Thank you for continually sharing your photos with us of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
Timbered Island Area Closed for Bear Management
The entire Timbered Island area is closed to all entry, specifically the entire length of the west side of Timbered Island from the base of Timbered Island to the Teton Park Road. The closure is in place to protect wildlife.
Please also remember to start carrying bear spray.
Fun fact:: Long term data shows that 50% of adult grizzly bears are awake by March 15 every year. And not surprisingly, we had our first grizzly bear sighting in the park yesterday – way up North.

Bear Tracks at Climbers Ranch
There is still 4 feet of snow at the Climbers’ Ranch.
Also, fresh bear tracks! -Bruce M.
So proud of our JH Ski Club Nordic Teams & Coaches
JHSC Nordic and Community Newsletter

Great recap of the JH Ski Club Nordic programs with our student – athletes, from age 5 to U20s. From local fun and skills, all the way to IMD races and Junior Nationals. The JH Nordic community is so proud of our athletes, teams and coaches. Well done!!
Gros Ventre Road Report
Overnight clear skies and temps between 20-30 deg F left a supportable crust with 1-2 in of new on top. Skied between betw 8a and 9:45a. Skiing was good, but a little slow. Breakable in the north side shade of trees. Area is rife with moose. We saw 11 total between the southern park boundary and the GV campground. – Scotty M.
Friends of Pathways Update
Like many in Jackson, Friends of Pathways is doing its best to minimize exposure and the spread of COVID-19. This new reality means our staff is working remotely and some of our spring events are in question. However, despite the closure of so many important and valued components of our Town, the pathways are still open for business. With spring around the corner, more pathway segments will be opening up soon. In addition, FOP’s winter single-track grooming in Cache Creek, will continue as long as weather permits, or until March 28th. Be aware of seasonal weather conditions that can make trail and pathway travel hazardous – loose gravel patches and ice in the mornings. |
Grooming Updates and Closures
As things are changing by the day, we want to update our community on grooming schedules. So far there are no changes to existing grooming schedules. But some schedules are already extended, all subject to snow:
- Teton County Parks & Rec- Grooming extended from March 15 to the 28th
- Trail Creek- Grooming until March 30th
- Teton Pines Nordic Center announced Monday they have closed for the season and no grooming will take place this week. Teton Pines Nordic Shop and Clubhouse are also closed. Thanks to all for a great season!!
- Shooting Star – Grooming continues for classic and skate skiers, however, NO SNOWSHOEING for the remainder of the season due to snow conditions and supervision. Please, note many trail restrictions will begin to appear as the season begins to winds down and the snow profile diminishes. The Nordic Shop will be closed until further notice.
- TVTAP groomed trails- assume grooming will continue based on snow.
- Snake River Sporting Club Nordic Trails closed for the season.
Uphill Closures:
– Grand Targhee – will be closed for the rest of the 2019/20 winter season, with no further grooming for the Nordic and fat bike trails. However, skiers and cyclist may use the trails. No uphill travel on the alpine ski slopes.
-Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and Snow King Resort have closed for the season joining the effort to slow the spread of COVID-19
Trail Creek Nordic
Last Updated: 3/23
Grooming Daily
Lots of Moose!
One of the things that Trail Creek is famous for is the amazing population of moose. If you’ve skied Trail Creek, you’ve probably skied around a moose or two. While the images above are by no means the extent of the official Trail Creek Moose Photo Collection, if you are quarantined (or even at work and looking for a diversion) and want to check it out, click on the image and you can see them all. One more moose diversion—if you click on this link you will see a video from a few years back of a pair of bulls sparring in Woolsey Woods.
You could actually see (no guarantees) a live breathing moose if you head on out to Trail Creek today for a great Nordic ski. Skier days continue to break records for late March; people are out, maintaining their distance, and keeping healthy.
Today’s grooming was once again last night with the Ginzu groomer making skate passes on most major trails. Classic tracks were in pretty good shape and not touched. Conditions were such that some of the minor woods trails that had not been groomed recently also got a quick Ginzu touch. Skiing should be good today.
If snow forecast overnight exceeds two inches, look for the next grooming Tuesday morning, but otherwise late this afternoon. Later in the week nighttime temps are forecast to drop, which should make for some good crust conditions.
Groomer’s choice for today is to try to find a moose (but maintain social distance!)
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Grooming Today: Cache Creek
Last Updated: 3/20
12pm: Game Creek and three creek pathway are groomed and in good shape.
8am: Cache Creek and May park are groomed and in good shape. Game Creek will be finished around 11:15.
