CommUnity at a Distance

Jackson Hole Nordic Alliance wants to encourage the community to engage in winter recreation amid this pandemic. Enjoying the great outdoors is a joy to so many of us, winter being no exception. We are responsible for the safety of one another as we are to the land we recreate upon. Be respectful of wildlife and give them space, be considerate of others on the trails. Pickup after your dog if they tag along, and be good stewards to our Public Lands and private trails. Wear a mask and keep a distance of 6 feet all the while enjoying these beautiful wide open spaces. Celebrate unity of our Jackson Hole Nordic community even if it’s at a distance! #recreateresponsibly   #jhcommunityatadistance  #jhnordic    #jacksonholenordic

Wildlife Wednesdays with Jackson Hole Ecotour Adventures

Join Jackson Hole Ecotour Adventures every Wednesday at 5:30PM MT on facebook live for the latest sightings from Jackson Hole!

Betty Woolsey this Saturday!

Come out this Saturday for a community favorite event. The race is a mellow tour of the trails at Trail Creek in a fun, supportive environment – a perfect addition to your holiday weekend.

This event offers distances for every age and ability, 10 AM start time with 30 second interval start format. Racers can choose from 0.5k, 3k, 5k, and 10k options. There will be no laps or repeating loops to minimize racer overlap.

MASKS must be worn whenever 6 feet of distance cannot be maintained while not actively racing, and at all times when around the Cabin area.  DO NOT COME to Trail Creek if you or a member of your household is feeling sick. 

There will be no day-of registration, so sign up today by clicking below!

All Buffed Up!

We love seeing our buffs in the wild! Send us your photos for a chance to be featured to! #RecreateResponsibly

Trail Creek Nordic

Last Updated: 12/22

Working Hard on the Betty Woolsey!
It’s time to start thinking seriously about Saturday’s Betty Woolsey Classic Race.  Clicking on the previous link will take you to the race course page where you will find all the information along with links to register.  As you’ve surely noticed, we are in a pandemic so there will be some major changes this year to allow us to still have a race.  The details are on the website but important points are that registration is online only, it will be a 30 second interval start format, the first start will be at 10 AM, and masking and social distancing are required when not racing.

With all that being said, you’ll still have the opportunity to come out for a fun classic race and see how you did compared to your friends.  Racers will receive a start time so show up a few minutes early and take a nice long cruise around Trail Creek, as fast as you can go if that’s your thing.

The weather has been rather bizarre for December with temps above 40ºF first thing this morning.  Since then the temperature has been slowly dropping and some serious snow fall has begun along with some moderate winds.  Trails were surprisingly icy for December but the combination of Pisten Bully grooming and fresh snow should snap things back into shape.

The Pisten Bully’s mission for today was a best line skate pass through the Betty Woolsey Course with additional grooming in the fields.  In order to facilitate the compaction of the recently groomed East Fields, multiple passes were made along with fresh classic tracks.  Skiing should be pretty good today after an icy start although warm snow could cause issues if your wax isn’t spot on.

There was an interesting life and death moment captured this morning with a weasel/ermine popping out of a hole in the Moose Loop area with a nice fresh mouse in his mouth.  Keep your eyes peeled when you’re in his neighborhood, you might get to see him.

Groomer’s choice for today is ski the woods section of the Betty Woolsey Course.

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec

Last Updated: 12/22
The school fields will no longer be groomed until more snow. There are large grassy areas and a very thin base everywhere else. Three creek pathway and may park will not be groomed either until more snow. The pathway is showing through in most areas.

The levee is groomed and in ok shape. It will be soft until it gets cold and sets up. Stilson will be done around 9:30 and will be in the same condition as the levee.

Teton Pines Nordic

Last Updated: 12/19
We are open daily 9am-4pm (closed Christmas Day). We groom 16km of track each morning for both skate and classic skiing. The conditions are great right now and will continue to improve as we get more snow this week. 

Please come ready to ski as we do not have an indoor area for getting ready this year. We have lots of covid protocols to keep everyone safe and healthy this season. Please check in with us at our outside window/intercom located on the southside of the Teton Pines Clubhouse. The main Clubhouse upper level/front door is closed to the public. The restaurant is closed to the public this winter as well.

We still have lots of nordic gear in our shop if you need to pick up some last minute gifts for the nordic skiers on your list! We currently have a good selection of sizes in skate  gear ( skis/boots/poles) but our classic gear is currently in short supply. We are expecting a small shipment of classic skis around Jan 1. We have a great selection and supply of hats, jackets, pants, socks and gloves by Daehlie, Skida, and Swix. If you want to explore Grand Teton NP and the Jackson Hole area on xc skis, we carry the must have xc ski trail guidebook for our region in the shop:

Please call or email Cody for more details: (307) 733-1733 or

Shooting Star

Last Updated: 12/21
The weather continues to show no quarter on the Nordic Course and we’re doing our best to make lemonade out of lemon snow conditions. Recent winds, rain, and warm weather left the snowshoeing loop with minimal to no snow and will be closed until more snow returns. The snow quality this morning was less than desirable for grooming and was like dragging a comb through toothpaste. Overall, we were able to smooth the track out fairly well by doing multiple passing w/the pistenbully and should ski fast considering snow conditions. Drifting should be minimal today with the snow currently in a melt phase, making it less likely to shift. Colder weather and more snow/wind are in the forecast tomorrow with calmer more favorable conditions return by the end of the week.

