With yesterday’s new snow, look forward to great, soft, groomed trails throughout the area.

Just around the corner are the Santa Relays December 22 at Teton Pines and the Betty Woolsey Classic December 29 at Trail Creek.  You can see the entire Sandbag Schedule here.


Trail Creek Grooming Report

Last updated: 12/12

Fill’er Up!

Early this morning because of a fuel delivery snafu the grooming department was faced with the dilemma of a very thirsty Pisten Bully.  The options were to spend much time hauling fuel with five gallon jugs or to simply drive on down to the gas station and fill it up.  Being that the fill it up option made the most sense, a fringe benefit is that the pathway between Trail Creek and Wilson has been groomed today and while it is a shade gritty, if you’ve ever dreamed of skiing that section, today is your lucky day!

Speaking of filling things up, our ski trails have been nicely filled with 6-10 inches of light new snow.  As of 12:45 PM it looks like the snow is winding down, the temperature is -3ºC/26ºF with light to moderate breezes.  After its Wilsonian adventure the Pisten Bully got down to business grooming double passes with fresh classic tracks on the close field, Woolsey Woods, Moose Loop, and Armin’s.  The rest of the trails received a single pass with a classic track.  Conditions are soft and there is a bit of drifting in the fields, but it is so beautiful today with all the fresh white you won’t be disappointed.

 Click Here to Buy your Trail Creek Pass!

Shooting Star Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/12

The recent snow accumulations allowed us to set the classic tracks today. Although our snowpack is still on the lower side, we expect to continue setting the classic tracks for the foreseeable future. Anticipate snow showers today with occasional drifting. Outlook is for calmer weather tomorrow and conditions should continue to firm up through Friday. Next update will be Saturday. Have fun.

Below are some other details:

  • Classic tracks won’t be set on holes 1 & 2 until more snow accumulates.
  • Tight corners may be soft/rough as its difficult for the grooming equipment to navigate through them(Example: Sharp Turn from 8 Green to 9 Tees)
  • Early Season Conditions Persist (Rocky/grassy/Inconsistent profile depth & compaction)


Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/11

Corduroy lines being set in Grand Teton National Park this morning. Taggart to Jenny 4 lanes.

Teton Pines Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/11

We have great conditions that will get even better with Wednesday’s new snow. The wax recommendation for Wednesday is Swix LF 7(violet). We have received lots of new items from Swix, Craft, Bjorn Daehlie, Salomon, and Skida, so come see us to get outfitted with the latest nordic gear! We are open 9am-4pm daily!

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/12

11:15am: Game Creek is finished and in great shape. Get there before it gets covered up! I am currently at three creek Pathway and should be done around 1:00.

8:00am: Cache and Wayne May Park are finished. Expect trails to blow in and get covered by the afternoon so get out early! I should be done with Game Creek around 11:00.

Grand Targhee Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/12

Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 12/12/2018), Fat Bike CLOSED.

Alta Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 12/11/2018 16:13:15
Skate: Good  |  Classic: Good
Comments: Finished grooming today at 3:30 pm. Trails are in good condition.


Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/6/2018 20:45:13
Skate: Poor  |  Classic: Not Set
Comments:Plowed a bunch of snow in the ditches and rolled out the trail to establish a base. The base depth is more shallow than the mowed grass. I’d recommend waiting till we get a few more inches of snow before skiing the Driggs Track. Let it snow!!!

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 11/19/2018 11:06:49
Skate: Not Set  |  Classic: Not Set
Comments: Coming Soon!

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 12/12/2018 10:06:55
Skate: Fair  |  Classic: Fair
Comments: Wednesday: On my way to roll the 6 inches of new snow. Will set classic and skate. Both will be very soft.

Teton Springs

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 12/9/2018 13:34:19
Skate: Fair |  Classic: Fair
Comments: Sunday 1pm: Rolled the couple inches of new snow that fell last week. Both skate and classic are in fairly good shape. Still some grass showing here and there, but overall pretty good coverage.

Teton Springs Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/9/2018 21:12:02
Singletrack: Excellent
Comments: Ran drag 1x on loop

5th Street Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 12/1/2018 10:26:20
Singletrack: Excellent
Comments: Rode-in 5th St. this AM. Fast, fun and tight! Start north of skatepark for 1mi figure-8. Happy Global Fatbike day! Go grab a demo bike from local shops.

Southern Valley Single Track

Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 12/9/2018 21:11:12
Singletrack: Good
Comments: Ran drag 2x on upper Ladyslipper to Grumpys intersection

For more info on Teton Valley grooming, visit their grooming page.

Pinedale Nordic Grooming Report

Last Updated: 12/11

Mike Looney, Groomer, Sublette County Recreation Board
Tuesday, December 11, 9:00AM report:
Groomed the Golf Course this morning and it is marked with green pin flags. 3F degrees at the Golf Course right now.

This Nordic Ski Trail grooming report is courtesy of the Sublette County Recreation Board.


For more events, visit our events page.

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  • 14 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – March storms coming! Mountain Weather is forecasting highs in the 30s and snow for the weekend.. For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Friday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on conditions. Thank you groomers! Skier completes all groomed trails in Teton Valley in one day! When the idea to… Read More