Shooting Star Nordic
Last Updated: 3/23
Grooming Daily
Springtime conditions remain as skiing will continue to be icy in the AM and slushy in the PM. Grooming will be done each evening at 530pm. Please be finished skiing and off the trails by 6pm. Skiing after we groom in the evenings causes icy lumpy tracks that freeze overnight and make for rough skiing until things thaw in the morning. Please show gratitude and respect for the trails and fellow skiers. Outlook is for light snow and rain throughout the week. Have fun and practice social distancing.
Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club
Update: 3/9
From our Nordic track maintenance team:
With rising temperatures and winter coming to an end, adjustments will be made to the route of the groomed trail. Beginning this past weekend, the trail will only be groomed on the north side of Spring Gulch Road.
This accomplishes two important things. For one, it allows us to extend the grooming period of the season because as the roadways clear it becomes increasing difficult and unsafe for the staff to cross the roads with grooming equipment. In addition, suspending grooming operations south of Spring Gulch Road helps us minimize disturbances to the local moose population. In general, please be extra mindful not to disturb wildlife during this important period for their winter survival.
Last Updated: 3/20
Nordic: Most trails above groomed this morning. About 1″ of new snow at the Warming Hut. Skiing will get soft in the afternoon with these warm temperatures. Also groomed a skating lane at the Golf Course – be cautious, some grass is poking up.
Fat Bike 2/13: All Lower Kelly Park is groomed with a great riding base. Should be perfect conditions for the next 3-5 days due to high pressure system. For more information contact Geared Up, 307-399-5539 c.307-760-1912, www.gearedupbikes.com
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Last Updated: 3/8
Grooming Finished for the Season
TMR nordic and fat bikes trails are no longer groomed, however, are open for access thanks to Bridger-Teton USFS public lands. Bring bear spray as bears are starting to emerge from winter hibernation.
Grand Teton National Park
Teton Park Road
Last Updated: 3/17
Grooming Has Ended
Spring plowing began in Grand Teton National Park on Monday, March 16. The plowing operations mark the end of over-snow access on the 14-mile section of the Teton Park Road between Taggart Lake Trailhead and the Signal Mountain area.
For safety reasons, visitors may not access the Teton Park Road once plowing operations are underway. Rotary snow removal equipment and plows may be working at any time, and the roadway will be closed to all uses at all times until further notice. Skiers and those on snow shoes using areas adjacent to the roadway are cautions to avoid the arc of snow blown from the rotary equipment because pieces of ice and gravel can be thrown great distances.
Teton Pines Nordic
Last Updated: 3/16
Grooming has Ended for the Season
Teton Pines Nordic Center announced Monday they have closed for the season and no grooming will take place this week. Teton Pines Nordic Shop and Clubhouse are also closed. Thanks to all for a great season!!
Grand Targhee Nordic & Fat Biking
Last Updated: 3/15
Grooming Finished for the Season
Grand Targhee will be closed for the rest of the 2019/20 winter season, with no further grooming for the Nordic and fat bike trails. However, skiers and cyclist may use the trails. No uphill travel on the alpine ski slopes.
Grooming Today:Alta, Teton Springs, Yetis Loop
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/23
Skate: N/A | Classic: N/A
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/23
Skate: Fair | Classic: Fair
Smoothed skate track as best as I could. Did not reset classic track.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/23
Skate: Good | Classic: N/A
Just groomed the few inches we got over the weekend. All things considered, the track is in decent condition. I called it “good” but that’s relative to the time of day.
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/23
Skate: Fair | Classic: Fair
Mechanical issues prevent grooming this morning. Track is still in fairly decent shape from Sunday groom. We plan to remain on normal grooming schedule going forward into April, as conditions permit.
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/22
Skate: Excellent | Classic: Good
Finished grooming Sunday morning around 9am. Overnight cold temps firmed up the snow with about 2″ of new overnight. The grooming came out excellent for skate & classic tracks.
For the remainder of the season I will plan to groom when conditions are suitable, and will keep posting updates to inform.
Yeti’s Loop
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/24
Skate: Good | Classic: Fair
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 2/9
Singletrack: Poor
Skinned a lap after some foot traffic then rode front portion on triple wide. Need a sled for more compaction but will keep trying!
Teton Springs Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 3/2
Singletrack: Excellent
Plowed with v plow. All good
Southern Valley Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 3/22
Singletrack: Poor
Darby Canyon
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 3/17
South Leigh Road
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 3/17
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what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.