General Weather – There’s a Snow Storm A’ Comin’

Mountain Weather is forecasting a sunny day today, but a lot of snow and wind for the weekend. For a detailed daily forecast check out

Groomer notes from Friends of Pathways on Cache singletrack: The trails are super compact and fast! When it’s high and dry, the trails stay good but show up red or black on Nordic Pulse. Will probably be back to grooming this weekend with the forecast.

What better way to learn than from the pros?! Scotty Mcgee is here to educate and motivate!

Pro Tips

By Scotty McGee, Peak Performance

Boot care: When you’ve got snow stuck to the bottom of your boot, don’t use your sharp pole tip to try to remove it; you risk adding scratches to your boot, which will only help the snow stick better next time! Instead, whack the boot sole with your pole grip, and next time, try a little spray wax on your boot soles to minimize stickage.

Stacking for efficient balance on one ski (Classic and Skate): While gliding on one ski, if you’re ‘knock-kneed’ (rolling on to your big toe edge) you’re not riding a flat ski, which is both slower and harder balance. Practice standing on one ski. Look down. Can you see your kneecap lining up centered over the ski? That is more stacked. Practice the recovery move if you over-commit: Standing on your left ski, hop left. Standing on your right ski, hop right. Gets me out of trouble every time, and helps my confidence getting stacked over the ski.

Step turns: Practice in place. Flex ankles and knees – get low! Tip both skis left. Staccato step from foot to foot, rotating ski tips left, only a few degrees at a time. Tip both skis right, stepping a few degrees right each step. Take it to an easy hill and practice until confident.

V-1 efficiency: Many, many skate skiers double pole plant right before the hang-side (poling side) ski touches down onto the snow. This is neither V-1 nor V2 Alternate, but an inefficient in-between pole timing. V-1 rhymes with “Three, One.” Three points of contact at once – with pushoff – gives the V-1 its hill-climbing power. The “One” is the other skate ski, touching down during pole recovery. Make sure you can see (on video) and hear both poles and one ski (that’s the “Three”) hitting the snow at the same time.

SEE FLYER below to get in-person lessons from Scotty!

The Gnome has been found!

During the Grand Targhee ski and snowboard foundation prep team practice, Blue and Westy Agnew found the gnome! They were practicing V2 and downhill techniques on the Yeti Trail in the Southern Valley Trail area when they happened upon the gnome at the top of the hill!

Teton Pines Winter Sale

Now Through January 31

Stop by Teton Pines Nordic this week to enjoy 20% off all Nordic clothing including hats, gloves, jackets, pants, and socks!


MBT and Wheel Wranglers Group Fat Bike Ride

Saturday, February 1

Come ride bikes, chat trails, meet your fellow riders and MBT members. Join us at 9am for a ‘no drop’, mellow morning cruise at the Southern Valley Trails.

Moose Chase

Saturday, February 15

This premier Nordic race includes distances for all ages and ability levels, with a 20K, 10K, 5K, 3K, and a free 1/2K. This is a skate or freestyle Nordic skiing event. 

Bringing in the new year with great cheer!

Thank you to our platinum sponsors and community supporters.

JH Ecotour Adventures
Skinny Skis
WYldlife for Tomorrow
Jim and Mary Speyer
Scott Horn
Nancy Leon and Charlie Thomson
Nina Berlin Rubin and Shaena Ulissi
Chris and Gretchen Sebald
Michael and Trish Spain
The Storer Foundation
The Bitzer Family Fund
JH Travel and Tourism Board

Explore JH Nordic



  • Crust Cruising, Get It While You Can!
    crust cruising on skate and classic cross country skis is a highlight of spring Nordic skiing in Grand Teton National Park