Please see the Following Restrictions:

  • Dog Loops & All Nordic Skiing Trails OPEN
  • Sled Hill OPEN (Will be Groomed Again once more Snow Returns)
  • Classic Tracks SET
  • Snow Shoeing Loop CLOSED UNTIL MORE SNOW
  • Casual Walking Not Permitted
  • Early Season & Drifty Conditions
  • Grooming is currently via snowmobile and Pistenbully
  • **SKI W/Caution!!… Current Depths and Coverage are Very Deceiving

Next update will be Thursday (12/24) or whenever conditions dramatically change. Bundle up and Enjoy!

Grand Teton National Park

Last Updated: 12/20
Today GTNP, Taggert to South Jenny, Overcast and windy. Fresh snow on the trail some drifting.

Turpin Meadow Ranch

Last Updated: 12/22
Our trails are shaping up perfectly! We’ve received quite a few inches of snow this afternoon and expect more overnight. This will fill in all remaining trouble spots nicely. We will groom with the Pisten Bully this morning (12/23) and all trails should lay down nicely with the new snow. We expect the trails to firm up nicely with colder temps on the way. We groom trails everyday. Come out to Turpin to escape the crowds! Bring your dog!

To help with social distancing and to get you on the trails faster please purchase your trail passes and sign your waivers online in advance. To keep an eye on live conditions, check out the webcams here

Grand Targhee

Last Updated: 12/22
XC OPEN (Last groomed 12/22/2020) Fat Bike CLOSED.

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!

Alta Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 12/22
Skate: Set | Classic: Not Set
Smoothed out the skate lanes with the ginzu. Still a little crusty out there. The classic track was still intact from Sunday but pretty much has blown in already this morning. A little breezy out there.

Please do not park in the library parking lot.


Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 12/20
Skate: Set | Classic: Not Set
Smoothed out well. Some weeds stubbing out on track but snow cover improving.

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/21
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
Sherman Park was rolled out this am. The conditions are sloppy and soft. The cooling trend starting Monday night through the week will help improve the conditions.

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Last Updated: 12/21
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Monday: Plan to reset both skate and classic tracks this morning. Temperatures in mid 30s should make for fast skating.

Southern Valley Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/22
Skate: Set | Classic: Not Set
Groomed campgrounds and yeti’s loops. I was not able to reset the classic track today. Enjoy the glide!

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

Teton Springs Nordic

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday
Last Updated: 12/21
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
The snow is melting rapidly 😞 Dirt and grass is starting to become visible. We did set a new classic track, but watch out for the brown spots.

No dogs allowed.

5th Street Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/17
Singletrack: Set
Late Thursday – Twas a week before Christmas when all through the 5th St. the ditches were filled and checked off his list, so St. Nick took his sled and gave us a groom. Then I in my post work haze did arise and rode in laps until the demise of my thighs. On Friday go ski out some powder then go grab your bike! It’s the best that it’s been before the Holidays strike!

Southern Valley Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 12/21
Singletrack: Set
Derrick and I plan to head out this evening after 5pm to groom the singletrack trails. Please be aware of machinery on the trials and allow time for them to setup. Happy hour, Powerline and Sherman Springs access have been groomed with the V plow. All other singletrack trails we’re groomed four nights ago and are now rider packed. Enjoy the ride!

No dogs December 1 – April 15.

JH Nordic Recreation Masters Clinics

TODAY, December 23 | TETON PINES
This 8 clinic series will take place on Wednesday this week rather than Thursday. Masters Clinics run bi-weekly from 11:00am – 12:30pm through March 18th, alternating between skate skiing and classic cross-country.

Betty Woolsey Classic Nordic Race- 0.5k, 3k, 5k, 10k

Register with the JH Ski Club. A community favorite, honoring Betty Woolsey of Trail Creek Ranch. All ages welcome, interval start. Come dressed to ski and wear a mask!

JH Nordic Alliance Annual Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe Event

Based on our goal to Recreate Responsibly, the JH Nordic Alliance has decided to cancel this season’s Annual Free Winter Trails Nordic, Fat Bike and Snowshoe Event. Stay tuned for January 2022! In the meantime, we encourage you to get out safely, responsibly, wear a mask, keep your groups small, and space out!

We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic

Explore JH Nordic



  • 10 Feb 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Some sun and clouds Mountain Weather is forecasting some sun and cooler temperatures. For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Monday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on conditions. Thank you groomers! Responsible Winter Trail Use: Give Wildlife Space By this point in winter we’ve had some formidable snow storms,… Read More