General Weather – More Snow

Mountain Weather is forecasting chance of snow with warmer temps in the mid-30s. For a detailed daily forecast check out

SHOUT OUT! Thank you to groomers Caitie Q and Kevin E from Teton Valley Trails and Pathways! At Teton Reserves Tuesday morning, they troubleshot a tempermental machine, drove to Alta to trailer the machine from there to work on the Reserves track, then ran 6 laps to try to better pack the snow so we could all enjoy our skis! TVTAP’s Rabbit cannot be everywhere all at once even if everywhere got lots of new snow. Thanks team for some great dedication to the ski experience today!

Join our friends at Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation for Hosted Moose Day!

Odds are you have encountered your fair share of moose when you recreate in our region! For an immersive moose experience, join JHWF for a morning adventure on February 22.

Hosted Moose Day takes you to Ca che Creek, where you will help spot majestic moose in their natural habitat with your guide, Renee Seidler, Executive Director of JHWF. Observe these incredible animals from a safe and respectful distance, learn fascinating facts about moose behavior and ecology, and be part of meaningful conservation efforts!

Space is limited — reserve your spot today by emailing

Monday Fundays at TMR

Monday’s through – March 10

Whether you’re booking a new reservation or adding a Monday night to your trip, you’ll unlock exclusive perks by using code “TurpinMondayFunday” at check out. TMR is only open for one more month this winter season.

Share photos of what makes you happy on winter trails

Anytime, All the time

Please share your photos, stories, and winter trail wisdom with us by emailing Your influence will help inspire others to get outside and have some fun!

Peak Performance Ski Series

Tuesday, March 4

Join the Peak Performance Instructors for the Skate Ski lesson series. Series includes three lessons on Feb 18, Feb 25, and Mar 4. Cost is $130 or $50 for day drop in. Register here.

Explore JH Nordic



  • 21 Feb 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Some sun and warmer temps! Mountain Weather is forecasting partly sunny skies for the next two days then some snow/rain Sunday. For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Friday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on conditions. Thank you groomers! Reminders on trail use etiquette!  Let’s work together to make… Read More