14 Mar 21 – Daily Trail Report

Spring Adventures in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park | Signal Mtn to Taggart Trail Report | Skinny Skis Winter Rental Sale

JHN: What’s groomed today, and End of Season last grooming dates by Location

Looking for the What’s groomed When? End of Season last grooming dates?

For the latest Nordic and Fat biking Trail grooming info: 

* Via email: Subscribe to Trail Condition Reports via email. Choose Daily Reports or select any day(s) you wish to receive the report (choice of any day(s) of the week). Sign up on JHNordic Home page. 

* Via web: check when you need it:  The full JH Nordic Daily Trail Report is posted at blog.jhnordic.com/category/nordic-trail-reports/ -shows What’s groomed today, and the latest grooming report from each trail groomer.

Grooming Schedule  – full weekly schedule chart – plan your ski, snowshoe, fat bike outing -latest info on seasonal trail last grooming day. jhnordic.com/grooming/

End of season grooming dates: 
Turpin Meadow Ranch: last grooming day: Sunday March 7th (trails remain open after, but not groomed) 
Grand Teton National Park -Teton Park Road -Taggart to Signal Mtn -last grooming day: Friday March 19th 
* Teton Co/Jackson Parks & Rec grooming – Cache Creek & Game Creek -April 1st, other county trails: mid-late March TBD 
Teton Pines Nordic -mid-late March -TBD 
Trail Creek Nordic – 31st March 
Grand Targhee Nordic – Sat April 10th -last day grooming 

Remember to Recreate Responsibly, keeping 6 ft + social distance, do not crowd any area, stay home if you are sick, or exposed, wear a buff (doubled or tripled) or dry face mask when near others. We owe this respect to our community! 

And a big shout-out to our community groomers! Our unsung heroes of our winter trails recreation !! Thanks to each and everyone supporting our grooming!!

Nordic ski student-athletes of the JH Ski & Snowboard Club

Although we all love a beautiful sunny day at Trail Creek, we value the importance of teaching kids to persevere through the wild weather days, as this reminds us all that happiness does not hinge on sunshine. 

The Lollipopper Team has been playing group games and practicing skills before heading out into the main trail system in small groups. Also, by continuing with games and relays to teach agility, balance, and coordination through play, coupled with individual skill-specific coaching while adventure skiing, Teewinots are transforming into very capable young Nordies!

Junior Nordic athletes have continued to get lots of race starts this season.  Athletes have raced in locations such as McCall, Pinedale, Alta, Bozeman, and right here in Jackson!  We have had several podium finishes and, most importantly, athletes are getting valuable race experiences which will help them as they continue in their racing careers.


Pisten Bully Fundraising Campaign

The Jackson Hole Ski & Snowboard Club is reaching out to our community to let you know that our Pisten Bully Fundraising Campaign has now gone public to over 400 members of our community who are users, donors, and supporters of the trails at Trail Creek just like you. We ask for your support to reach our fundraising goal by the end of the winter season, and for your help spreading the word on our goal to secure a new Pisten Bully.

How Can I Donate to the New Pisten Bully? 

  • Online HERE with a credit card (3% fee) – select “General Support” – enter “Cat Campaign” in the ‘memory field’
  • Call (307) 733-6433 to pay with credit card (3% processing fee)
  • Check made out to “JHSC” and mailed to PO Box 461, Jackson WY 83001 

Tips for Late Winter and Early Spring Adventures in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks!

Though snow remains deep in Jackson Hole and Yellowstone’s interior, the winter season is coming to an end in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks.  Snow covered roads are starting to be plowed in preparation for the coming summer season.  Winter isn’t quite over yet however, here’s what you need to know about exploring Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks this spring, including late winter xc skiing, wildlife watching (don’t forget your bear spray!), road opening dates, and more.  Featured image by EcoTour Naturalist Kirk Ryder.

