General Weather – Snowball making weather

Mountain Weather is forecasting chance of rain and snow showers Friday and more snow through the weekend. For a detailed daily forecast check out

Pro Tip: If you have a quiver of skis, travel with them all!

Pro Tips: A selfie from Celeste on the skate ski tour that turned into a long classic ski in GTNP, 3-10-24.
A selfie from Celeste on the skate ski tour that turned into a long classic ski in GTNP, 3.10.24.

This pro-tip tidbit is shared by Celeste Young, Co-Owner & Instructor at Teton Nordic Ski School, GTSSF Nordic Development Coach. She recommends that if you have more than one pair of skis, such as fish-scale skis best used off piste, classic skis for track skiing, and/or skate skis, bring them all along when traveling to ski in Jackson Hole and Teton Valley. If you get to your chosen trail and discover the skate skiing conditions weren’t as expected, it is easy to switch to classic skiing and vice versa.

Sticky Snowball Days Call for Groomed Trails

Most days I crave a wild ski, choosing my own path off piste and into the woods to explore, but when the weather is prime for making snowballs I seek out well groomed corduroy. This weekend I’ll plan on putting ALL of my skis in my car and heading to Teton Pines to enjoy their 16km of perfectly groomed track for skate and classic skiing. Open from 9-4 daily, they have great deals on demo gear and lots of new gear in the shop, plus lessons are available as well.

And they now allow dogs on Jack’s Loop (NO other trails!!) Please check in at the shop for all the rules and regulations. Walking, biking or snowshoeing is not allowed on any of our trails to keep their grooming in pristine condition for skiers. 

Perfect grooming at Teton Pines

Get Ready for JH Nordic Free Ski, Fat Bike, and Snowshoe Day

In just over a week the annual JH Nordic Free Ski, Fat Bike, and Snowshoe Day will be here! There are a few things you can do to prepare for the festivities in order to get the most out of the day.

  • First, please pre-register by signing the acknowledgment of risk.
  • Second, make sure you’ve got all of your (and your friends) gear in your car! Demos will be available, however you are encouraged to bring your own equipment to enjoy on the trails between demos, lessons, and tours.
  • Lastly, organize a carpool with your friends! You can use our JH Nordic Skier’s Facebook group and coordinate with others that plan to attend. There is a shuttle graciously provided by Teton Science Schools – Leaving Home Ranch at 9am – return – leaving Turpin at 2:45 pm. Two vans seating 10 people each. Only 20 people max. Nordic skis/poles welcome. No bikes. No dogs. Simply email and reserve your spot!

Teton Ridge Classic image

Teton Ridge Classic

Saturday, January 11

Less than two weeks left to get on your classic skis and train for this ‘classic’ race on the Southern Valley ski trails in Victor, Idaho.

Wydaho Nordic Race Series – Moose Chase

Saturday, February 15

This premier Nordic race includes distances for all ages and ability levels, with a 20K, 10K, 5K, 3K, and a free 1/2K.

Pinedale STAmpede

Saturday, January 18

Put on your bell bottoms & get ready for the largest non-profit fundraiser in 2025 for the Sublette Trails Association (STA) 

Bringing in the new year with great cheer!

Thank you to our platinum sponsors and community supporters.

JH Ecotour Adventures
Skinny Skis
WYldlife for Tomorrow
Jim and Mary Speyer
Scott Horn
Nancy Leon and Charlie Thomson
Nina Berlin Rubin and Shaena Ulissi
Chris and Gretchen Sebald
Michael and Trish Spain
The Storer Foundation
The Bitzer Family Fund
JH Travel and Tourism Board

Explore JH Nordic



  • Crust Cruising, Get It While You Can!
    crust cruising on skate and classic cross country skis is a highlight of spring Nordic skiing in Grand Teton National Park