General Weather – Six more weeks of winter

Mountain Weather is forecasting warm temperatures and continued precipitation this week. For a detailed daily forecast check out

“Yesterday was Groundhog Day and even though our local similar species, the marmot would not have seen his shadow if he would have been dragged from his winter sleep, it’s a pretty safe bet that we will have at least six more weeks of winter.” -The Groomer at Trail Creek Nordic

Photo curtesy of the Groomer at Trail Creek

Rustic Conditions

As winter trail enthusiasts we really like snow. The magical precipitation allows us to float and glide over the terrain and brings a quiet softness to the mountains. However so much snow all at once can create rustic conditions even on groomed trails. The rate at which snow was falling around Jackson Hole and Teton Valley yesterday covered the hard work of local groomers almost instantly. The inner park road was not groomed as scheduled yesterday due to inclement weather. During these winter storms be sure to thank the hard working groomers out there if you see them and enjoy the opportunity to slow down and savor your favorite trails.

Local Student Athletes Competing in Europe This Week

Local athletes Lena Poduska and Lucas Wilmot have been in Seefeld, Austria at pre-camp for Junior World Ski Championships adjusting to the time change, training, and bonding with the rest of Team USA. World Juniors starts today in Schilpario, Italy but Lena and Lucas will race first in the 20k Classic Mass Start on Wednesday 2/5. Stoked to see Jackson Hole skiers compete with the best in the world this week!

Photo and words from JHSCNordic Instagram

Peak Performance Ski Series

Tuesday, February 4

Join the Peak Performance Instructors for their Cross Country Classic Ski Series. This series is perfect for beginners aiming to progress at an intermediate level. $50 for drop in. Register here.


Please Share Your Photos


We know you’re going on adventures. Please share your photos, stories, and winter trail wisdom with us so that we can inspire the community to get outside and have some fun.

Moose Chase

Saturday, February 15

This premier Nordic race includes distances for all ages and ability levels, with a 20K, 10K, 5K, 3K, and a free 1/2K. This is a skate or freestyle Nordic skiing event. 

Bringing in the new year with great cheer!

Thank you to our platinum sponsors and community supporters.

JH Ecotour Adventures
Skinny Skis
WYldlife for Tomorrow
Jim and Mary Speyer
Scott Horn
Nancy Leon and Charlie Thomson
Nina Berlin Rubin and Shaena Ulissi
Chris and Gretchen Sebald
Michael and Trish Spain
The Storer Foundation
The Bitzer Family Fund
JH Travel and Tourism Board

Explore JH Nordic



  • 11 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – More of the same for just a little longer… Mountain Weather is forecasting mostly clear skies with warm daytime temps and overnight colds still below freezing. A change in weather is in store for the end of the week. For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Tuesday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail… Read More