General Weather – Mostly Sunny and Cold
Mountain Weather is forecasting beautiful cold days ahead. For a detailed daily forecast check out

What’s Groomed Today?
Every Day
- Turpin Meadow Ranch
- Trail Creek Nordic
- Teton Pines Nordic
- Shooting Star Nordic – season pass required
- Taggart to Signal (grooming typically finished by 1:30)
- Grand Targhee Nordic
- Alta Nordic Track
- Teton Reserves
- Southern Valley Trails
- Stilson Loop / Emily’s Pond / Wilson-Centennial Trail
- School Fields Loop (Jackson)
Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on conditions. Thank you groomers!
“It might be cold, but the views are hot! Enjoy bluebird skiing through Friday with some light drifting possible if winds increase. Bundle up and have fun!” -Tyler S. from Shooting Star, his trail condition updates are often universal to our area, thanks Tyler!
Inspiration to Grow
Today’s installation of JH Nordic is all about stretching yourself, and I’m not just talking about snowshoe yoga here… There is a scavenger hunt going on and opportunities to enhance your skiing techniques through a women’s social ski meetup or a new series of classes known as “Nordic Nights”.

Be encouraged by Sean O’Malley’s words to challenge yourself: “Although it has often taken a back seat to Alpine skiing in this country, Nordic is cool and unique, therefore, the folks who do it are (obviously) cool and unique! Racing, training, or just plain touring can be great fun and very satisfying. More importantly, the discipline required to learn new skills and to strengthen your mind and body carries over in positive ways to other aspects of your life. Walking on skis can be accomplished by almost anyone, but to truly ski, to execute a solid kick and enjoy a long glide, skate up and down through the Potholes in Grand Teton, or to descend steep hills at 35 mph on edgeless, skinny skis, requires mileage and technique. This takes time – there is no instant gratification.”
As Jimmie Dugan in A League of Their Own says: “If it were easy, everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great”. Cross country skiing can be a wonderful outing on day one … but, to truly ski, it can also be (initially) hard, frustrating, and perhaps not for everyone. Well, do not let the hard parts discourage you, keep after it! Find a coach or ski with friends who have been there before you. No matter your ability, you can find joy in cross country skiing.
Women in the Tetons Cross Country Ski Meet Up

Here is your opportunity for a women’s social ski outing! Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned glider, this event is open to all levels. There will be a skate skiing instructor on hand to give some tips to level up your game. If skating isn’t your thing, there will also be a leader for a classic tour.
Join Women in the Tetons today at the Stilson Lot in Wilson from 4:30PM – 5:30PM (with a little après tailgating action).
Enhance Your Ski Skills with Nordic Nights!
A new instructional ski program collaboration between Teton County, Jackson Parks and Recreation and Peak Performance is about to start next week! The Stilson Cross Country Nordic Nights Classic and Skate Series will start January 28 for the following 6 Tuesdays (3 nights of classic followed by 3 nights of skate).
The group will meet adjacent to the Transit Center Building at Stilson, and use groomed Teton County Pathways from 4:30-6:00pm. You will need to bring your own equipment to participate. Check out the resources page if you need to track down some gear to rent. The cost is $130/3 nights of skate or classic or $50/night. Be sure to register ahead of time, minimum of 5 participants, maximum of 8.
This will be a great way to progress your skills, connect with your community, build your confidence, and enjoy a fun and supportive atmosphere!

To Register:
- Classic:
- Skate:

A Scavenger Hunt!
You Could Win a Prize!
There is a JH Nordic Alliance beanie for the first person to find and take a selfie with this little cheering gnome! Email with your photo and a brief report of your excursion/trail notes.
Bringing in the new year with great cheer!
Thank you to our platinum sponsors and community supporters.
JH Ecotour Adventures
Skinny Skis
WYldlife for Tomorrow
Jim and Mary Speyer
Scott Horn
Nancy Leon and Charlie Thomson
Nina Berlin Rubin and Shaena Ulissi
Chris and Gretchen Sebald
Michael and Trish Spain
The Storer Foundation
The Bitzer Family Fund
JH Travel and Tourism Board