General Weather – Sunny, cold, but snow and higher temps on the horizon

Mountain Weather is forecasting beautiful cold days ahead. For a detailed daily forecast check out

Groomer Report from Trail Creek: By noon on Monday the temperature was still far enough below zero that practices were cancelled for the day. While two or three hardy skiers did make it out to enjoy some wide open trails Monday, all in all tracks were close to nil on the trails yesterday morning. Instead of wasting some diesel fuel, the call yesterday was to take advantage of the situation and head out with the snowmobile and do a little work on the trails. The last few signs were placed and some branches that had been whacking the Husky are no more.

Let’s show some love for the GROOMERS!

This is an appreciation post for all the incredible groomers that brave the elements (even recent negative temps) all winter long so we can enjoy the winter trails in our region. 

Thank you Friends of Pathways for keeping the singletrack up Cache Creek bike and runner ready!

Shout out to the Teton Pines groomers who brave the elements every morning!

Brrrrrrr! Negative temps don’t stop GTNP on Tuesday morning!

Tried and true Trail Creek puts pristine tracks in place every day!

Not only does Elee Deschu craft daily newsletters for JH Nordic, she also weaves the beautiful trails at Turpin Meadow Ranch!

The hero crew at Teton Valley Trails and Pathways grooms SEVEN trail systems opening up miles and miles of skiable terrain.

Thanks to Teton County Parks and Recreation, Jackson walkers, skiers, and bikers can get out on trails right out their front door.

Grand Targhee groomers keep the rolling tracks packed for skiers and fat bikers!

Thank you to the Shooting Star groomers who make the trails at the base of Teton Village glisten!

Look at that open meadow! Thank you Jackson Hole Mountain Resort nordic groomers!

Did You Attend Free Ski Day?

Take the Survey!

Please take a moment to share your thoughts in our short survey. It’s a chance to shape future events, just as every trip out on winter trails helps to shape our understanding of the world around us.


A Scavenger Hunt!

You Could Win a Prize!

There is a JH Nordic Alliance beanie for the first person to find and take a selfie with this little cheering gnome! Email with your photo and a brief report of your excursion/trail notes.

Moose Chase

Saturday, February 15

This premier Nordic race includes distances for all ages and ability levels, with a 20K, 10K, 5K, 3K, and a free 1/2K. This is a skate or freestyle Nordic skiing event. 

Bringing in the new year with great cheer!

Thank you to our platinum sponsors and community supporters.

JH Ecotour Adventures
Skinny Skis
WYldlife for Tomorrow
Jim and Mary Speyer
Scott Horn
Nancy Leon and Charlie Thomson
Nina Berlin Rubin and Shaena Ulissi
Chris and Gretchen Sebald
Michael and Trish Spain
The Storer Foundation
The Bitzer Family Fund
JH Travel and Tourism Board

Explore JH Nordic



  • 29 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Chance of snow Mountain Weather is forecasting a chances of snow this weekend. Enjoying winter trails is not over yet! For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Saturday Be sure to check the real-time grooming for your trail by clicking the links above. Grooming is dependent on conditions. Groomers may change their regular habits to produce the best results with warmer days of spring. Great idea to… Read More