Thank you for continually sharing your photos with us of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
Nordic trails are skiing at their best
Exquisite skate and classic skiing on Teton Park Road- multiple reports of joy and elation, skiing from Taggart trailhead north to Jenny Lake and beyond on the freshly groomed trail.
With current dry conditions, groomed Nordic trails are skiing at their best (and un-groomed too!) A perfect way to get out in the fresh air, wide- open spaces, from a relaxed pace to a vigorous work-out. You may see only a few people or no one at all. Great time over the holidays to get out and ski , snowshoe or fat bike a favorite trail, or go search on JHNordic.com/trails/ or our daily trail report for somewhere new.
Enter Jackson Hole Nordic’s Pre-Annual Event Instagram Giveaway!
You can win: Kate’s Real Food bars, JH Winter Trail & Pathway maps, The Hole Hiking Experience water bottle, Friends of Pathways tee, a stainless steel cup and “Parks for All” Hydro Flask coffee mug from Friends of Pathways, Swix liquid glide wax, stainless steel flax and his & hers ski socks from Skinny Skis, lense/goggles cloth from Eco Tour Adventures, one free Stay Wild Raffle entry at our Annual Event and our new JHNordic buff provided by Avalon 7.
Visit us on Instagram to enter!
Trail Creek Nordic
Last Updated: 12/22
Christmas Week!
Hopefully a wonderful and happily busy time is on tap for everyone this week. The tourists are pouring into town, family members are home for the holidays, and several events are on tap for Trail Creek as well. The teams will be training this week, albeit in a somewhat different schedule so your normal ski time which might usually be quite quiet could become a festive event.
Speaking of festive events, make sure you make it out for the Betty Woolsey Classic Race and Holiday Bonfire, both coming up next Saturday.
In the world of racing, results have been posted for this weekend’s high school race in Laramie. While not all of the area high school racers participated this weekend, there were still some admirable showings which can be viewed here.
As of 11:30 AM the sun had not yet made up its mind as to whether or not it was going to put in an appearance today with an undecided sky, the wind was calm, and the temperature was -4ºC/25ºF. Today’s grooming was a Pisten Bully best line pass of almost every trail. Skate lanes are skiing well and classic tracks are doing pretty well in most places although in a few spots a reset would be nice which is waiting for additional snow forecast this week.
Turpin Meadows Ranch
Last Updated: 12/21
Turpin Meadow Ranch is officially open for the 2019/2020 Winter Season. All trails are in and the classic tracks have been set. Those who have skied so far this weekend have raved about the Meadow and Turpin Loop Trails. The Views of the Tetons from the Mule Loop Trail is especially amazing today.
The Lodge is open for Lunch daily from 11:30 am – 2:30 pm. For those wanting to check out the weather and local conditions we just added and LIVE streaming Camera here at the ranch. You can log in from the comfort of your desk or at home and see what the conditions are here at the ranch. You can also watch some of the most amazing sunsets and sunrises over the Tetons.
Just click the YouTube link before and you can watch our LIVE cam 24/7
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Last Updated: 12/21
The levee and Stilson are groomed and in good shape. The school fields will be finished by 10:30.
Grand Teton National Park
Teton Park Road
Last Updated: 12/22
Sunday morning grooming – Grand Teton National Park. Taggart to South Jenny.
Teton Pines Nordic
Last Updated: 12/21
Shooting Star Nordic
Last Updated: 12/19
Classic tracks are now set and skiing should continue to be very enjoyable. Expect some inconsistent areas due to our minimal snowpack. Early season conditions and warmer weather will continue through the weekend. Get out and enjoy!
Classic Tracks Set: YES
Snowshoeing : OPEN
Sled Hill: OPEN
Next Update: Monday
Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club
Grand Targhee Nordic & Fat Biking
Last Updated: 12/22
The sun will rise again on immaculate groomers, sun-softened snow, and the festive atmosphere that goes hand-in-hand with those warm days slopeside. Mostly cloudy skies in the morning will cede to sunshine by afternoon. Warmer temperatures with a high near 32 and breezy conditions will provide the background for this wonderful day on the mountain.
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed 12/22/2019), Fat Bike OPEN.)
Last Updated: 12/20
Fat Bike: Yesterday and this morning we completed a 2.5 mile section of new groomed single track. Beginning at lower Kelly Park, climbing to Kelly Park proper with a fun skirting loop around the meadow. It’s set up and ready to ride!
Nordic 12/19: Groomed this morning: Old Road Trail, Upper & Lower Surveyors, Moose Ridge and Tree Loop. Rest of the trails should be in pretty good shape. Everyone do a Snow Dance, we need more snow! 0F degrees at the Nordic Equipment Building, -5F in Surveyor Park this morning.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/22 @ 7:17am
Skate: Fair | Classic: Fair
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/20 @ 1pm
Skate: Good | Classic: Fair
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/12 @ 4pm
Skate: Good | Classic: N/A
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/21 @ 7pm
Skate: Good | Classic: Fair
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 12/22 @ Noon
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
Yeti’s Loop
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/21 @ 2pm
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 12/22 @1pm
Singletrack: Good
Figure-8 is well packed and firm. Big loop is flagged for grooming once it snows.
Teton Springs Single Track
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 12/16 @ 10am
Singletrack: Good
Got the singletrack set out at Teton Springs last night. Things are starting to shape up. Enjoy!
Southern Valley Single Track
Track Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 12/16 @ 10am
Singletrack: Good
JHNordic Rec Master Clinic Series #2
December 26 | Teton Pines, Wilson | 11am-12:30p
Clinic # 2 will feature Skate Ski Tips, Technique, and Fun! Coaches provided by the JH Ski Club Nordic program. Sign up for all 8 clinics or drop-in. Clinics every other Thursday with Classic XC and Skate ski lessons alternating.
Register: info@jhnordic.com For more info, see: blog.jhnordic.com
Betty Woolsey Classic Nordic Race- 2k, 5k, 12k
(* Sandbag series)
December 28 | Trail Creek Nordic Center | 9am-12pm
Register with the JH Ski Club. A community favorite, honoring Betty Woolsey of Trail Creek Ranch.
All ages welcome.
JH Nordic Alliance 4th Annual
Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe Day
Sunday, January 5th 2020 | Turpin Meadow Ranch | 10am-3pm
Mark your calendar and Register online!
We’re getting excited with more demo skis, more fat bikes, Melvin Beer, Kates Bars, Free lessons, snowshoe and BC Nordic tours up the Buffalo Fork, and a huge raffle to benefit the JH Ski Club Nordic program. Raffle will include a Stay Wild fat bike, donated by the JH Travel and Tourism/Lodging Tax supported team, Nordic skis from Skinny Skis, and lots more. Wanna donate to the Raffle? Contact the JH Ski Club: info@JHSkiclub.org
Speed through Registration by pre-signing the Event Activity and Trail Use Waiver online – click here .
Once the Waiver form is completed online, you will be able to print a pdf copy. We encourage you to print this to present at registration. We can also look you up as “pre-registered
Sponsored by the JH Nordic Alliance members and JH Travel & Tourism Board
Want to get involved, sponsor an activity, volunteer?
This community event is a great way to connect with our community and visitors. Contact Nancy @: info@JHNordic.com
Send us your event dates, stories, photos
Follow JHNordic on Facebook, Instagram @JHNordic, #JHNordic
Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed,
what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.