Recent warm weather in early March is causing snow to begin to recede, but we expect to be skiing and snowshoeing well into April.  Warm sunny days and cold nights causes the snow to firm up, creating excellent cross-country skiing conditions known locally as “crust cruising.”  This firm surface allows one to travel quickly over the snow surface, opening up acres of terrain to explore. 

Thanks to grooming funded by our friends at JHNordic and the Grand Teton National Park Foundation, the Teton Park Road has been a favorite ski destination throughout the winter.  Get your last ski in soon, grooming ends on March 19th!

Visit www.jhnordic.com for updates on grooming of other locations throughout the valley as the winter season winds down.  

Trail Creek

Last Updated: 3/13

Final Day of Racing!
Thanks to Coach Luna for sending some great images from yesterday’s second day of racing at the 2021 Western Region Junior Championships at Soldier Hollow Nordic Center in Utah.  In the image above Coach Will is firing up one of our skiers in yesterday’s classic races. 
Today the skiers are back on their skate skis with 5 and 10 K races scheduled.  You can check out the results at Summit Timing’s website.
Today’s grooming once again happened last night and with the Pisten Bully.  Our stretch of bluebird days continues with forecasts calling for slightly warmer temps this afternoon.  Yesterday’s highs at Trail Creek barely surpassed freezing, allowing the snow to continue in its state of firm stasis.  Last night’s grooming made at least one pass on most trails with most forest trails receiving fresh classic tracks.  While conditions are quite hard and some classic tracks quite shallow, all in all skiing is pretty nice.  If you want a little adventure on your classic skis especially, don’t hesitate to venture off trail a bit (our Devos are masters of this no matter the snow condition; “we don’t need no stinkin’ trails”) as the snow has firmed nicely.
Look for continued evening grooming until tentatively Tuesday morning when we look to receive some snow.

Groomer’s choice for today is to try a little bit of all the trails.

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec

Last Updated: 3/13
The levee and stilson are groomed and will be fast and firm this morning before it starts melting. I could not set new classic track at the levee because it is too firm. Stilson’s new classic track is very shallow. The school fields will be done around 11:00

Spring Update: 3/8
The Teton County/Jackson Parks and Recreation Department (TCJPR) grooming activities will continue past March 15, 2021.  Grooming efforts through the Parks Division is supported in part by grant funding through Wyoming State Parks, Historic Site, & Trail through the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Grant.  The funding for that ends on March 15th each year.  

The plan as of today is continue grooming all locations.  Valley locations will be evaluated weekly starting on March 15th , with an update every Friday on status.  Backcountry locations, Cache and Game Creek, will be groomed through April 1st at which point we will evaluate those locations.  

Thanks to TCJPR for extending their grooming season and community winter trail recreation!!

Cache Creek

Last Updated: 2/20
We rolled Cache Hagen Sidewalk and Hagen Highway this evening and will snowshoe the trails near the trailhead this weekend.

Grooming provided by Friends of Pathways.

Teton Pines Nordic

Last Updated: 3/11

The sun is out and the snow is still good! 9am-12pm should provide the best conditions for classic and skate conditions are good all day. As the temps warm over the next few days expect soft conditions in the afternoon. Closing is next Saturday—March 20. 
We still have a good selection of spring gloves, spring hats, touring boots, small classic touring skis, and large (190cm) BC touring skis.  All pants and jackets are 20% off and we have a small selection in most sizes still available. 

Trip Report: Thursday March 11th update:
Teton Pines Nordic is skiing beautifully! We skated skied on nicely groomed corduroy around 11:30-1:00, and tested the crust. Just firm enough, and will get better with sunny days, cold nights.
Classic tracks are well set, nice and smooth for the perfect glide. Snow has good purchase thanks to daily grooming. Highly recommended .
Oh, and be alert for a moose or 2. We saw one well off the trail, but they love the willows, need lots of space!

Call us for specific retail questions (307) 699-3394 or tetonpinesxc@gmail.com. Our hours are 9am-4pm daily.

