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of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
Junior Nationals Update
Great to see our JH Ski Club Nordic team in great form at the Junior Nationals outside Anchorage, AK!
David King made top 20 (19th) for U16 boys, Elijah Weening was 21 for U18 Boys – great fast races for everyone else in nearly 40 degree temps with light rain.
Thanks to accompanying JH Ski Club Nordic parent , Scott O.
Moose Carcass and activity in the Cache Creek Area
First, regarding carcass, Kyle GF removed the carcass this morning (early) via snowmobile. They believe the moose died from parasite. GF is receiving lots of calls from public in regards to wildlife in dire straits. The recommendation is as follows, public must slow down with activities around wildlife and use leashes. Dog walkers must always carry a leash and always have dogs in sight. Many dogs with skiers and bikers are not in sight of their owners and this can and does allow for issues and raising concerns for safety and wildlife protection.
We are not recommending a closure at this time but are recommending that we ask people to keep their dogs on a leash along the trail. Not just in sight, but on leash. If there are questions please let me know how we can help!!
Volunteers Still Needed for the USCSA Championships
Word is that a few more good volunteers would be a great thing at the USCSA championships this week. If you’re interested in seeing some fast skiing and enjoying the sun, you can volunteer at https://jhskiclub.org/

Last Updated: 3/12
National Sit at Your Desk and Watch Nordic Videos Week!
Click here and you will be directed to either the USCSA race here or one of two feeds to the Junior Nordic National Nordic Championships. Collegiate racers from around the country will be racing at Trail Creek while our very own JHSC skiers will be competing with hundreds of other high school age racers in Alaska at the Junior Nordic National Championships. What better excuse to sit at your desk and watch videos? Racing times are 10 AM at Trail Creek and probably around noon mountain time in Alaska.
The stadium is set and ready to go at Trail Creek; USCSA’s blow up banner is quite impressive. Grooming in the past 24 hours was done mostly last night and has been today’s USCSA race course, the East Fields, and theSandbag Final course also received a best line skate pass.
Looking ahead, this evening’s grooming will focus on the fields in preparation for tomorrow’s races. An inch of snow is forecast for the next 24 hours and Thursday is a practice day for the USCSA racers so after tonight the next tentative grooming will be early Thursday morning on all courses with additional grooming Thursday night.
Groomer’s choice for today is to watch some races.
Last Updated: 3/10
*Thanks for a wonderful winter Jackson and JH Nordic Alliance!
Last call: this was the closing weekend for Turpin’s winter season. Monday March 11 is the last day that trails will be groomed and lunch will be served this winter.
Big thanks to Turpin for hosting the Annual JH Nordic Alliance Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe day in January. Mark your calendar for the 4th Annual Free event next year on Sunday, January 5th 2020!!
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/12
9:05am: The school fields and the levee are groomed and in good shape. Heading to Stilson now and should be done a little after 11:00. We will continue grooming the rest of this month depending on weather. There will be no grooming into April.
Our Winter Service Levels survey is available for feedback. Check it out an dd let us know how we did this winter: https://conta.cc/2XFS9dW
Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/12
Watching the sunrise over the Tetons this morning as we head to Signal Mountain. Enjoy the sunshine today.
Teton Pines Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/2
Come out and ski!! The sun is out and the skate skiing is awesome!! The classic track is groomed but the skate conditions are better. The next few mornings will start with cold temps so we recommend waiting until mid-morning once things soften up. March is here, so expect the freeze thaw cycle to continue for the remainder of the season. We are open 9am-4pm daily. Please give us a call at: (307)733-1733 with questions.
Shooting Star Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/10
*Snow removal of the greens will begin today (3/10). Process is to go as follows:
- Groom/Compact snow on Greens Surface w/Snowcat during the day and let set up Overnight.
- Apply w/push spreader Black Colored sand over of the area of the greens During early AM hours. The black color absorbs light/heat and assists w/melting snow naturally over upcoming weeks.
Beginning tonight we’ll be grooming the Nordic Track in the evenings starting at 5pm to allow for above mentioned time sensitive process. Due to the evening grooming, conditions may be very firm and possibly icier in the mornings. Skiers sensitive to firm conditions should wait until mid-afternoon as the profile will soften. Also, DON’T walk on the GREENS after we have compacted them! Very important to stay off of them to prevent Post Holing!
***Next Nordic Update We’ll be after this procedure is over. Best Estimation is after Thursday permitting snow conditions.
Grand Targhee Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/12
We should groom until the end of the season. We will keep our web site up to date with the status.
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 3/12/2019), Fat Bike OPEN.
Pinedale Nordic Trail Report
Last Updated: 3/12 @ 9am
CCC Ponds groomed up nicely this morning. -7F degrees there at 8:15AM.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/12 @ 7am
Skate: Ecxcellent | Classic: Excellent
Groomed last night and reset the classic track. Looks great!
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/11 @ 5pm
Skate: Fair | Classic: Fair
Groomed evening of 11th.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/11 @ 6am
Skate: Good | Classic: N/A
Made a few passes with the roller around sunset last night. Should set up nicely with the cold temps and hold well with the high pressure. Get out and enjoy the firm fast conditions and the sunny weather!!
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/11 @ 7am
Skate: Not Set Classic: Not Set
3 deg F at the trailhead this morning and the grooming machine won’t start. Will get the Canyon groomed as soon as I can get the sled to wake up. Stay tuned…
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 3/10
Skate: Excellent | Classic: Good
Used the ginzu on the skate lane tonight, should be firm and relatively fast by the a.m. I left the classic tracks as is: in good shape. Come on down and enjoy!
Yeti’s Loop
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/2 @ 7am
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
Did a few more laps on Yeti’s Loop Friday afternoon with the old ginzu. Got it cleaned up and buffed out. Also set a classic track that will work well for classic skiing counter-clockwise.
Mike Harris should be plowed this morning…thank you Skyliners! Please park efficiently as the lot can only accommodate about nine vehicles. Are you enjoying this new trail?
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/1 @ 8am
Singletrack: Not set
Trails closed for wildlife. Please respect closure till snow recedes.
Teton Springs Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/8 @ 7pm
Singletrack: Poor
Did two passes earlier today and got it established again, then it started snowing…
Southern Valley Single Track
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/11 @ 3pm
Singletrack: Excellent
US College Ski Association (USCSA) Championships – Nordic Races
When: March 12-16
Where: Trail Creek Nordic Center, Trail Creek Road – off Hwy 22, Wilson WY
Shuttled Skate Ski from Signal Mountain to Bradley-Taggart
When: Tuesday, March 12
Where: Meet at the Bradley-Taggart parking area
Professional Nordic skier Scott McGee and park ranger Elizabeth Maki will lead the group on a shuttled skate ski adventure from Signal Mountain to Bradley-Taggart on 14-miles of freshly groomed corduroy. GTNPF.org
Rendezvous River Sports Karen Oatey Pole-Pedal-Paddle (PPP) – part of the Triple Crown series
When: Saturday, March 23
Where: Nordic leg: Shooting Star Nordic Trail – Access via Shooting Star maintenance access road -1 mile south of Teton Village
Send us your event dates, stories, photos
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Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed, what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.