Welcome to the 2024 – 2025 daily report a winter trails & grooming snapshot to inspire you to go outside today!

With early conditions, we are not starting daily updates yet…but we did want to share a little skiing good news while we wait for more snow. Happy skiing, fat biking, snowshoeing, dog walking and winter adventuring!

Teton Canyon heading west, on a rare stretch of quiet track. Many happy skiers, walkers, dogs and fat bikers enjoyed the canyon Friday.
Teton Canyon heading west, on a rare stretch of quiet track. Many happy skiers, walkers, dogs and fat bikers enjoyed the canyon Friday.
  • Grooming is happening in Teton Canyon, Grand Targhee and Southern Valley
  • Plenty of snow in GTNP for excursions in the sunshine
  • Targhee has a new dog pass and a new fleet of rental snowshoes
  • BTAC Avalanche Awareness Night this Thursday, Dec 5

General Weather – A little more sunshine

Mountain Weather is forecasting some pretty blue skies, cold nights and not much in the way of snow. For a peek at the long range forecast for the winter, check out Jim Woodmency’s winter outlook blog.

Plenty of snow for a cross-country outing in Grand Teton National Park.
Turpin Meadow Ranch trails were rolled out for the JHSC Thanksgiving camp, which has the bonus of packing down this early thin snow to prep for a great season.

Grand Targhee Nordic Trails

Classic will be set when there is more snow…skate is great.

New highlights: all trails are shared use with snowshoers, Nordic skiers and fat bikers; you can ski with your four-legged pals and dogs need their own season or day passes; the Quakie loop has been cut from grooming; and there’s a brand new rental fleet of snowshoes.

Shooting Star Pending 18” Snow

The Shooting Star team is looking forward to another great season. Trails are closed until there is enough snow to start grooming – 18” for the snowmobile and 24”+ for the snowcat. Once there is enough snow on the ground, the team needs several days to pack and prep trails prior to opening. Next update anticipated Dec. 6.

Thursday, Dec 5

While most groomed tracks are not in avalanche terrain, plenty of light touring opportunities bring you in or below avy terrain. Refresh your decision-making skills, celebrate our community’s incredible backcountry culture and maybe win some cool stuff.

Saturday, Dec 7

At the Black Tie, Blue Jeans Ski Ball atop the Bridger Gondola you can enjoy a great party  and help JHSC student-athletes of all financial backgrounds have the opportunity to grow as athletes and individuals.

Sunday, Jan 12, 2025

JH Nordic Alliance and Partners hope you all come to the Annual Free Ski, Snowshoe & Fat Bike Event at Turpin Meadow Ranch for a day of playing in the snow and being surrounded by a bunch of people who really love human-powered winter adventures.

Explore JH Nordic



  • Glide Waxing Tips for Crust Cruising.
    Flying across open fields on your skate skis is one of the best parts of spring. Guest Author: Dan Streubel, a man who can probably out-ski us all, is also the kind to settle in, skate right next to you for some conversation, and lead you to truly believe your pace is perfect for him too! Crust cruising in the spring offers an exciting opportunity to explore new areas beyond traditional groomed tracks. With the… Read More