Thank you for continually sharing your photos with us of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
Jackson Hole Nordic Trails Featured on JH EcoTours Blog

Make the most of winter in Jackson Hole.
‘Some of the best nordic skiing in the country can be found below the towering peaks of Grand Teton National Park. From the Bradley-Taggart Trailhead 14 miles of groomed trail await for classic or skate skiing. Many nordic skiers will enjoy traveling off trail to follow the meanders of Cottonwood Creek or visit the Lucas Fabian Homestead.
For those not wishing to ski, snowshoeing is an easy activity for any ability level to encounter the winter wonderland of Jackson Hole as well. One of our favorite areas to explore is the Granite Canyon Trailhead near Jackson Hole Mountain Resort.’ -Excerpt from Jackson Hole Ecotours Blog.
Teton Pines Updates and Santa’s Relay This Weekend
Skate skiing is incredible at Teton Pines this weekend! Classic is great too! The fresh snow and cold temps have been great for the track. It’s hard to believe it’s December with our mid-season conditions. This week is going to be sunny and cold—perfect for Nordic skiing!
Wax Recommendation: Glide Swix Blue/Purple, Grip Swix Blue Extra.
Upcoming events:
Santa’s Relays Skate/Freestyle Nordic Race
Saturday Dec 21
1pm-3pm $30
Skate skiing clinic with coach/instructor Jesse Knori.
Jesse is a Jackson native, former CU Nordic Ski Team All-American and U23 Worlds Top 20.
Please call to reserve your spot (307) 733-1733. Prior skate skiing experience required.
Trail Creek Nordic
Last Updated: 12/15
Panoramic Paradise!
Whichever way your gaze wanders today on your Nordic adventure, you will see nothing but beautiful pristine winter, beckoning you onwards and fulfilling your quest to tune the body and clear the mind; just another great day to ski in paradise.
What you will discover on the journey today is over 12 kilometers of Pisten Bully groomed trails, mostly with classic tracks. The fields and National Forest trails all received double passes today while yesterday’s classic tracks on the rest of the woods are still pristine, skate lanes did receive a PB buff. The classic track distance is once again today at a season high.
As of noon the temperature was -11ºC/12ºF with a partly cloudy sky and calm winds. If all goes according to plan, look for the East Fields to be groomed sometime this week.
Turpin Meadows Ranch
Last Updated: 12/14
Trails open, grooming begins Dec. 15th.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec
Last Updated: 12/14
7:15: The Levee is groomed and in great shape. I am starting Stilson shortly and it should be ready for skis around 9:15.
The school fields are groomed and in great shape. Grooming will continue on Monday with grooming up Cache Creek to Noker Mine Draw.
Grand Teton National Park
Teton Park Road
Last Updated: 12/15
If you haven’t already it’s time to get out and start skiing in GTNP. Today we are grooming Taggert to South Jenny. It’s cold and clear. The trail is in good condition. Enjoy
Tuesdays (Taggart to South Jenny Lake)
Friday (Taggart to Signal Mountain)
Sunday (Taggart to South Jenny Lake)
Read the full GTNP Press Release Here
Teton Pines Nordic
Last Updated: 12/14
We are open 9am-4pm daily. Stop by the shop for a large selection of gifts for the nordic skiers on your list this holiday season.
please contact Cody at: tetonpinesxc@gmail.com
Shooting Star Nordic
Last Updated: 12/14
All trails are open and skiing should be great through Wednesday. Early season conditions and occasional soft spots will continue to persist until more snow accumulates. Classic tracks will likely be set by this Wednesday or Thursday, as we’ll be continuing to compact and harvest snow onto the trails in the meantime. Also, the sled hill and snowshoeing areas are now open, which will both be on the soft side due to recent snows. Enjoy!
Classic Tracks Set: NO
Snowshoeing : Open
Sled Hill: Open
Next Update: Thursday
Grand Targhee Nordic & Fat Biking
Last Updated: 12/15
Sparkly ski slopes in the sun on Sacajawea on a Sunday! With all the lifts, including Sacajawea, and all the lift-accessed terrain on the mountain now open, the options for good-times and good-runs are finally
reaching critical thresholds!
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed
12/15/2019, no classic), Fat Bike OPEN.
Last Updated: 12/13
Half Moon Tie-In, Kelly Park, Kelly Tie-In, Upper & Lower Surveyor, Moose Ridge, Tree Loop, Old Road Trail all groomed this morning. Windy conditions today. 2-4 inches new snow. The road and parking lot are plowed. Saw three bull moose in Upper Surveyor Park today.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/15 @ 10am
Skate: Good | Classic: Fair
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/13 @ 11am
Skate: Fair | Classic: Not Set
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/13 @ 7pm
Skate: Fair | Classic: Not Set
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/15
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 12/14 @ 9am
Skate: Excellent | Classic: Excellent
Yeti’s Loop
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/14
Skate: Fair | Classic: Not Set
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 12/4 @ 1pm
Singletrack: Good
Rode in the figure-8 loop. Pretty buff about 3 tires wide.
Southern Valley Single Track
Track Grooming Schedule: as needed
Last Updated: 12/6
Singletrack: Good
Santa’s Relays – Freestyle
December 21 | Teton Pines, Wilson | 10am
Classic or Skate Races – 5km/10km Classic race-registration 10am, Race start 11am; Adults $15, Juniors $10, kids = free – Prizes!
JHNordic Rec Master Clinic Series #2
December 26 | Teton Pines, Wilson | 11am-12:30p
Clinic # 2 will feature Skate Ski Tips, Technique, and Fun! Coaches provided by the JH Ski Club Nordic program. Sign up for all 8 clinics or drop-in. Clinics every other Thursday with Classic XC and Skate ski lessons alternating.
Register: info@jhnordic.com For more info, see: blog.jhnordic.com
JH Nordic Alliance 4th Annual
Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe Day
Sunday, January 5th 2020 | Turpin Meadow Ranch | 10am-3pm
Mark your calendar and Register online!
We’re getting excited with more demo skis, more fat bikes, Melvin Beer, Kates Bars, Free lessons, snowshoe and BC Nordic tours up the Buffalo Fork, and a huge raffle to benefit the JH Ski Club Nordic program. Raffle will include a Stay Wild fat bike, donated by the JH Travel and Tourism/Lodging Tax supported team, Nordic skis from Skinny Skis, and lots more. Wanna donate to the Raffle? Contact the JH Ski Club: info@JHSkiclub.org
Speed through Registration by pre-signing the Event Activity and Trail Use Waiver online – click here .
Once the Waiver form is completed online, you will be able to print a pdf copy. We encourage you to print this to present at registration. We can also look you up as “pre-registered
Sponsored by the JH Nordic Alliance members and JH Travel & Tourism Board
Want to get involved, sponsor an activity, volunteer?
This community event is a great way to connect with our community and visitors. Contact Nancy @: info@JHNordic.com
Send us your event dates, stories, photos
Follow JHNordic on Facebook, Instagram @JHNordic, #JHNordic
Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed,
what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.