Don’t miss Santa’s Classic TODAY, Saturday 12/22 at Teton Pines
Start times @ 11am.

5k or 10k Nordic/Freestyle race for adults
1.5k race for the kiddos.Wax recommendation: Glide: Swix HF 7; Kick/Grip: Swix Blue Extra/Violet Special

Stick around after the race and head to the Restaurant to warm up with soup and chili! Also, a ski pass is included with your entry fee so you can ski free until 4pm!



The Hole Hiking Experience 
Locals Appreciation Hikes

Join us for 3 FREE events to immerse yourself within the solace of winter and the magnificence of nature. Please call 307.690.4453 (HIKE) for more details.

Sunday, January 6 (10am to 3pm)
(FREE) Nordic & Fat Bike Day at Turpin Meadows
(view details »)

Friday, January 11 (8am to noon)
(FREE) Cross-Country Ski in Grand Teton National Park
Please bring your gear and Park pass

Wednesday, January 16 (8am to noon)
(FREE) Snowshoe in Grand Teton National Park
Please bring your Park pass

2019 Triple Crown Race Series

1) Skinny Skis 27th Annual Moose Chase Nordic Ski Race
2) FCExcavation 37th Annual Jackson Town Downhill
3) Rendezvous River Sports 44th Annual Karen Oatey Pole Pedal Paddle
The Triple Crown celebrates Jackson Hole’s winter sports traditions and recognizes our region’s heartiest athletes.
Do you have the grit and determination to race the entire series? Over $10,000 in Cash and Prizes!
Register for the series by January 1 to save up to 17%.
For Details, Registration, Sponsorship Opportunities visit:
Who Will Wear the Crown!?

New Nordic Master’s Program kicked off Thursday at Teton Pines Nordic Center

With 13 participants, Scott Horn, nordic masters coach and racer, ran the group through drills, exercises on V2, balance, efficiency of stride and more. Snow was perfectly groomed at The Pines. Fun morning, followed by a lap around the Pines outer loop (6 miles) to put our new skills into practice.

Next Nordic Masters clinic will focus on classic technique on Jan 3rd: 11-12:30. Open to all!

Dates: Jan 3, Jan 17, Jan 31, Feb 14, Feb 28

Trail Pass + Nordic coaching on Tips & Technique, alternating Classic cross-country and skate skiing. 
$150 for 6 clinics, $100 for 6 clinics for existing pass holders.
Drop-in clinic and trail pass: $35
Clinic only:  $30.

Alternate Thursdays: the Rec Masters group will plan independently to visit other regional Nordic trails , no coaching, car pool, pay-as you go (i.e. GTNP, Trail Creek, Cache , Game, Teton Canyon, Targhee, etc.)

More info? Contact Nancy at 650-464-6000

RSVP on Facebook


Trail Creek Grooming Report

Last updated: 12/21 @ Noon

Clear as Mud?!

This weekend area youth are racing in both Cody and Bozeman.  While this might seem rather confusing, it is understandable with a bit of concentration.  Basically for high school age skiers they can participate in either the JHSC Nordic program or the Jackson High School Program.  JHSC operates Trail Creek but JHS also provides support.  The JHSC skiers participate in the IMD Nordic Division as it offers proximity and competition advantages over the High Plains Nordic Division which is mainly in Colorado and eastern Wyoming.  Most Wyoming high school Nordic teams participate in High Plains Nordic.

IMD has three qualifiers which results in top skiers who will attend nationals.  Wyoming High School host 6 races plus a state championship each year.  To make things even more confusing many Wyoming high schools attend the Soldier Hollow IMD race.  One final thing to throw into the complicated matrix is that our younger skiers also compete in the IMD Qualifiers and only younger skiers compete in the IMD Youth Championships.

This weekend’s IMD Qualifier in Bozeman is being attended by JHSC high school and younger members while the JHS team is competing in Cody.  While the situation is a little confusing, it all works out and the kids on both teams seem to get along just fine.  To confuse yourself even more you can check out the entire community Nordic calendar here.

Things are even a little confused here today at Trail Creek with howling winds creating a few issues on the trails. While the temperature is right at freezing and there is some lovely sunshine, the wind is one of the strongest of the year.  All trails received Pisten Bully skate grooming but classic tracks were not reset to save a little fuel as drifting is even happening in the woods.  There is also a lot of debris blowing off the trees onto the trails.

Buy your Trail Creek Pass!

Shooting Star Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/19

The trails received some extra blade work this morning to buff out a few soft spots that formed from this past weekend’s weather and the course should ski well for the majority of the day.  Outlook is calling for a winter weather system to pass through later this afternoon and linger through Thursday. Once the storm arrives expect possible drifting and snow accumulations to occur. Next update will be Friday. Enjoy!

Turpin Meadow Ranch

Last Updated: 12/21

It’s officially winter and there is more snow forecasted for the area. It is a happy solstice! All trails have good coverage and a fresh groom, come celebrate with a few laps. ***Important note, the trails and restaurant will close on Saturday December 22 at 1pm for a wedding. We will reopen to normal operations on Sunday morning.

