General Weather – Hovering around freezing with moisture

Mountain Weather is forecasting temps in the high 20s today with 10 inches in the mountains. For a detailed daily forecast check out

“Wow, the snow is really sticky today!”

It’s so exciting to get out after a big snow storm and be the first person to break tracks through fresh snow. BUT, that excitement can turn to dismay when you realize there are inches of snow stuck to your skis. You would give anything just to get a couple glides instead of trudging. To avoid letting your ski adventure become a flounder fest, take some quick preventative measures.  

But first, why does snow build up under skis, especially at warmer temps?

When skis glide on snow friction is created between the bottom of the ski and the snow, which melts the snow. If the base of the ski is untreated the water penetrates the base. The water that has penetrated with the base now bonds to the snow on the trail, and the snow adheres to the base. And now we have sticky skis!

What to do?

Stop by a local ski shop (eg Skinny SkisJD Highcountry OutfittersYostmark) and get yourself some Maxiglide, or Toko Express Wax. Before you ski, wipe it on, rub it in, wait a few minutes, then you are good to go!

SheJumps – Teton Nordic Ski School – Women’s Nordic Series

Monday, February 10

Join SheJumps and the ladies of Teton Nordic Ski School for a fun and social Nordic Ski Series in the Teton Valley! Skate and classic skiing is welcome.


Please Share Your Photos


We know you’re going on adventures. Please share your photos, stories, and winter trail wisdom with us so that we can inspire the community to get outside and have some fun.

Moose Chase

Saturday, February 15

This premier Nordic race includes distances for all ages and ability levels, with a 20K, 10K, 5K, 3K, and a free 1/2K. This is a skate or freestyle Nordic skiing event. 

Bringing in the new year with great cheer!

Thank you to our platinum sponsors and community supporters.

JH Ecotour Adventures
Skinny Skis
WYldlife for Tomorrow
Jim and Mary Speyer
Scott Horn
Nancy Leon and Charlie Thomson
Nina Berlin Rubin and Shaena Ulissi
Chris and Gretchen Sebald
Michael and Trish Spain
The Storer Foundation
The Bitzer Family Fund
JH Travel and Tourism Board

Explore JH Nordic



  • 12 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Snow coming later this week! Mountain Weather is forecasting warm daytime temps and overnight temps still below freezing. For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Wednesday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on conditions. Thank you groomers! Last Local Ski Race of the Season! The weather is lovely and trails… Read More