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of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
New Trail GPS, Elevation Profile & Info on JHNordic.com – Yeti’s Loop
Exciting news! We have just added a new trail into JHNordic.com/trails/, that is part of our Daily trail report in Teton Valley – Yeti’s Loop. https://jhnordic.com/trails/Yeti’s%20Loop/
Even though it hasn’t been groomed for 10 days, the trail has plenty of snow, and is skiing well on classic skis – not recommended for skate skis until the next groom. We encourage you to try out this awesome trail!
Pole, Pedal, Paddle – What a Rush!
Did you participate in the annual Pole, Pedal, Paddle yesterday? If you missed out, here are a few photos from yesterday’s competition.
End of season grooming updates:
Grooming finished for the season: Teton Pines, Turpin Meadow Ranch, GTNP Teton Park Road
Saturday, March 30th – Last grooming day for TC/J Parks & Rec trail grooming
Saturday, March 30th – Trail Creek grooming – last day
You can also reference: https://jhnordic.com/grooming/
Last Updated: 3/23
14 Moose!
While they couldn’t all be convinced to line up for a photo tonight, a record breaking fourteen moose were hanging out in Woolsey Woods during this evening’s grooming. The picture is a little blurry but you can see ears back which is a sign that they have been hanging out at Trail Creek for plenty of time this winter and are ready for some fresh pastures. One bull in particular was picking on everybody tonight.
On the topic of grooming, things went really well in this evening’s grooming. Again the perimeter of the fields and the major woods trails received double Pisten Bully passes. The snow while soft, is holding up nicely so that the tracks on the Pisten Bully aren’t cutting in like they do in some really soft situations. However the classic track setter was able to lay in some really sharp classic tracks.
The close woods do have some heavy wildlife impact but the fields, Moose Loop, Armin’s, and the National Forest Trails will ski just the way you like tomorrow if you can find the right time to be there. Look for the next grooming Monday evening.
Last Updated: 3/10
Grooming is finished for the season.
*Thanks for a wonderful winter Jackson and JH Nordic Alliance!
Big thanks to Turpin for hosting the Annual JH Nordic Alliance Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe day in January. Mark your calendar for the 4th Annual Free event next year on Sunday, January 5th 2020!!
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/23
8:40am: the levee and Stilson are groomed and in good shape. Expect spring skiing since it didn’t really freeze last night. School fields will be done around 10:30.
Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/18
Plowing has begun at both the north and south ends of the Park road. Please do not ski on the road that has not yet been plowed, as this trail is closed for the season
We will keep everyone informed when the road re-opens to bikes, walkers, and other modes of human-powered transport.
Shooting Star Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/23
Beginning Sunday (3/24), no more classic tracks will be set on the Nordic course. Spring weather has finally made the trails hard packed and icy, which creates a surface to firm for cutting classic tracks into the snow profile… Also, the warm weather severely melts/degrades the classic tracks in the afternoon. Lastly, reminder that the course will be closed until 11 am today (3/23) for the PPP and be aware that only the tournament course was groomed this morning. The remainder of the course should still be in great shape but could be icier until the weather warms this afternoon. Overall, skiing should be very enjoyable and we’ll attempt to keep daily grooming through Sunday April 7th (Conditions Permitting).
Next Update: Wednesday
Grand Targhee Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/23
Spring skiing and riding is here, so make the most of every day on the mountain. We’ll see the light snow
taper off around 9am and then turning to mostly cloudy skies with a high near 35.
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 3/23/2019) – No Classic Track Set, Fat Bike OPEN.
Pinedale Nordic Trail Report
Last Updated: 3/23 @ 9am
Most trails above groomed this morning. Temps in the mid-20Fs when I left. Skiing should be good in the morning and softening as the day goes on, depending on what the weather brings today. There are two vehicles stuck on the upper Kelly Park loop (drove onto the trails). Use caution. One is right at the bottom of the incline, so be careful coming down the hill. Have a good day.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/23
Skate: Fair | Classic: Fair
I ginzued the track this morning. I reset the classic track everywhere south of the 6-way junction and it came out pretty well. There are a few spots where it is shallow, but overall it is decent. I smoothed out the skate lane as well everywhere south of the the 6-way junction. The soft slush actually looked pretty good when I finished. It will be quite soft for skating, with many remnant dog tracks remaining from the soft afternoons, but well worth it. Depending on how the weather plays out, I plan to groom again Saturday night or Sunday morning.
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/22 @ 6pm
Skate: N.A | Classic: Fair
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/22 @ 6pm
Skate: Poor | Classic: Not set
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/23 @ 9am
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
Completed grooming at 8:30 am this morning (Saturday). Cleaned up skate lane, made a pass on the snowmobile lane and reset the classic track on north side of trail only (I broke a bolt so was unable to reset the classic track on the south side). Almost an inch of wet snow had fallen by the time I wrapped up.
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 3/23
Skate: Good | Classic: Not Set
Set a narrow but fairly firm skate track. The sled got bogged down in a few spots, so the trail will be chunky there. Also, watch for the cuts near the trail where the golf course crews have been working.
Yeti’s Loop
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/13 @ 2am
Skate: Excellent | Classic: Excellent
Just finished grooming the Yeti. It always takes longer than anticipated…so much hair. Anyways, classic track is set for counter-clockwise skiing and the skate lane should be amazing. The trail is rather narrow so pay attention and stay in control.
Don’t forget about the orange donate button.
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/1 @ 8am
Singletrack: Not set
Trails closed for wildlife. Please respect closure till snow recedes.
Teton Springs Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/8 @ 7pm
Singletrack: Poor
Did two passes earlier today and got it established again, then it started snowing…
Southern Valley Single Track
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/11 @ 3pm
Singletrack: Excellent
Teton County Winter Grooming & Plowing Community Open House
When: March 25
Where: 4H Extension Bldg, 255 W Deloney Ave, Jackson
Hosted by TC/J Parks & Recreation – come provide your feedback on winter trails – grooming, plowed, other TetonParksandRec.org
Send us your event dates, stories, photos
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Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed, what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.