Buy Your Turpin Meadows Trail Pass!

Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/21 @ 8AM
Taggart Lake Trail Head to Signal Mountain today – cloudy – cool – and windy today.  After the park we are grooming the Bar B Bar subdivision- have a great day out there everyone.

**Christmas Holiday Notice: The park road will be groomed Wednesday next week instead of Tuesday due to the Christmas falling on Tuesday.

Teton Pines Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/21

The conditions are great at the Pines! With new snow in the forecast, we should be set for a great Holiday season! We have lots of great gifts available in the shop–pants, jackets, base layers, gloves, hats, skate skis, classic skis, boots, poles, bindings and lots more! Come see us from 9am-4pm! Wax report for 12/17: Glide: Swix LF 7, Grip/Kick: Swix Blue Extra/Violet Special

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/20

10:30am: The school fields, the levee, and Stilson are finished and in great shape. Both classic and skate lanes are in good shape. There are a few thin spots in the classic lanes at Stilson though.

Grand Targhee Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/21

Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 12/20/2018), Fat Bike OPEN.

Today is a most-auspicious day to be on the mountain, celebrating the meteorological beginning of Winter, a full moon, AND a meteor shower!

Teton County/Jackson Parks & Recreation

11:15am: Game Creek is groomed and in great shape. I am about to start Three Creek and should be done by 1:00.

Alta Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/20 @ 2PM
Skate: Good  |  Classic: Good
Groomed all trails with ginzu groomer and reset all classic track late Wednesday night. Should set up nicely overnight. Some of classic track is still a bit crumbly.

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/21 @ 9Am
Skate: Good  |  Classic: Not Set
A drag was used to level track today in anticipation of coming snow. Nordic track will be set Monday.

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/21 @ 3PM
Skate: Fair  |  Classic: N/A
Couple of laps with the roller. Track is in descent shape with the thin cover.

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 12/20 @ 7AM
Skate: Excellent|  Classic: Good
Thursday: On such a nice day for Nordic skiing, plan to reset skate track. Both classic tracks turned out well yesterday. Finish by 9am.

Teton Springs

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 12/21 @ 4PM
Skate: Excellent |  Classic: Good
Just finished grooming with the Ginzu. Winds have calmed and conditions should be excellent for Saturday.

5th Street Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/21 @ 10PM
Singletrack: Fair
Pulled the singletrack roller around the loop today. It’s thin out there, but definitely rideable.

Teton Springs Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/21 @ 3PM
Singletrack: Fair
It’s blowing snow. Groomed the short route out to Sherman Springs, but it’s probably blown in by now. Also groomed the Sherman Springs access road out to 9500.

Southern Valley Single Track

Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 12/21 @ 3PM
Singletrack: Good
Upper Lady Slipper is in great shape. Lower Lady Slipper had a bit of wind loaded snow in spots. It’s groomed all the way to Pole Canyon, but wind is blowing. Nemo is in good condition with a solid base.

Rammell Mountain Road to Indian Meadows

Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 12/19/2018 7:51:17
Singletrack: N/A
Comments: Groomed Today

For more info on Teton Valley grooming, visit their grooming page.

Pinedale Nordic Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/20 @ 10AM
Half Moon Tie-In, Kelly Park, Kelly Tie-In, Upper & Lower Surveyor, Tree Loop, Moose Ridge, Flatline, Heart Attack and Old Road Trail have all been groomed this morning. Just what the Doctor ordered, we got 3-4 inches of new snow. 18F degrees. The road and parking lot are plowed. Pretty nice day. 11:50AM Additional Update: Just did the Golf Course and will have the CCC Ponds in for tomorrow.

This Nordic Ski Trail grooming report is courtesy of the Sublette County Recreation Board.


Betty Woolsey Classic – 2k, 5k, 12k

Saturday, December 29
Trail Creek Nordic Center, Wilson WY (off Hwy 22) – 9am-12pm



Countdown to Jackson Hole Nordic Alliance’s Annual Free Ski and Fat Bike Day at Turpin Meadow Ranch on Sunday, January 6th, 10 am – 3 pm
A little under 3 weeks to go!


  • FREE Nordic Ski & Fat Bike Demos
  • Nordic Ski Lessons for the newbies
  • Backcountry Nordic & Snowshoe tours
  • Kids Corral with Sledding & XC skiing
  • Stay Wild Fat Bike Raffle & many others
  • You can bring the whole family including the dog, just be sure to have your pup on a leash and clean up after them
  • Don’t forget we have a Free shuttle to Turpin Ranch from Jackson, email to reserve your seat

For more events, visit our events page.

Send us your event dates, stories, photos
Follow JHNordic on Facebook, Instagram @JHNordic, #JHNordic
Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed, what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays


Explore JH Nordic



  • 1 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Sunshine on my shoulders Mountain Weather is forecasting a beautiful weekend with snow likely returning on Monday. For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Saturday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on conditions. Thank you groomers! Update from Shooting Star: It should be a great weekend to be on winter trails… Read More