General Weather – More of the same for just a little longer…

Mountain Weather is forecasting mostly clear skies with warm daytime temps and overnight colds still below freezing. A change in weather is in store for the end of the week. For a detailed daily forecast check out

Trail Report from Shooting Star: Skiing conditions continue to be very enjoyable with the recent sunny weather. We’ve completed our application of the black sand and grooming will switch back to the mornings beginning Tuesday (3/11). More sunshine is forecasted through Wednesday, followed a new snow cycle beginning Thursday. Enjoy!

Last Local Ski Race of the Season!

The weather is lovely and trails around Jackson Hole and Teton Valley are still in great shape, plus there is lots of crust cruising to be had! To finish off what is guaranteed to be a great week of skiing is the Skinny Skis Wydaho Season Finale Race at Trail Creek Saturday at 10:00 AM.  This race is open to everyone and has distances of 1K, 5K, and 10K.  It should be a great community event! For more info contact

Keeping Your Skis Running Fast in Dirty Spring Snow

The following tip is from Ian Harvey of Toko. When the snow is dirty, the dirt can accumulate on your base drastically slowing your skis. After skiing on dirty snow, spray HC3 Waxremover on your base, brush well with a copper brushSteel brush, or X-fine Steel Brush (through the waxremover), and then wipe clean with World Cup Polishing Cloth using a lot of pressure. This dirt is often times greasy and despite loosening it up with the wax remover and copper brush, elbow grease and lots of pressure will serve you well to remove it from your base. A clean base is far faster than a dirty base.

Photo courtesy of Toko

Full Moon Events in ID and WY

Friday, March 14

Full Moon Party! Come howl at the moon, and walk/ski/ride with TVTAP 6:30pm at Mike Harris (also a Lunar Eclipse, cool bonus!)

Enjoy fondue and night skiing under the light of the moon at Turpin Meadow Ranch! Reserve your spot here.

 2nd Annual TVTAP Women’s Nordic Grooming Clinic

Saturday, March 15

at the Alta Track from 10am to 1pm. Prior experience driving snow machines is not necessary! Come learn about how we groom and get hands on experience (and maybe even volunteer for TVTAP someday)! Space is limited so click here to sign up today! Questions? Get in touch!

SheJumps-NordicSkiSchool - Women's Nordic Series

SheJumps x Teton Nordic Ski School – Women’s Nordic Series

Tuesday, March 25

Feel free to join! Skate and classic skiing is welcome.

Explore JH Nordic



  • 11 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – More of the same for just a little longer… Mountain Weather is forecasting mostly clear skies with warm daytime temps and overnight colds still below freezing. A change in weather is in store for the end of the week. For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Tuesday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail… Read More