Thank you for continually sharing your photos with us of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
Grooming Updates and Closures
As things are changing by the day, we want to update our community on grooming schedules. So far there are no changes to existing grooming schedules. But some schedules are already extended, all subject to snow:
- Parks & Rec- Grooming extended from March 15 to the 28th
- Trail Creek- Grooming until March 30th
- Teton Pines- will groom / pack/ roll this week, though shop may close –
- TVTAP groomed trails- assume grooming will continue based on snow.
Uphill Closures:
– Grand Targhee- will be closed for the rest of the 2019/20 winter season, with no further grooming for the Nordic and fat bike trails. However, skiers and cyclist may use the trails. No uphill travel on the alpine ski slopes.
-Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and Snow King Resort have closed for the season joining the effort to slow the spread of COVID-19
Teton Pines Nordic on Sunday
We spotted a male and female mule dear, lots of trumpeter swans, a bald eagle, and families, couples, kids enjoying a Sunday in the snow!
The resorts are closing…Here are 3 ways to stay active outdoors

- JH Ecotours and Hole Hiking Experience for Cross-country ski
- Snowshoe tours in Grand Teton National Park
- Fat bike tours and rentals with Teton Mountain Bike Tours, Hoback Sports and Fitzgerald’s Bicycles
Skinny Skis St. Paddy’s Day Sale

Skate & Classic Performance Gear
Skate Skis as low as $80
Madshus “skin” skis $150
Skate + Combi boots as low as $30
Final Winter Clearance!
Ski equipment, All 19/20 gear
40%-60% off!
Trail Creek Nordic
Last Updated: 3/15
Grooming Daily
18-24 inches on of very heavy snow fell at Trail Creek overnight making for some challenging grooming conditions. Currently the fields, Woolsey Woods, and Moose Loop received multiple roller passes and will classic ski fine and even skate pretty well as the heavy snow set quite firmly. A single roller pass was done on Armin’s and out to the end of the Old Pass Road and back and Ginzu classic tracks were put in around the fields.
For such heavy snow skiing is not too bad, enjoy! Don’t forget the cabin is locked for the time being, if you need access to anything inside contact the groomer or one of the other staff members.
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Last Updated: 3/8
Last Day of Grooming was 3/8
Thanks to everyone for making this another great winter! We appreciate all of our regular guests who have become part of the Turpin family. We hope to see all of you again next season for more skiing, and biking. Thanks to all who made the journey out this winter, we hope you had a memorable ski or bike. Looking forward to seeing you all again next season.
Grooming ended March 8th. No lodge services available. Trails are open but no longer being groomed.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Grooming Today: Cache Creek
Last Updated: 3/15
The levee and Stilson are groomed but filling in quickly with new snow. The school fields will be finished around 10:30. Grooming to Noker mine draw on mondays is over for the season but cache will still be groomed Wednesdays and Fridays to the typical turn around point.
Grand Teton National Park
Teton Park Road
Last Updated: 3/15
Final grooming day in GTNP. The snow is deep after yesterday’s storm. Get out and enjoy before they start plowing the road. @grandtetonfoundation @jhnordic #gtnpgrooming
Teton Pines Nordic
Last Updated: 3/14
Last Day of Grooming
Due to warming temperatures this week and our desire to keep everyone healthy, Sunday March 15 will be our closing day. The shop will close tomorrow, but we will continue to groom for members and pass holders through March 20 if snow conditions permit. Thanks for a great season and we will see you in November!
Shooting Star Nordic
Last Updated: 3/15
Grooming Daily
Grooming will likely be ongoing through 1030am this morning due to extra time needed to work in the recent heavy snowfall. Skiers are welcome to start at 9am but they may encounter some ungroomed or rough areas until we are finished. Thanks.
Teton Village Pathway Trail
Update: 2/22
Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club
Grooming Today
Update: 3/9
From our Nordic track maintenance team:
With rising temperatures and winter coming to an end, adjustments will be made to the route of the groomed trail. Beginning this past weekend, the trail will only be groomed on the north side of Spring Gulch Road.
This accomplishes two important things. For one, it allows us to extend the grooming period of the season because as the roadways clear it becomes increasing difficult and unsafe for the staff to cross the roads with grooming equipment. In addition, suspending grooming operations south of Spring Gulch Road helps us minimize disturbances to the local moose population. In general, please be extra mindful not to disturb wildlife during this important period for their winter survival.
Grand Targhee Nordic & Fat Biking
Last Updated: 3/15
Grand Targhee will be closed for the rest of the 2019/20 winter season, with no further grooming for the Nordic and fat bike trails. However, skiers and cyclist may use the trails. No uphill travel on the alpine ski slopes.
Last Updated: 3/13
Nordic: Most trails above groomed this morning. Road dry. Chilly now, 9F degrees. Sun is poking out. Looks like it is going to be a nice day.
Fat Bike 2/13: All Lower Kelly Park is groomed with a great riding base. Should be perfect conditions for the next 3-5 days due to high pressure system. For more information contact Geared Up, 307-399-5539 c.307-760-1912, www.gearedupbikes.com
Grooming Today: Driggs, Sherman Park, Teton Canyon
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/15
Skate: Good| Classic: Good
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/11
Skate: Good | Classic: Not Set
Ran the drag over the loops by High School and Elementary. Did not get to the east loop. Track surface is soft in afternoon and early evening hard in morning until sun has been on for about an hour. Track is starting to get thin so may be looking at end of season for Driggs. Wait to see what happens with predicted storm this weekend.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/14
Skate: Fair | Classic: Not set
Tried to groom out the rogue snowmobile ruts and footprints. It’s in better condition than it was but still not great, or even good. It is skatable though.
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/15
Skate: Poor | Classic: Fair
About 6-8 inches of heavy snow was challenging to groom. Reset both classic, turned out all right. Unfortunately the roller was leaving big chunks of snow on the skate track, so not good. Will get everything back in shape tomorrow morning, hopefully.
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/15
Skate: Fair| Classic: Fair
Yeti’s Loop
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/13
Skate: Good| Classic: Good
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 2/9
Singletrack: Poor
Skinned a lap after some foot traffic then rode front portion on triple wide. Need a sled for more compaction but will keep trying!
Teton Springs Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 3/2
Singletrack: Excellent
Plowed with v plow. All good
Southern Valley Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 3/2
Singletrack: Excellent
Darby Canyon
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 3/9
South Leigh Road
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 3/9
Thursday, Mar 19, 2020
Teton Pines Nordic
Tips, Technique, & Fun -Coaches provided by JH Ski Club Nordic program
Open to all (no first time beginners)
-Drop-in $35 (includes clinic & Teton Pines Nordic all day ski pass
Teton Pines Pass holder or member $30
Register – email : info@jhnordic.com or call: 307 739 6399
Send us your event dates, stories, photos
Follow JHNordic on Facebook, Instagram @JHNordic, #JHNordic
Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed,
what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.