Early Season Report Nordic Skiing in the Tetons

Targhee/Teton Pass

Skied Targhee on Tuesday and at the top of the pass Thursday. I was using classic touring skis (Madshus Lillihammer’s) and using Swix vr45 kick wax. Skiing was surprisingly good both days and even worked on some technique today once I skied in a track (go south towards Mount Elly and the skiing gets good after the initial climb near the set of powerlines). I hit just a few rocks but, be careful on the down hills as a hard snowplow will take you to dirt. – Scott Horn

Weather Heading Our Way

Over the next few days temperatures in the mountains are anticipated to be below freezing with a chance of snow every day. Keep an eye on the forecast, this weekend could be a good time to get your skis on! Aim for places with elevations above 8000 ft, such as Mt Elly trail south of Teton Pass and Grand Targhee (note -no grooming until Nov 16th).


Trail Creek Nordic Trail Community Clean-Up
Saturday Nov 3rd 9am-2pm

Come out with gloves, shovel, warm clothes, a drink and a snack to join JH Ski Club families and friends to get Trail Creek Nordic ski trails in shape for the winter. Meet at the JH Ski Club’s Nordic Cabin, Trail Creek Road, just off Hwy 22 at the base of Teton pass, west of Wilson. Fun day to stay warm and making the trail perfect for winter!  For more info, contact Julie K at JH Ski Club: info@jhskiclub.org

New Winter 2018-19 Grooming Schedules Now Posted

With the nordic and fat biking season just around the corner, you might want to start planning your days on the groomed and plowed trails with friends and family – which day to go where for fresh groomed tracks!

The new grooming schedules are similar to last year, and now available on JHNordic.com/Grooming

Grand Targhee Nordic groomed trails open Nov 16th!

Head over to Grand Targhee on November 16th for their opening day and their 50th year of skiing and riding! Find Targhee Nordic reports here.

New Jackson Hole Winter 2018-19 Trails and Pathways Map

Online and print map – Just out!

The new 2018-19 JH Winter Trail and Pathways Map has just been published today on JHNordic.com/Grooming for viewing and download. Print maps will be available next week in visitor centers, guest services, hotels, retail, tour operators, Nordic centers, JHNordic Alliance members, related winter events (Avalanche Awareness night, Winter Trails day, JHNordic Annual Free event at Turpin Meadow).

Thanks to  Friends of Pathways, TC/J Community Pathways, JHNordic Alliance, Turpin Meadows Ranch, JH Ski Club, Teton Pines Nordic, TC/J Parks & Recreation, and the JH Travel & Tourism Board/Lodging Tax for support.





JH Nordic Alliance Annual Free Ski, Fat Bike and Snowshoe Day
Sunday, January 6 | 10am-3pm | Turpin Meadow Ranch

More demo Nordic skis, more fat bikes, Skate and Classic Cross country ski lessons, Snowshoe Tours, Back-country Nordic ski tours, Kids corral sledding, Free Trails Pass, Winter wildlife info, and great food! Free shuttle bus from Jackson. Fat Bike Raffle sponsored by the JH Travel & Tourism Board.

Event benefits Cache Creek winter trails access and trail ambassadors in Bridger-Teton US Forest Service.

A fantastic community Winter Trails day in northern Jackson Hole, open to all, families, kids, dogs (bring leash for lodge area).

Sponsored by the JH Nordic Alliance members: Turpin Meadow Ranch, Skinny Skis, JHNordic.com, JH Travel & Tourism Board- Lodging Tax, Friends of Pathways, Teton Mountain Bike Tours, Hole Hiking Experience, Hoback Sports, JH Ecotour Adventures, The Hub Bicycles, Fitzgerald’s Bicycles, Bridger-Teton US Forest Service, JH Ski Club, Teton Co/Jackson Parks & Recreation, Kate’s Real Food, Stio.

Looking for volunteers to help at the event… Stay tuned for more details!
Contact: info@jhnordic.com if you would like to volunteer, as well as RSVP for the Town-to-Turpin free shuttle.

Explore JH Nordic



  • 26 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Sunshine and heat Mountain Weather is forecasting warm temps and sunny skies through Thursday with a return to wintery precipitation this weekend. While the valleys may be balmy there is still lots of snow to enjoy just outside of town. For a detailed daily forecast check out mountainweather.com. What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Wednesday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as… Read More