Moose Day 2021 – From the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation
Many Nordic skiers (like us at JHNordic) really love our moose! Seeing a moose from a safe distance while out on a winter trail is often the highlight of the day.
Like to know more about the state of JH moose this winter, where you might see one or more? JH Wildlife Foundation just reported on the results of their Annual Moose Day here:

All 2021 Moose Day Volunteers,
Thank you for your extraordinary participation in Moose Day 2021. At this time, we have preliminary totals of 106 moose and 109 volunteers who spent 300 hours scouting! The majority of you drove (163 hrs), others skied (74 hrs), a few snowmobiled (33.5 hrs), many walked (25 hrs), and one group snowshoed (4 hrs).This is impressive! Unfortunately, as often happens on Moose Day, only half the teams saw moose (18 out of 34). This is not a reflection on your effort—you tried hard! Moose appeared most frequently along the Gros Ventre River as far east as the Darwin Ranch (14), to along the stretch around Kelly to the rotary (19). Others were seen in much less wild terrain, such as around golf courses at Teton Golf and Tennis and Teton Pines (around 20). Some were resting and feeding in neighborhoods around Wilson, Tribal Trails, and Crescent H subdivisions. Areas of deep snow in the park, downtown Jackson, the forested slopes along Fish and Fall Creek Roads had none this year. Even the Buffalo Valley, a former hotspot, had only 4 moose.
This is preliminary data. We will have a final report in our next Nature Mapping enews with a map of where all the moose were and comparisons to years before. However, we wanted you to be the first to know the success of Moose Day 2021.
Thank you all!
Frances Clark,
Volunteer Moose Day Coordinator

Wyoming Premiere of the Palisades Project
Friday March 26th, 2021
It is easy to say that The Palisades Project is telling the story about a land conflict – but in reality the conflict we are dealing with is one about people. Our film shares the voices of people involved in the conflict surrounding the Greater Palisades landscape, to both tell the story and inspire a solution. Dan Smitherman of the Wilderness Society is one of those voices.
Don’t miss the full length film that premieres virtually March 26th!
Attend virtually from the Jackson Hole Center for the Arts | Followed by a livestream panel discussion.
Recreate Responsibly
The Bridger-Teton National Forest offers ample groomed, tracked and off-trail opportunities for cross country skiing, fat biking, snowshoeing, or just walking with your dog. Winter recreation is more concentrated in easily accessible areas, so winter requires extra effort and diligence to protect our wildlife, our watersheds, and ensure a positive experience for all. Read more on how our community can take care of our public lands, year round.
Registration OPEN for the Rendezvous River Sports Karen Oatey PPP!
Join us Saturday, April 10th for Jackson Hole’s favorite spring kickoff, the Rendezvous River Sports Karen Oatey Pole Pedal Paddle. Race individually or on a team, competitively or for fun! Five Legs: Ski/Snowboard > Run > Nordic > Bike > Paddle. Equal cash prizes for top three male and female individual racers. Costumes highly encouraged! Registration is now open until 5pm, April 7th |

Trail Creek
Last Updated: 3/20
Soggy Day!
The prediction is that you should have plenty of room today on your ski at Trail Creek with kind of a soggy forecast in store; with that forecast being a 90% probability of rain and snow and a high of 44, it should make for an interesting day to ski. Dressed appropriately you can surely have a great time.
Today’s grooming happened last night with quite nice results. Almost all classic tracks were reset with extra skate grooming happening in the fields, Moose Poop, and Moose Loop. An inch is forecast to fall today with a couple more tonight so hopefully we can clean up the snow a bit and have some great skiing. Look for next grooming Sunday morning.
About a dozen of our IMD racers are in Sun Valley today for the Western Region FIS Cross Country Spring Series Races. While nothing is up yet, hopefully results will be posted on this FIS webpage.
Groomer’s choice for today is to not forget your rain gear.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Last Updated: 3/20
The levee and stilson are groomed but will be pretty soft since it didn’t freeze last night. I will not be able to groom the school fields anymore this season due to too thin of a base.
Cache Creek
Last Updated: 2/20
We rolled Cache Hagen Sidewalk and Hagen Highway this evening and will snowshoe the trails near the trailhead this weekend.
Grooming provided by Friends of Pathways.
Teton Pines Nordic
Last Updated: 3/18
Last grooming day = Saturday March 20th – Come and enjoy the smooth, groomed trails until then!! It’s been a fantastic season!
Call us for specific retail questions (307) 699-3394 or tetonpinesxc@gmail.com. Our hours are 9am-4pm daily.
Shooting Star
Last Updated: 3/15
Spring conditions will continue to be the theme all week. Warm temperatures and sunny skis are forecasted through Friday, followed by a potential rain/snow mix over the weekend. Overall, conditions should ski great! Reminder that trails will be icy in the morning, softer around lunchtime, and potentially slushy in the afternoon. Also, the depth & quality of the classic tracks will be inconsistent due to the icier profile. Enjoy!
Next Update 3/22
Please See the following Restrictions:
- Dog Loops & All Nordic Skiing Trails OPEN
- Sled Hill OPEN
- Classic Tracks SET
- Snow Shoeing Loop OPEN
- Casual Walking & Trail Running Not Permitted

Grand Teton National Park
Last Updated: 3/19
Today is Brandon’s final day to groom in GTNP for the season. We hope everyone is able to get out end enjoy the last weekend of skiing in the park.

