Getting in Shape for a full winter of Nordic, Fat Biking, any kind of Skiing and Active Winter Fun!

Ski fitness, spinning, pilates, yoga, even swim classes are busy with skiers and winter cyclists of all ages and abilities, working on getting upper and lower bodies and core fit and ready to make the most of winter sports. Even if you’ve been running, hiking, biking, climbing, etc. all summer, it’s surprising how those first visits in the gym or class can find muscles you didn’t know were there!
We’re motivated by the goals of strength building, performance, stamina, cardio, injury prevention, balance, and general fitness.
There are lots of programs in Jackson and Teton Valley to join…or do your own program.
One training program we love:
Bob and Betsy Youngman’s Brave Enough A Series on Training for Masters Cross Country Skiers. The latest in their series focuses on “Strength Training – The Foundation of Good Cross Country Skiing Technique”. Whether you train with a coach, in a class, or in your own at home, this description may be useful…and as noted, this is only an example of a training program. It is recommended that you seek guidance from a professional to set a program to suit your own requirements and fitness level.
Watch the intro video to the Brave Enough series:
You can also follow them on twitter or visit their website:
Early season Nordic skiing and Fat Biking
Reports from Teton Pass, Togwotee, Targhee (elevations above 8000 ft)-
Good snow, but thin cover. And be mindful/prepared of bears!
- Grand Targhee – trails are accessible, however grooming won’t start until Nov 22nd. Currently snow looks good!
- Teton Pass – Good skiing out to Mt. Elly
- Togwotee Pass – good early snow conditions (see video below), but go in a group, be very bear aware/prepared. Most snow is near the Pass summit (9650 ft), with a few trail variations.
Video: First XC Ski of the Season
It’s late October in Jackson Hole and Tom M. was itching to explore the new snow above 9,000 ft. Tom and his partner Julie had the pleasure of first tracks on 20 inches of new snow at Wind River Lake near Togwotee Pass at 9,600 ft. elevation. Good thing they brought their bear spray because they came upon clear bear tracks in the snow.
Sat. Nov 2nd – Trail Creek Nordic Trail Clean-Up
9am Saturday join Jackson Hole Ski Club families and friends to walk the Nordic trails, tidy up and clear the trails before more than a dusting of snow falls. Bring gloves. Meet at the JH Ski Club Nordic cabin, east end of Trail Creek Road, Wilson.
Volunteer & Employment Opportunities
22 Nordic – Nordic Instructors for Pre-School Ski School & Tween Programs
22 Nordic, in partnership with Teton County/Jackson Parks & Recreation and Snow King Mountain, is looking for part-time Nordic ski instructors to help with the community oriented Nordic Pre-school ski school, as well as after-school Nordic introductory programs for kids grades 3-5 in Jackson. Nordic training & certification available. Contact George Davis:
Winter Trail Road Closures & Grooming Info
Show Your Nordic Spirit and Support JHSC Nordic!
The JH Ski Club has cool new Nordic jackets and 2020 Nordic beanies available for purchase. Get your order in ASAP, before the Ski club places its order on November 8th.
Winter Trail Events for 2019-2020 Now Posted –
Got an event to post? Contact:
New 2019-2020 Sandbag Series Nordic Races
Now available on -look for Nordic races with the “ * “ to identify which racers are part of the Sandbag Series.
Grand Targhee Opening
November 22 | Grand Targhee
Subject to snow conditions, come out to test the fresh Nordic and fat biking groomed Trails. Great start to getting in shape for the winter!
West Yellowstone Rendezvous Ski Festival
November 26 – December 2 | West Yellowstone
Start your Nordic Ski season close to Jackson Hole -weeklong Nordic skiing, clinics, excellent groomed trails, and fun atmosphere with Ski Clubs from across the West.
20th Annual JH Avalanche Awareness Night “Avy Night”
Avalanche arenas program, winter mountain weather, and raffle. Hosted by Skinny Skis and many community sponsors. Come and get informed, check out the latest…
JHNordic Master Rec Clinic Program– Tips, Technique & Fun!
Expanded to 8 clinics for ’19-’20, hosted by the JH Ski Club Nordic program, with coaches from the Ski Club and master racer/coach, Scott Horn.
Improve your classic cross-country and skate ski techniques, ski smoother, faster, stronger, more efficiently.
TVTAP Annual Nordic Dinner
December 14 | The Wildwood Room, Victor 6-9pm
Support Teton Valley Trails and Pathways (TVTAP) & winter grooming in Teton Valley! Join this fun community dinner, supporting some of your favorite Nordic and fat bike groomed trails in Teton Valley – Teton Canyon, Alta, Teton Springs, Yeti Trail, Driggs, Sherman Park – and summer bike paths, too!
JH Nordic Alliance 4th Annual
Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe Day
Sunday, January 5th 2020 | Turpin Meadow Ranch | 10am-3pm
Come celebrate the new year, new decade – activities include:
-Free skate ski and classic cross-country ski demos skis, boots, poles;
-Free Fat Bike demos
-Free groomed trail pass- 20 km
-Free Snowshoe tours and back-country nordic ski tours
-Free nordic skate and class ski lessons
-Free Kid’s Corral – for first time nordic skiing for 2-5 year olds
-Bridger-Teton US Forest Service Trail and Wildlife Info
-Raffle to Support our local JH Nordic Alliance non-profit
And more!
Sponsored by the JH Nordic Alliance members and JH Travel & Tourism Board
Want to get involved, sponsor an activity, the raffle, volunteer?
This community event is a great way to connect with our community and visitors.
Contact Nancy @:
Ski for Light International Event
Feb 9-16 | Casper, Wyoming
Share your love of cross-country skiing with visually and mobility-impaired adults from across the United States and overseas. Ski for Light International is seeking volunteers to assist skiers at this special event.
Read more
Send us your event dates, stories, photos
Follow JHNordic on Facebook, Instagram @JHNordic, #JHNordic
Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed,
what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.