Chamber Mixer Next Week!

JHSC Club and Community Update

Happenings of the JHSC Nordic Program, Trail Creek Nordic Center, and Local Nordic Community

Welcome to the January 11th edition of “What’s Going On”.  Read on for all the scoop…

Lollipopper Team







Lollipops are busy, busy, busy!  We have 27 kiddos this year ranging in age from 5 to 8.  Head Coach Kathy Neiley (a JHSC alumni) is joined by Assistant Coach Libby Hall,  with extra help from Coach Jeanie Clark.  We have been playing games in the stadium that encourage small group cooperation and that focus on classic technique, coordination and agility – starting, stopping, turning, and quick short distances both in the classic tracks and on the skate track.  We follow up the games portion with a longer adventure ski or ski game like Fox and Geese. We also talk about wildlife we may encounter and remind them to be observant while skiing.  While most of the kids have skied or snowboarded before, we do have some brand-new skiers who are learning their new sport very quickly!

Coach Kathy Neily

Lollipopper Head Coach

Teewinot Team

Hanging out at “Sam the Truck”

The season is off to a great start for Teewinots! We have had a day on skate skis, and two days on classic skis, and the kiddos are demonstrating strong fundamental skills of each technique. We have had a few days out on Son of Gutflop, made it out to say hello to Sam the Truck, and had our first run down Faceplant!

We have taken advantage of all Trail Creek has to offer with some powder skiing, some great classic tracks, and have even been down the Nordic X course. We have a very strong group of skiers this year and are looking forward to seeing the Teewinots progress throughout the season. Next week we will move back to skate skiing and our focus will be balance as well as rhythm and timing with pole planting.

Sevi Hagen

Teewinot Head Coach

To read the Full JHSC and Community Nordic Update click HERE

Tribute to Sean O’Malley and Nordic News

Sean O’Malley, one of the early members of Jackson Hole Nordic Alliance who also previously published the local Nordic News is retiring from Teton County at the end of January 2019. We value Sean’s sparkle and local knowledge that he put into this and wanted to commemorate his contributions over the years to the Nordic community by looking back at an all-time favorite Nordic News issue from 2005.

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Trail Creek Report

Last Updated: 1/11

A Race for You!

While on the one hand we don’t want to send away business, on the other, us “Nordies” need to stick together, so grab your skis, jump in the car (or take the Start bus and hitch) and make the journey over the hill to race in the Targhee Classic.  You can ski fast or just ski for fun, there is something for everyone.

Here at Trail Creek today it is another great day to ski.  Since yesterday’s grooming we have received about two inches of snow.  As of 10:30 AM the sky is mostly cloudy although a few beams of sunshine are warming the trails and there are some really unusual puffy whites clinging like molasses to the firs and spruces on the sides of the canyons.  The winds are calm and the temperature is -4ºC/25ºF.  Today’s grooming was a Pisten Bully classic/skate pass through the fields and close woods, a Pisten Bully skate pass through the far woods, and a Ginzu skate pass through the fields and close woods.  Skating is great and either the fresh classic tracks or the skied in ones from yesterday are great as well.

Groomer’s choice for today is Moose Poop.

Turpin Meadow Ranch Grooming Report

Last Updated: 1/11 @ 5pm

After yesterday’s snow, all of our trails groomed beautifully this morning. With the afternoon warming up, the trails are a little soft but we expect them to harden over night. We will groom first thing tomorrow (fat bike single track too!) in preparation for the weekend.  We hope to see everyone at the ranch!

Buy Your Turpin Meadows Trail Pass!

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec Grooming Report
Last Updated: 1/11
8:00am: Cache Creek and Wayne May Park are groomed and in good shape. I’ll be heading to Game Creek shortly and should be finished around 11:00.
11:00am: Game Creek is finished and in great shape for both classic and skate skiing. I am heading to Three Creek Pathway now and should be done around 1:00.

Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report

Last Updated: 1/11

Taggart to Signal

Grand Teton Park inner road today…. Taggart Lake Trailhead to Signal Mountain @jhnordic @grandtetonfoundation #gtnpgrooming #crosscountryskiing when the park is finished Brandon will Groom the Bar B Bar #barbbargrooming subdivision trails.  After that we are making a track for Skijoring USA at the fair grounds for their competition this weekend.  Pictures and information to follow.

Teton Pines Grooming Report

Last Updated: 1/11@ 6pm

7:30am grooming/ good for those early risers!

Shooting Star Grooming Report
Last Updated: 1/11 @ 8am

Nordic skiing should be excellent through the weekend as the weather looks to be perfect! Outlook is calling for a snowy week beginning Tuesday. Get out and soak up the sunshine while it lasts!

Grand Targhee Grooming Report
Last Updated: 1/11 @ 8am

Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 1/11/2019, no classic), Fat Bike CLOSED.

Pinedale Nordic Trail Report
Last Updated: 1/9 @ 9am

CCC Ponds groomed this morning for both Classic and Skating. A lot of wildlife in the area – both deer and moose. Keep a handle on your dogs. Please pick up after your pets – we appreciate it.

Alta Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 1/11 @ 12pm
Skate: Fair |  Classic: Not Set
Made 1 pass on all trails to make it skatable. No classic set, skier track on many trails. I’d say Alta is skiable but soft still from new snow. Enjoy!


Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 1/11 @ 2pm
Skate: Good  |  Classic: Excellent
Trails look good. Some bumps in the skating lane.

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 1/9 @ 11:30am
Skate: Fair |  Classic: N/A
Scraped the top layer with the drag, rolled over it. Came out fairly good

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 1/11 @ 6am
Skate: Fair |  Classic: Fair
Friday: Plan to use roller to pack down the few inches of wet, heavy snow that fell yesterday. Will reset both skate and classic tracks. Finish by 930am.

Teton Springs

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 1/10 @ 9am
Skate: Excellent  |  Classic: Excellent
Groomed the course twice, leaving the classic track alone. Great ski conditions, with a skater mentioning that the course was nice and firm.

5th Street Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 1/11 @ 8am
Singletrack: Good
Groomed Fri AM, might get soft mid-day but should setup overnight. Riding fast.

Teton Springs Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 1/8 @ 10am
Singletrack: Fair
Groomed from TVTAP trailhead to the gate at Sherman Springs (most direct route).

Southern Valley Single Track

Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 1/8 @ 6:30am
Singletrack: Fair
Upper and Lower Ladyslipper
Grumpy out and back
Sherman Springs

For more info on Teton Valley grooming, visit their grooming page.

Join Teton County / Jackson Parks and Recreation and The Cougar Fund on a fun guided cross-country ski tour in Grand Teton National Park this Saturday. Learn about local wildlife, see animal tracks and signs, explore animal adaptations and more. Tour covers 3 – 6 miles of rolling off-trail terrain. These tours do not include ski instruction; basic cross-country ski skills are required! Participants must provide their own skis and Skinny Skis has generously offered to provide rental skis at 50% off for this program.

Moose Wilson Corridor Ski Tour

(tours start and finish at Rec Center Lobby, transportation provided)

Saturday, January 12th
9 am- 1 pm
Fee: 18 and older $30, under 18 $15
Minimum Age: 10 
Register Now
Teton Ridge Classic @ Grand Targhee January 12th TODAY!
Click HERE for More info. Unfortunately registration is closed.

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Follow JHNordic on Facebook, Instagram @JHNordic, #JHNordic
Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed, what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.

Explore JH Nordic



  • 10 Feb 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Some sun and clouds Mountain Weather is forecasting some sun and cooler temperatures. For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Monday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on conditions. Thank you groomers! Responsible Winter Trail Use: Give Wildlife Space By this point in winter we’ve had some formidable snow storms,… Read More