Snake River Sporting Club – Grooming Daily

Skinny Skis updates – Banff Virtual Partnering with GTNPF
Proceeds to Support GTNPF’s Teton Crest Trail Renewal ProjectFebruary is typically Banff Film Festival month here in Jackson when we get to invite all of our friends in the community to join us down at the high school to watch some amazing films together. Obviously, this year is not a typical year! Hopefully, you have already heard that we’ve moved the festivities onto the web, so you can “virtually” enjoy the film festival in your PJ’s at home this year. During the month of February, we will be donating all of the proceeds Skinny Skis earns from Banff Festival rentals to the Grand Teton National Park Foundation and their Teton Crest Trail Renewal Project. The project started last year with a focus of work getting done on Hurricane Pass. The upgrades will continue this summer, 2021, with projects along the south fork of Cascade Canyon and the first phase of improving the Paintbrush Divide. You can read more info on what they’re planning in 2021 further down in the newsletter. |

Trail Creek Nordic
Last Updated: 2/8
Off and Running with a New Week!
A not quite so busy Monday is moving ahead full speed today at Trail Creek. The not quite so busy part is that the oldest practice groups have the day off because they’ve had a busy weekend racing, but we’ll still have plenty of skiers with Lollipoppers, Teewinots, Devos, and Juniors on snow today.
It looks to be a lovely day to ski, except for perhaps just a bit too much breeze. Not much snow has fallen since yesterdays’ grooming although there has been a bit of drifting in the fields. Today’s grooming started with the Pisten Bully laying fresh classic tracks throughout the fields with some additional grooming in preparation for today’s practice schedule. That was followed by rolling and Ginzu grooming on pretty much every trail. Some of the skate lanes are a bit soft, although mostly what you will find today is nice skiing.
The rest of the week is as it has been lately with Wednesday being the busiest day and Thursday the quietest. Our IMD racers are off to McCall, ID for the final qualifier of the season Friday and Saturday.
Groomer’s choice for today is Moose Loop.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Last Updated: 2/6
Emily’s Pond and stilson are groomed and in good shape. The school fields will be done around 10:30. Cache creek users today!
Friends of Pathways groomed all the trails in Cache but did not go to Noker as the avalanche danger was high.
Teton Pines Nordic
Last Updated: 2/4
Excellent grooming for both skate and classic . Perfect corduroy, soft enough to good traction, cold enough for great glide. Please call or email Cody for more details: (307) 733-1733 or tetonpinesxc@gmail.com |
Teton Village Trail
Last Updated: 2/1
Teton Village pathway along the Moose-Wilson road was groomed Sunday. Nice snowy packed conditions, good for nordic, fat biking, walking, trail running!
Shooting Star
Last Updated: 2/8
Wind will likely continue to dominate the storyline as another storm cycle is planned to move in on Thursday. We continue to get the trails smooth each morning, but would anticipate that skiing may be more enjoyable with a classic or touring setup if windy conditions exist. Next update will be Thursday 2/11. Enjoy!
Please See the following Restrictions
- Dog Loops & All Nordic Skiing Trails OPEN
- Sled Hill OPEN
- Classic Tracks SET
- Snow Shoeing Loop OPEN
- Casual Walking Not Permitted
Grand Teton National Park
Last Updated: 2/7
Groomed from Taggart Lake Trailhead to South Jenny this morning @grandtetonfoundation @jhnordic#gtnpgrooming.
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Last Updated: 2/8
We have worked hard all weekend to keep up with the heavy snow and wind, and today the trails realy came together. They all firmed up and the skiing was tremendous. Both skate and classic lanes were groomed this morning To help with social distancing and to get you on the trails faster please purchase your trail passes and sign your waivers online in advance (see link below). As always, remember to recreate responsibly. Bring a mask as it is required to enter the lodge. Lunch and dinner are both by reservation only.
https://www.turpinmeadowranch.com | 307.543.2000, office
Grand Targhee
Last Updated: 2/8
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed 2/5/2021, Fat Bike CLOSED.

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 2/7
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Sunday: This morning, plan to try and pack down and smooth out the wind affected snow covering the track. Will be begin grooming at 8am.
Please do not park in the library parking lot. Please be sure to keep your dogs on a leash and to clean up after them.
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 2/8
Skate: Set | Classic: Not Set
Smoothed with drag then set classic track. The skiing should be excellent!
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 2/8
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
I groomed the singletrack, skate track and reset the classic track. It should be good out there. Have fun and enjoy.
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Last Updated: 2/8
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Monday: Plan to reset both skate and classic tracks this morning. Hopefully both turn out well. Finish by 930am.
Southern Valley Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
Last Updated: 2/7
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Campground and Yetis loops we’re groomed this morning and classic track was reset. It will be soft snow for today. The cooler temps overnight should help it set up. Enjoy the glide.
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Teton Springs Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday
Last Updated: 2/8
Skate: Set | Classic: Set | Singletrack: Set
Groomed all trails this evening and set classic track.
No dogs allowed.
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 1/25
Singletrack: Set
Did a few laps around the park with the sled and tire drag this afternoon. It will be firm and ready for action as soon as the snow sets up a bit.
Southern Valley Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/7
Singletrack: Set
I was able to roll hillbender’s, upper Lady slipper, and happy hour. Nemo is currently rider packed and we are unable to groom due to the downed tree. I tried to groom Pole Canyon connector but that’s a no go. We will need some volunteer shovelers to work on that one. Enjoy the ride.
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Darby Canyon
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/4
Groomed to Pinnacle TH
Rammell Mountain Road
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 1/21
Grooming on 1/21
South Leigh Road
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 2/8
Groomed 2/8

Pinedale Stampede
FEBRUARY 27, 2021
6k, 10k, 20k and races. Races will all be mass start, freestyle race. Prizes and giveaways!
We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic