10 Reasons to Attend the Winter Trails Event of the Season

The 6th Annual Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike & Snowshoe Day

Bridger Teton US National Forest, Classic Cross Country, Classic Cross Country Skiing, Demos, Gear & Clinics, Dog-friendly, Events, Fat Biking, Featured, Giveaway, News, Recreate Responsibly, Skate Skiing, Snow-shoeing, Tours, Trails

10 Compelling Reasons to attend JH Nordic’s 6th Annual Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike & Snowshoe Day

A Beginner’s Guide to Cross Country Skiing in Jackson Hole Part 1

Little experience is needed to discover the exhilaration of winter travel on snow-covered trails, which range from flat and easy to steep and heart-pumping.

Classic Cross Country, Classic Cross Country Skiing, Featured, News

A little pre-planning for a winter trip to Jackson Hole can help you discover the sense of wonder the season has to offer. Though the area is famous for its alpine ski resorts, cross country ski opportunities abound, allowing you to immerse yourself in the beauty of a snow-covered landscape.

In Defense of Trekking Poles

Recreators are Divided. Do they provide energy savings?

Classic Cross Country, Featured, News, Trails

Opinions among hikers are split. On the topic of trekking poles, recreators are divided. Dedicated hikers passionately endorse their effectiveness, attributing them with a distinct advantage in rugged terrains. While many mountain enthusiasts opt for a hands-free approach, relying solely on their natural agility when traversing challenging landscapes. However, the debate surrounding trekking poles need not be contentious. It’s important to acknowledge that these poles play a pivotal role in granting access to trails for… Read More

Winter: The Four Seasons

There are really four seasons to a Tetons winter, each lasting approximately six weeks.

Bridger Teton US National Forest, Classic Cross Country, Classic Cross Country Skiing, Featured, Grand Teton National Park, News, Snow-shoeing

Friends from where I grew up (near Pittsburgh), often ask how my wife, Dimmie and I stand the winters out here in the hinterlands. Answering that question is never easy because it is innocently based in ignorance.They simply don’t understand winter out west.

Winter Trail Etiquette

A well-cared-for winter trail can be a reprieve from the dark and cold days that come with the season.

Classic Cross Country, Classic Cross Country Skiing, Fat Biking, Featured, News, Skate Skiing, Snow-shoeing, Trails

Whether you’re a cross-country skiing novice, an intermediate fat biker, or an expert winter trail enthusiast, it’s good practice to review common winter trail etiquette and the specific trail map before zipping up your boots and setting out on the track.   Trail etiquette starts by abiding by The Golden Rule, as winter recreators are all out there to get fresh air, exercise, and enjoy the natural beauty of winter. A warm smile can go a… Read More

Jackson Hole Nordic Alliance’s Nancy Leon is a Community Connector

Nancy Leon focuses on building a winter sports network and discusses the upcoming annual event at Turpin Meadow Ranch

Classic Cross Country, Classic Cross Country Skiing, News

Tune in to listen to our very own, Community Connector Nancy Leon and her interview at KHOL studios on how JH Nordic Alliance came about. Nancy is the Executive Director of Jackson Hole Nordic Alliance. She shares her enthusiasm for cross-country skiing, fat biking and snowshoeing. The Alliance provides accurate and community-powered information. Keeping the public well informed on recreation in the Teton area is a goal everyone can get on board with. Making Outdoor… Read More

7º Día Anual de Esquí Nórdico, Bicicleta con Ruedas anchas & Raquetas de Nieve Jackson Hole Nordic Alliance- El Domingo, 12 de enero del 2025

Actividades y Recreación en Pistas Invernales al aire libre - ¡Todos son Bienvenidos!

Bridger Teton US National Forest, Classic Cross Country, Classic Cross Country Skiing, Events, Fat Biking, News, Skate Skiing, Snow-shoeing, Tours

Nos complace organizar, por séptima ocasión, nuestro Día Anual gratuito de Esquí, Fat Bike y Raquetas de Nieve en Turpin Meadow Ranch, el próximo domingo 12 de enero del 2025 Un encuentro entre una increíble comunidad de atletas y lugareños, deportes de invierno y asombrosas vistas panorámicas hacen que este evento anual en Moran sea emocionante para todas las edades. Muévete junto a familiares y amigos en una de las tradiciones comunitarias predilectas de recreación… Read More

Explore More Winter: Nordic Skiing, XC Skiing, Snowshoeing, Fat Biking in Jackson, Wyoming

When you visit Jackson Hole, consider hitting the Winter Trails and loving it!

Classic Cross Country, Classic Cross Country Skiing, News, Recreate Responsibly, Skate Skiing

Deciding which winter recreation to engage in while visiting Jackson Hole requires understanding your options. Explore more winter recreation! Let us break it down for you, and perhaps you’ll try something different this winter season—and love it! Explore More Winter – Nordic Skiing in Jackson Wyoming In Nordic skiing, the skis have a free-heel binding system. Nordic skis are light and narrow for ease of maneuvering. The most popular form of Nordic skiing, the classic… Read More