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8.2 miles

Ditch Creek

Gros Ventre & Wyoming Ranges

Fee: $0.00 - donations appreciated


WY Hwy 189N 6 miles north of Jackson to Gros Ventre Junction. Turn right on Gros Ventre-Kelly Road. Drive 9.2 miles northeast, past Kelly, to Teton Science School Rd. Turn right and drive in 1 mile. Park in 1st parking lot on left (1/4 mile before TSS). Trailhead is road, behind TSS, on right.


The Ditch Creek trail is a hidden gem, rising into a wilderness valley of the Gros Ventre, with the meandering Ditch Creek to follow. Easy skiing thanks to a wide forest service road and gradual elevation rise across gentle rolling terrain. Snowmobile tracks may provide a packed surface for the first mile (as access a few homes along the route). Beyond this, there may be snowmobile tracks, or at times skier or no tracks.

Early season (before Dec 15th) and late season (after March 1st), bring bear spray. The US Forest and Grand Teton National Park hunting seasons run into early Dec., so may attract bears to the remains of the hunt, in near by wilderness areas. Ditch Creek has frequent grizzly sightings, so visit in a small group , with bear spray, be alert, don't hesitate to turn around.

The trail starts on the groomed/packed road at the Teton Science School Kelly Campus (right (south) of the main building). A short climb uo the road, then bends gradually left (north) to service several inholding private homes. The forest service trail itself begins at the last driveway. Please note there is no parking here, so you must park down west of TSS.
Ditch Creek trail winds its way northeast out 4+ miles, at which point, the trail narrows into a 6 foot wide trail through aspens and conifers. Ski or bike out a bit further until the trail starts to turn to the east (right), at which point it begins to leave the Ditch Creek valley. Return via the same trail. The trip can be as short as you like.
Note that the trail is not groomed, although with the occasional snowmobile, there is usually a snowmobile track to ski or bike over. In mid-winter, tracks may be soft, packed. In spring, the tracks may be firm, at times icy.

The trail begins within the east boundary of Grand Teton National Park, then crosses into Bridger-Teton Forest.
Donations to local support organizations are highly encouraged : Friends of Bridger-Teton US Forest BTFriends.org; and Grand Teton National Park Foundation GTNPF.org

Elevation gain: 136m