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0.7 miles

School Loop Trail - Jackson


Fee: $0.00 - donations appreciated


Parking is available on the north side of Summit High School and on the east side of Colter Elementary School.


The School Loop Trail in Jackson offers a quick and convenient option for a workout close to town, especially suitable for night Nordic skiing during the winter months when daylight is limited. This short, flat loop is approximately 0.9 miles (official TC/J Parks & Rec distance) and is groomed on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Beginners and kids looking to practice their ski technique will find the School Trail to be a friendly and accessible choice. Illuminated from 6:00 - 8:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, it provides a unique opportunity for night skiing.

Skiing Experience: The School Loop Trail is an easy and flat loop, making it suitable for beginners, kids, and those looking for a quick workout or night skiing experience.

Directions: Start at any point along the loop, but it's recommended to avoid school morning rush/after-school pick-up times on weekdays. The trail is predominantly flat, offering an easy skiing experience.

Winter Grooming: The School Loop Trail is groomed on Tuesday and Thursday mornings by Teton County/Jackson Parks & Rec Dept.

Dog Owners: Dogs are not allowed on the trail.

Elevation gain: 13m