snow in the skate lane of the south loops. Classic track was filling in so did not reset it, and did not get to the northern loop. More snow on the way!
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/13
Wednesday morning: mostly good, and some better, news!
good news: classic track is in. It’s a bit variable (shallow) in some places and soft at the moment, but hopefully it sets up well.
better news: used the ginzu to reset the skate track and it’s in good condition!
The snow is falling and covering things quickly, but the sun is on its way. Get it while you can!
Driggs School Loops
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/13
Reset skate and classic Wednesday afternoon. Cool temps rushed in while I was out and it firmed up quickly. Classic is not consistent but mostly good. Skate is chunky in spots but otherwise very fast. Enjoy it before it melts out on Thursday afternoon.
Please pick up your trash and dog pop with the supplied Mutt Mitt station.
Alta Nordic Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/13
Reset classic tracks and skate lane Wednesday night. Should be firm in the morning. A snow shower came in as I was finishing up. There will be some new snow on top.
ATTENTION: Skiers CRUST CRUISING please respect the privacy of homeowners stay away from homes and private property. Thanks.
Darby Canyon
Grooming As Needed
Last Updated: 3/8
Groomed today 3/8, all the way to summer TH.
Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Rammell Mountain Road
Grooming As Needed
Last Updated: 1/24
Groomed today 1/24.
Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
South Leigh Road
Grooming As Needed
Last Updated: 3/11
Groomed this morning 3/11.
Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Pinnacle Trail
Grooming As Needed
Last Updated: 3/8
Grooming today 3/8. Hopefully we’ll make it to the top.

Not a skier? Love bikes or want to try something new?
Join Women in the Tetons for fat biking!
Saturday, March 16
Where: South Valley Trails/Mike Harris, Victor
When: 9:00-11:00am
How: Demos generously provided by Wheel Wranglers.
No experience necessary.

Women’s Grooming Clinic
Saturday, March 16
Where: Alta Library & Alta Nordic Track
When: 10:00am-1:00pm
Open to anyone over 18 who is interested in learning about Nordic grooming techniques and procedures.Techniques will be women-focused. Ability to lift 50 pounds is helpful.
We will discuss how and when to groom, what weather and snow types are important considerations, various implements & Nordic grooming procedures. We will get folks on machines to practice! Suggested donation: $25.

Snake River Fun and JH Nordic Coffee and Community
Saturday, March 16
Where: Snake River Levee
When: 9:00am-12:00pm
Come appreciate this local trail at the end of the grooming season and celebrate the work completed to open the gate. Bring a friend, bring your dog, go for a ski and stop by to visit.

Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on all the wonderful events coming up! Explore the highlighted events below or find more events on our website at https://jhnordic.com/events/