Thank you for continually sharing your photos with us of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
Teton Village Pathway Trail Now Groomed
Trail is nicely groomed from Lake Creek to the north end of the pathway near the GTNP South entrance. Perfect for a nordic ski, fat bike, walk or run.
Monday, the pathway from Stilson north to Lake Creek was snow- covered, thus ok to ski or bike from Stilson all the way to Teton Village! We hope this section can remain snow covered/ packed. Send in yr reports, since this pathway we do not always receive an update on this section.
About the Trail
Teton Village Association sponsored, multi-use groomed winter trail from the heart of Teton Village north to the end of the bike path (just south of the Grand Teton National Park south entrance) and south to the Lake Creek bridge along Hwy 390 (the Moose-Wilson road). The trail is open to nordic skiers, fat bikers, runners, walkers, dogs on leash. Click here for the Trail Map!
TVTAP Annual Nordic Dinner Was a Big Success
The Annual Teton Valley Trails & Pathways (TVTAP) Nordic Dinner in Victor last Saturday night was a huge success -sold out to capacity, fantastic energy around winter trails and Nordic grooming , skiing, fat biking in Teton Valley. TVTAP Executive Director , Dan Verbeten, and Skinny Skis co-owner, Phil Leeds, were caught here amidst the festivities. The annual dinner helps to raise funds for TVTAP’s grooming program, which includes favorite trails such as Teton Canyon, Alta, Driggs, Teton Springs, Southern Valley Trails (Nemo, PoleLine, Yeti trails ) (see grooming updates below.)
Grand Teton National Park Special Grooming Circumstances
GTNP grooming special update: It’s very soft north of Jenny so we are grooming two lanes to Signal Mountain and four lanes to South Jenny Lake.
Check the GTNP Webcam Before You Head Out
Check out trail conditions, weather and Grand Teton views before you go. Remember to contribute to the community supported grooming fund at GTNP Foundation: gtnpf.org
Trail Creek Nordic
Last Updated: 12/15
East Fields!
After visiting with The Ranch today about the snow being in the knee deep range, permission was granted to incorporate the East Fields into our grooming again for the 2019-2020 season, the result being that every major trail in our 15+ K network has now been groomed. It will be a little soft and brushy for a while, but within minutes of completion one of the early morning skiers was checking it out with a smile on her face.
The close field also received extensive grooming today, making what might seem like a bit of a maze, but every trail with a definite purpose. New today include the Nordic X course off towards The Ranch along with some inner loops that will be utilized in the January IMD Qualifier that we are hosting. While it could be a bit confusing to newbie’s, the fact that the cabin is always in sight should result in very few people getting lost.
Great news from the Super Tour in Sun Valley, Coach Ali reports, “Quick note on the Sun Valley results scene. When looking at the results some stand out finishes are hard to see. I will call them out here.
Saturday – Dec 14 – Classic Sprint
Kate Brigham – was the 3rd U16 female – she raced her heats against U18/U20s. Nice work Kate!
Sunday – Dec. 15 – 15km Skate
Elijah Weenig – was the first IMD boy – finishing 11th among all U18/U20s. Nice work Elijah!”
Coach Ben also sent a bunch of great clickable photos below with the titles explaining who is in the image. You can check out all the results at Sun Valley Super Tour.
The woods were not groomed today due to everything else going on but should be in great shape with the stable dry weather of late. Noon conditions are mostly cloudy, calm, and with a temperature of -10ºC/14ºF.
Turpin Meadows Ranch
Last Updated: 12/14
Trails open, grooming begins Dec. 15th.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Last Updated: 12/16
Fresh Tracks are being set at the Crescent H Ranch this morning, followed by a private residence, then off to do Cache Creek to Noker Mine.
Grand Teton National Park
Teton Park Road
Last Updated: 12/16
Special circumstances tomorrow, it’s very soft north of Jenny so we are doing 2 lanes to Signal Mountain and 4 lanes to South Jenny.
