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of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole

February Nature News from Hole Hiking:
Near Record Snow Stresses Plant-Eating Wildlife on the Hunt for Food

February ends with record snow. This month has been a wild ride reminiscent of the 2016-17 winter, which broke all records for valley snow. This month will also make the record books. Storm after storm has hit Jackson Hole this month putting smiles on the skiers’ faces. But all this winter weather translates to delayed travel, ice dams on roofs, endless shoveling, and piles of snow to move and manage. As much as we love playing in the snow, harsh winters get a bit exhausting. As the month ends, we reach 114% of the average snowfall — quite different than 28 days ago, when we were at 86% of the average.

Valley snow depths are over 3.5 feet deep and more snow keeps coming! Here in the southern end of Jackson Hole, which is prime winter wildlife habitat, the deep snow also translates to added stress and potentially increased an mortality rate for wildlife. Watching animals move around town pulls at your heart strings. Wildlife prefer to use plowed roadways and shoveled pathways to avoid the deep the snowpack, which means more human-wildlife interaction.

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Trail Creek Report

Last Updated: 3/4

Monday Delight!

Mondays can be overwhelming things with all the weight of life just sometimes bearing right down on you… a simple solution is to just grab your skis and let those pressures move to the wayside as the kilometers go by, surely a permanent solution for solving many of the problems of life.  And hopefully you have no weighty Monday issues, but a nice long ski is still a good idea.

Today at Trail Creek most every trail received best line Pisten Bully grooming and the close field received a classic track touch up as well.  All in all conditions are pretty nice although we are entering the spring ski season where icy conditions might be showing up here and there.  Most classic tracks were not reset today and while not perfect, will probably ski just fine.  As of 12:30 PM skies were sunny, winds calm, and the temperature -8ºC/17ºF.

Groomer’s choice for today is Cle’s Climb.

Turpin Meadow Ranch Grooming Report

Last Updated: 3/3

Only 1 more week to enjoy the groomed trails, restaurant, and lodging at Turpin. Come up, slide on some snow, and celebrate that spring is on its way! Heads up, Friday March 8 lunch service will be delayed due to a private event, public lunch service will begin at 1pm.

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/4

8:30am: Get out and see some wildlife today. Groomed Cache Creek to Noker Mine.

Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/3

The Taggart to South Jenny Lake trail is looking good this morning. Spend your Sunday skiing in GTNP today if you can.

Teton Pines Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/2

Come out and ski!! The sun is out and the skate skiing is awesome!! The classic track is groomed but the skate conditions are better. The next few mornings will start with cold temps so we recommend waiting until mid-morning once things soften up. March is here, so expect the freeze thaw cycle to continue for the remainder of the season. We are open 9am-4pm daily. Please give us a call at: (307)733-1733 with questions.

Shooting Star Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/2

Conditions through Tuesday look to be fantastic! The track should continue to firm and smooth out each day. Get out and soak up this sunshine!

Next Update: Wednesday

Grand Targhee Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/4

More sun! What a way to start the week. I know by March your body is craving those rays. But, balance is key and no one knows that better than Mother Nature. She’s dishing up that Vitamin D for one or two more days and then she’ll be calling on her old friend Ullr yet again.

Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 3/3/2019), Fat Bike CLOSED.

Pinedale Nordic Trail Report
Last Updated: 3/2 at 10am

Most all trails above groomed this morning. Others should be in good shape. Road is plowed and dry, parking plowed. Chilly. 14F degrees at the Nordic Equipment Building, was -11F in Upper Surveyor.

Alta Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/3 @ 11am
Skate: Good |  Classic: Good

Everything is groomed in and looking good. The classic track is set and the skate lane is fairly smooth. It’s still soft but the forecast for the next few days should allow it to firm up. Enjoy!

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/4 @ 9am
Skate: Poor  |  Classic: Poor

Planning to do a few laps this afternoon once the snow warms up and becomes more workable.

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 2/14 @ 11am
Skate: Fair |  Classic: N/A
Made a number of laps to reset the track Thursday am. It is a bit wet and soft but fair and skiable.

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/4 @ 9am
Skate: Good  Classic: Good
The trail will groom out better once the temperature warms up a bit. Planning to start grooming around 10am. Will buff out the skate lane and leave classic tracks alone till Wednesday.

Teton Springs

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 3/4 @ 11am
Skate: Excellent |  Classic: Fair
Reset skate track, but the classic remains. Finished around 8:30am.

Yeti’s Loop

Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/2 @ 7am
Skate: Good  |  Classic: Good
Did a few more laps on Yeti’s Loop Friday afternoon with the old ginzu. Got it cleaned up and buffed out.  Also set a classic track that will work well for classic skiing counter-clockwise.
Mike Harris should be plowed this morning…thank you Skyliners! Please park efficiently as the lot can only accommodate about nine vehicles. Are you enjoying this new trail?

5th Street Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/1 @ 8am
Singletrack: Not set
Trails closed for wildlife. Please respect closure till snow recedes.

Teton Springs Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 2/17 @ 7am
Singletrack: Poor
Marked conditions as poor due to windblown hardpack that will breakdown with traffic

Southern Valley Single Track

Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/1 @ 7am
Singletrack: Good

For more info on Teton Valley grooming, visit their grooming page.

US College Ski Association (USCSA) Championships – Nordic Races

When: Sunday, March 10
Where: Trail Creek Nordic Center, Trail Creek Road – off Hwy 22, Wilson WY


Shuttled Skate Ski from Signal Mountain to Bradley-Taggart 

When: Tuesday, March 12
Where: Meet at the Bradley-Taggart parking area

Professional Nordic skier Scott McGee and park ranger Elizabeth Maki will lead the group on a shuttled skate ski adventure from Signal Mountain to Bradley-Taggart on 14-miles of freshly groomed corduroy.

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  • 11 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – More of the same for just a little longer… Mountain Weather is forecasting mostly clear skies with warm daytime temps and overnight colds still below freezing. A change in weather is in store for the end of the week. For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Tuesday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail… Read More