Turpin Meadow Ranch
Last Groomed Date: 3/8
While Turpin Meadow Ranch is officially closed, we would like to recognize some highlights from our perspective this winter:
- all of the folks who came to Turpin to try Nordic skiing for their first time ever
- all of the joy that was shared which inspired a new term for skis: “giggle sticks”
- a strong interest and participation in our lessons and tours from the community
- guests posting their adventures at Turpin on their social media
- people flagging down the groomer to share their gratitude
- and the biggest compliment of all is when folks tell their friends to go to Turpin “because it’s my favorite place to cross country ski!”
From all the Nordic team at Turpin, the managers, groomers, instructors and guides, we’d like to say thank you to the Nordic community who made this winter season so memorable. We are already looking forward to next winter and the opportunity to facilitate the ski adventure of your dreams.
https://www.turpinmeadowranch.com | 307.543.2000, office
Grand Targhee
Last Updated: 3/20
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed 3/20/2021) Fat Bike CLOSED.

Trail Etiquette: Please keep your dogs leashed in the parking lot and be sure to clean up after them!
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday
Last Updated: 3/20
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Saturday/Sunday: first day of Spring today, and it’s dumping! Forecast is for it to continue most of today so Mark and I decided to forgo the Alta grooming today. I will hit everything tomorrow (Sunday), hopefully starting around 9am depending on when the snow lets up. Sunday afternoon should be nice. Today not so much.
Please do not park in the library parking lot. Please be sure to keep your dogs on a leash and to clean up after them.
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Last Updated: 3/20
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Waiting for storm to pass I will groom Driggs today at 12pm. will set classic and skate.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/19
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
We’re waiting on some new snow before we groom the park again. The skate track is set though it’s not in the best condition it is skiable. For this coming storm cycle.
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/20
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Saturday: Will begin grooming around 9am this morning. Plan to reset both skate and classic tracks.
Southern Valley Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/18
Skate: Set | Classic: Set
Planning on beginning to groom around 330 this afternoon. If we groom when the snow is soft and let it freeze before we ski it should be good skiing for the weekend. Happy skiing!!
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Teton Springs Nordic
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday
Last Updated: 3/20
Skate: Set | Classic: Set | Singletrack: Not Set
On Thursday evening we groomed and reset the classic and skate track. Currently waiting for the snow to fall in this storm cycle and don’t plan on grooming again until this evening at the earliest.
No dogs allowed.
Southern Valley Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 3/13
Singletrack: Set
All of the single track trails are rider packed. All the trails are in relatively good condition with the exception of animal tracks. It is getting a little icy out there after the freeze-thaw cycle and soft in the middle of the day. Your best times are early and late. I was able to use the single track drag on Nemo, Powerline and upper Lady slipper to try to fill in the ruts and animal tracks. I was only moderately successful at doing so. Enjoy the ride.
No dogs December 1 – April 15.
Darby Canyon
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 3/11
Darby groomed to end of road.
South Leigh Road
Grooming Schedule: As needed
Last Updated: 3/18
Grooming 3/18 PM

Wydaho Ride Groomed Winter Challenge with Kait Boyle
SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2021 10:59 PM
Ride our favorite fat biking trails to help fundraise for grooming machines for TVTAP and Friends of Pathways: March 6th to March 27th
Nordic skiers can participate and contribute too! Who doesn’t like a perfectly groomed winter trail?!
To participate, you must also donate to one of the following organizations and attach a photo for proof of donation to your RideWithGPS activity:
Teton Valley Trails and Pathways
Friends of Pathways
Skyliners Motor Club (mail check to PO Box 552 Driggs 83422)

Karen Oatey Pole-Pedal-Paddle (PPP)
Hosted by JH Ski & Snowboard Club
Bring your own Team or compete as an individual. Join this fun-filled muli-sport community favorite event, or cheer on friends and family! Competitive or just for fun, family event. Prizes.
Event honors Karen Oatey and the Karen Oatey Endowment, and benefits JH Ski & Snowboard Club youth ski programs and scholarships.
We’d love to hear about your outdoor adventures, what your doing to stay healthy, safe, respectful of community health guidelines – send pictures or post on FB and Insta – #JHNordic