Tuesdays (Taggart to South Jenny Lake)
Friday (Taggart to Signal Mountain)
Sunday (Taggart to South Jenny Lake)
Teton Pines Nordic
Last Updated: 12/14
We are open 9am-4pm daily. Stop by the shop for a large selection of gifts for the nordic skiers on your list this holiday season.
please contact Cody at: tetonpinesxc@gmail.com
Shooting Star Nordic
Last Updated: 12/14
All trails are open and skiing should be great through Wednesday. Early season conditions and occasional soft spots will continue to persist until more snow accumulates. Classic tracks will likely be set by this Wednesday or Thursday, as we’ll be continuing to compact and harvest snow onto the trails in the meantime. Also, the sled hill and snowshoeing areas are now open, which will both be on the soft side due to recent snows. Enjoy!
Classic Tracks Set: NO
Snowshoeing : Open
Sled Hill: Open
Next Update: Thursday
Grand Targhee Nordic & Fat Biking
Last Updated: 12/16
You’re up, champ! It’s a Monday and that means the slopes will be empty and the lift lines non-existent. It will feel like your own private Idaho… errrr Wyoming. A dusting of 1″ on top of the large amounts we’ve
received through the last week, coupled with sustained cold temperatures, has preserved the quality of the snow just for you,
for this moment. Don’t squander it! The mountain is waiting. And work can wait.
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed
12/15/2019, no classic), Fat Bike OPEN.
Last Updated: 12/13
Half Moon Tie-In, Kelly Park, Kelly Tie-In, Upper & Lower Surveyor, Moose Ridge, Tree Loop, Old Road Trail all groomed this morning. Windy conditions today. 2-4 inches new snow. The road and parking lot are plowed. Saw three bull moose in Upper Surveyor Park today.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/15 @ 10am
Skate: Good | Classic: Fair
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/16 @ 10am
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/16 @ Noon
Skate: Good | Classic: N/A
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/16 @ 7am
Skate: Excellent | Classic: Excellent
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 12/16
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
Yeti’s Loop
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/14
Skate: Fair | Classic: Not Set
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 12/4 @ 1pm
Singletrack: Good
Rode in the figure-8 loop. Pretty buff about 3 tires wide.
Teton Springs Single Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/16
Singletrack: Good
Got the singletrack set out at Teton Springs last night. Things are starting to shape up. Enjoy!
Southern Valley Single Track
Track Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 12/6
Singletrack: Good
Santa’s Relays – Freestyle
December 21 | Teton Pines, Wilson | 10am
Classic or Skate Races – 5km/10km Classic race-registration 10am, Race start 11am; Adults $15, Juniors $10, kids = free – Prizes!
JHNordic Rec Master Clinic Series #2
December 26 | Teton Pines, Wilson | 11am-12:30p
Clinic # 2 will feature Skate Ski Tips, Technique, and Fun! Coaches provided by the JH Ski Club Nordic program. Sign up for all 8 clinics or drop-in. Clinics every other Thursday with Classic XC and Skate ski lessons alternating.
Register: info@jhnordic.com For more info, see: blog.jhnordic.com
JH Nordic Alliance 4th Annual
Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe Day
Sunday, January 5th 2020 | Turpin Meadow Ranch | 10am-3pm
Mark your calendar and Register online!
We’re getting excited with more demo skis, more fat bikes, Melvin Beer, Kates Bars, Free lessons, snowshoe and BC Nordic tours up the Buffalo Fork, and a huge raffle to benefit the JH Ski Club Nordic program. Raffle will include a Stay Wild fat bike, donated by the JH Travel and Tourism/Lodging Tax supported team, Nordic skis from Skinny Skis, and lots more. Wanna donate to the Raffle? Contact the JH Ski Club: info@JHSkiclub.org
Speed through Registration by pre-signing the Event Activity and Trail Use Waiver online – click here .
Once the Waiver form is completed online, you will be able to print a pdf copy. We encourage you to print this to present at registration. We can also look you up as “pre-registered
Sponsored by the JH Nordic Alliance members and JH Travel & Tourism Board
Want to get involved, sponsor an activity, volunteer?
This community event is a great way to connect with our community and visitors. Contact Nancy @: info@JHNordic.com
Send us your event dates, stories, photos
Follow JHNordic on Facebook, Instagram @JHNordic, #JHNordic
Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed,
what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.