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of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
In Memory of Jack
Please join the Bellorado family and the Jackson Hole Nordic community this Saturday at Teton Pines Nordic Center for a ski day to honor Jack. Meet at 3:45pm this Saturday March 9, at the ski rack outside the nordic center ready to ski. A few people close to Jack will share some stories and then we will head out for a short ski on the Greens Loop. Light refreshments and drinks will follow inside the nordic center.
Please give us a call if you have any questions at: (307)733-1733. We are located at Teton Pines Country Club: 3450 Clubhouse Wilson, WY 83014.
Winter Service Levels Open House and Survey
Teton County/Jackson Parks & Recreation would like you to join us Monday, March 25th at the 4H Extension Office located at 255 West Deloney Avenue for a chance to provide feedback on winter service levels in Teton County and the Town of Jackson. We want to hear your thoughts on ice rinks, grooming, pathway maintenance and sidewalk plowing.
Teton County/Jackson Parks & Recreation Dept is an active, core partner in the JH Nordic Alliance, providing grooming 6 days/ week on our most popular winter trails. Most are dog friendly, too!
Can’t make it to the open house? Fill out our survey at: https://conta.cc/2XFS9dW until April 15th. We look forward to hearing from you!
TSS Snowshoe and Yellowstone Tours
This week, the field education team celebrates the end of the Winter Road Scholar season having finished a successful Get Together! On the left: Awesome views for a group of Road Scholars in the Tetons! There were 73 intrepid Road Scholars here for the ‘Winter Road Scholar Get Together’ last week.

Last Updated: 3/5
Grooming Towards the Future!
Or perhaps a better title would be simply “Looking Ahead”, next week looks to be a busy week here at Trail Creek with the USCSA (United States Collegiate Sports Association) holding their national championships here in the valley.
Competition will be in Alpine, Snowboard, and Free Ski at Snow King, and Nordic here at Trail Creek. Click on this link and scroll to the bottom (why is Nordic at the bottom?) and you will see the huge assortment of teams from all across the continent that will be gracing the trails of Trail Creek next week. We will attempt to keep public skiing open in the fields when racing is not ongoing and throughout the week in the woods which will not be affected by the races.
Don’t forget that in addition to the college racing that the Sandbag Final will be held starting from Mug’s Meadow on March 16th.
A fascinating wildlife encounter happened this morning near the cabin; while the magpies were just a bit shy to allow a local image, there were three moose resting on the snow with magpies busily working their hides. A guess would be that they were picking ticks off the moose that seemed to be rather enjoying the attention; keep your eyes peeled when you’re out and you might get to witness this interesting phenomenon.
Today’s grooming was primarily a Pisten Bully pass of all trails with a fresh classic track being set along the way. The fields also received additional grooming. All in all conditions are pretty nice and skiing good wherever you want to go. As of 11:30 AM there was a thin overcast, calm winds, and a temperature of -12ºC/10ºF.
Groomer’s choice for today is the close field.
Last Updated: 3/5
The days to enjoy the trails, restaurant, and lodging at Turpin are limited… With this little snow refresh we expect nothing but great conditions for all activities: snowshoeing, cross country skiing, and fat biking. Play hooky if you have to, just get up here and enjoy all we have to offer! Remember: Friday March 8 our public lunch service will begin at 1pm.
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/5
8:25am: the school fields and the levee are groomed and in good shape. I am heading to Stilson shortly and should be done by 11:00.
Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/5
Looks like a beautiful day North of town.️ Grooming Taggart Lake Trail Head to South Jenny Lake.
Teton Pines Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/2
Come out and ski!! The sun is out and the skate skiing is awesome!! The classic track is groomed but the skate conditions are better. The next few mornings will start with cold temps so we recommend waiting until mid-morning once things soften up. March is here, so expect the freeze thaw cycle to continue for the remainder of the season. We are open 9am-4pm daily. Please give us a call at: (307)733-1733 with questions.
Shooting Star Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/2
Conditions through Tuesday look to be fantastic! The track should continue to firm and smooth out each day. Get out and soak up this sunshine!
Next Update: Wednesday
Grand Targhee Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/5
Here it is! That bit of calm before the storm. I’d cruise some fresh corduroy today if I were you. Temperatures are rising. The high will near 25 degrees. There will be SSW winds from 7-1o mph. It will be partly sunny for most of the day, and then the storm will begin to roll on in.
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 3/5/2019), Fat Bike CLOSED.
Pinedale Nordic Trail Report
Last Updated: 3/5 at 9am
CCC groomed this morning. Cold, -18F degrees. Might want to wait a bit before using. Trails up above should be in good shape from yesterday’s grooming. Golf Course pretty good with about ½ inch of fluff on it.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/4 @ 11pm
Skate: Excellent | Classic: Good
Ginzued the skate lanes Monday night. Left the classic track alone. Track is firm and smooth. Should be great skiing.
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/4 @ 9am
Skate: Poor | Classic: Poor
Planning to do a few laps this afternoon once the snow warms up and becomes more workable.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 2/14 @ 11am
Skate: Fair | Classic: N/A
Made a number of laps to reset the track Thursday am. It is a bit wet and soft but fair and skiable.
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/4 @ 9am
Skate: Good Classic: Good
The trail will groom out better once the temperature warms up a bit. Planning to start grooming around 10am. Will buff out the skate lane and leave classic tracks alone till Wednesday.
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 3/4 @ 11am
Skate: Excellent | Classic: Fair
Reset skate track, but the classic remains. Finished around 8:30am.
Yeti’s Loop
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/2 @ 7am
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
Did a few more laps on Yeti’s Loop Friday afternoon with the old ginzu. Got it cleaned up and buffed out. Also set a classic track that will work well for classic skiing counter-clockwise.
Mike Harris should be plowed this morning…thank you Skyliners! Please park efficiently as the lot can only accommodate about nine vehicles. Are you enjoying this new trail?
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/1 @ 8am
Singletrack: Not set
Trails closed for wildlife. Please respect closure till snow recedes.
Teton Springs Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 2/17 @ 7am
Singletrack: Poor
Marked conditions as poor due to windblown hardpack that will breakdown with traffic
Southern Valley Single Track
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/1 @ 7am
Singletrack: Good
US College Ski Association (USCSA) Championships – Nordic Races
When: Sunday, March 10
Where: Trail Creek Nordic Center, Trail Creek Road – off Hwy 22, Wilson WY
Shuttled Skate Ski from Signal Mountain to Bradley-Taggart
When: Tuesday, March 12
Where: Meet at the Bradley-Taggart parking area
Professional Nordic skier Scott McGee and park ranger Elizabeth Maki will lead the group on a shuttled skate ski adventure from Signal Mountain to Bradley-Taggart on 14-miles of freshly groomed corduroy. GTNPF.org
Send us your event dates, stories, photos
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Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed, what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.