Shooting Star

Last Updated: 3/8

It looks to be another sunny week with great overall conditions for Nordic Skiing. Anticipate warm & windy weather today (drifting should be minimal as warm temps have crusted over the snow profile) and light snowfall Monday night, as a cold front will move in on Tuesday. Daily high temperatures will be in the mid to upper 30’s through the weekend. Again, reminder we are now in full springtime conditions. Expect the snow profile to change throughout the whole entire day and grassy/bare areas may begin to form. Mornings are typically icier, lunch/early afternoon will be softer, and late afternoon conditions could become slushy. Plan ahead and enjoy the spring skiing!

Next Update will be Monday 3/15.

Please See the following Restrictions:

  • Dog Loops & All Nordic Skiing Trails OPEN
  • Sled Hill OPEN
  • Classic Tracks SET
  • Snow Shoeing Loop OPEN
  • Casual Walking & Trail Running Not Permitted

Teton Village Pathway

Last Updated: 2/17
Teton Village Pathway from Lake Creek Bridge north to just south of the GTNP moose-wilson road south entrance was groomed this morning. Nice for an easy , flat nordic ski, fat bike , or trail run. Or if you’re commuting by ski or bike from Wilson or Jackson!

Groomed by Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, and funded by Teton Village Association.

Dawn Patrol Mission- photo courtesy of Tim B.

Grand Teton National Park

Last Updated: 3/12

Today GTNP Taggert to Signal and, Bar B Bar. Cold and clear this morning. Trail conditions are good and should be fast.

3/13- Sunday Trip Report:  Sunny weather, blue skies, consolidating, compact snow has enabled many nordic skiers to explore ice covered Jackson Lake more than ever this month. 

We did the route! It was gorgeous. Lots of fishing holes!  reported LF. And when your ski partner isn’t into Nordic, yes, AT skis and skins work well! Fresh tracks across the lake on Mt Moran!

Turpin Meadow Ranch

Last Updated: 3/8
While Turpin Meadow Ranch is officially closed, we would like to recognize some highlights from our perspective this winter:

  • all of the folks who came to Turpin to try Nordic skiing for their first time ever
  • all of the joy that was shared which inspired a new term for skis: “giggle sticks”
  • a strong interest and participation in our lessons and tours from the community
  • guests posting their adventures at Turpin on their social media
  • people flagging down the groomer to share their gratitude
  • and the biggest compliment of all is when folks tell their friends to go to Turpin “because it’s my favorite place to cross country ski!”

From all the Nordic team at Turpin, the managers, groomers, instructors and guides, we’d like to say thank you to the Nordic community who made this winter season so memorable. We are already looking forward to next winter and the opportunity to facilitate the ski adventure of your dreams.  

https://www.turpinmeadowranch.com | 307.543.2000, office

Grand Targhee

Last Updated: 3/13
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed 3/13/2021, Fat Bike CLOSED.

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!

Alta Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 3/13
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Saturday: skate track buffed out and is awesome! I left classic as is which is decent – will try to reset that Sunday afternoon when it softens a bit. This is the best track conditions of the year, and the usage seems to be dropping off. Gorgeous weather – get out there!

Please do not park in the library parking lot. Please be sure to keep your dogs on a leash and to clean up after them.


Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 3/10
Skate: Set | Classic: Not Set
Cleaned things up this morning. Too firm to set the classic track.

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/12
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Today I was able to clean up the Nordic track with the drag and fill-in most of the frozen potholes and foot prints. I reset the skate track and the classic track. The classic track was set very shallow. Singletrack is ready to roll. Be aware of the excavation near the electrical box. The city of Victor plans to backfill the area to mitigate this hazard. Enjoy the glide and the ride.

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/12
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Saturday: plan on grooming skate track this AM and classic if needed, although existing classic should be pretty good with the weather we’ve been having. Should be done by 10am.

