4.8 miles
Taggart trailhead to ABOVE the Historic Bar BC Ranch

Grand Teton National Park
Fee: $0.00 - donations appreciated
Drive north on WY Hwy 89 from Jackson to Moose. Take the Inner Grand Teton National Park road 3 miles north past the GTNP Entrance (bring your pass – NPS fee applicable) to the Taggart Lake Trailhead parking. Note: the road is plowed up to this point.
Update: Winter Wildlife closures in GTNP have been updated to include the west side of the Snake River river verge, which includes the Bar BC Ranch.
Therefore, this trail has been updated to advise skiers only to go to the edge of the meadow above the gulley which descends to the river level and ranch. The closure starts at the gate/top of the lower bench.
From the Taggart trailhead parking area, head north along the groomed Inner Teton Park Road trail for approx 1/2 mile. Cross the Cottonwood Creek Bridge, then look for a low gate on your right (east side) at approx 200 yards past the bridge. Climb over the bank fo snow and head directly east , toward the Snake River, following the summer dirt road (buried under the snow).
This trail is not groomed, however, in mid-winter, may have a skier-track for classic XC skis. Later in late spring, when the crust is firm and smooth, it is a local's favorite crust cruising wide open trail - perfect for both skate skiing and classic cross-country.
Ski east across the wide open late terrain, toward the Gros Ventres mountains and Snake river for approx 1 mile, until you reach the top of the river "bench". Remember to turn around to take in extraordinary views of the center of the Teton Range.
Once you reach the edge of the bench, PLEASE STAY UP ON THIS LEVEL. There is a lot of beautiful terrain to ski north and south, with fine overlooks down to the lower river and historic ranch below .
Return back to the Teton Park Road via your tracks or in crust cruise season, make a nice loop, as big as you wish.
FYI, the historic, rustic Bar BC Ranch was a famous dude ranch back in the early 1900s, and many cabins are still standing (though some in in serious disrepair). Pictures of the Bar BC in its prime can be found at the Jackson Hole History Museum in Jackson.