Southern Valley Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/13
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
I was only able to groom Campground loops where I set the skate track and reset the classic track. I was not able to groom Yetis due to frozen conditions. I will try to get back there when the snow softens.

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

Teton Springs Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday
Last Updated: 3/12
Skate: Set | Classic: Not Set | Singletrack: Not Set
Let me apologize for the poor quality trail this past week. We have had equipment problems and have not been able to groom since Monday. On Monday the Bronze Buffalo Club used a demo snowcat to groom the Nordic trail. Unfortunately, the snow turned isothermic (rotten) that day. As a result, the snowcat struggled and left some rather undesirable grooming. Now, everything is frozen and very difficult to improve with our snowmobile equipment. I suggest skiing at a different venue, or skiing with extreme caution. We will put effort into grooming when conditions are favorable. Stay tuned…

No dogs allowed.

5th Street Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/18
Singletrack: Set
Got the trail packed in and buffed out yesterday afternoon. It will be good till the next round of snow arrives.

Southern Valley Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 3/13
Singletrack: Set
All of the single track trails are rider packed. All the trails are in relatively good condition with the exception of animal tracks. It is getting a little icy out there after the freeze-thaw cycle and soft in the middle of the day. Your best times are early and late. I was able to use the single track drag on Nemo, Powerline and upper Lady slipper to try to fill in the ruts and animal tracks. I was only moderately successful at doing so. Enjoy the ride.

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

Darby Canyon

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 3/11
Darby groomed to end of road. 

South Leigh Road

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 3/3
Grooming 3/3/2021

Pinnacle Trail

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/26
Groomed to upper meadows – 2/25

Wydaho Ride Groomed Winter Challenge with Kait Boyle

SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2021 10:59 PM

Ride our favorite fat biking trails to help fundraise for grooming machines for TVTAP and Friends of Pathways: March 6th to March 27th
Nordic skiers can participate and contribute too! Who doesn’t like a perfectly groomed winter trail?!

To participate, you must also donate to one of the following organizations and attach a photo for proof of donation to your RideWithGPS activity:

Teton Valley Trails and Pathways
Friends of Pathways
Skyliners Motor Club (mail check to PO Box 552 Driggs 83422)

JH Nordic Masters Recreational Clinic – Skate Ski Technique


Trail Creek Nordic, Trail Creek Road (off Hwy 22), Wilson

Join the JH Ski Club coaches for our final Skate ski Masters clinic of the season. Learn and practice your skate ski technique, perfect for making the most of late season crust-cruising, final month of groomed trails, training tips for the Pole-Pedal-Paddle Race on April 10th. Drop -in fee: $35 -includes a full day Nordic ski pass to Trail Creek , supporting the JH Ski Club Nordic youth ski program and grooming.  BYO mask – and lunch & drink -to ski after the clinic ! And check out Sam-the Truck!  Sign Up online here

Skate Ski Clinic -Tips, Technique, Fun! Work on your V1, V2, balance, form, fitness. Coaches are provided by the JH Ski Club  

All welcome (no beginners)
Drop-in $35 (includes Trail Creek Nordic day pass -proceeds to to the JH Ski Club Nordic youth program)

Karen Oatey Pole-Pedal-Paddle (PPP) – hosted by JH Ski & Snowboard Club


Bring your own Team or compete as an individual 
Join this fun-filled muli-sport community favorite event, or cheer on friends and family!
Competitive or just for fun, family event.
Event honors Karen Oatey and the Karen Oatey Endowment, and benefits JH Ski & Snowboard Club youth ski programs and scholarships.

We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic

Explore JH Nordic



  • 10 Feb 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Some sun and clouds Mountain Weather is forecasting some sun and cooler temperatures. For a detailed daily forecast check out mountainweather.com. What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Monday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on conditions. Thank you groomers! Responsible Winter Trail Use: Give Wildlife Space By this point in winter we’ve had some formidable snow storms,… Read More