June has been unseasonably rainy, one can only hope the sun will emerge so we can all enjoy the hikes and the outdoor events we love! June and July are packed full of outdoor events in Jackson/Teton Valley (rain be damned). Mark your calendars for Summer fun in the Tetons. Let the summer fun begin!

Let the Summer Fun Begin in Jackson Hole

Views from atop of Snow King Mountain, overlooking the Town of Jackson
Views from Snow King Mountain of Town of Jackson, this view never gets old!

Winter Recap 2022/23

What a winter we had!

We’ve noticed the numbers of increased considerly on the trail systems in Jackson/Teton Valley/Grand Teton National Park. We wanted to share the growth trend with you all so you can see what we track and share in the excitement and responsibly we all have to make our trails accessible and friendly.

Jackson Hole Winter Trail Count – Major Trails groomed by TC/J Parks & Rec (+ fatbike trail by Friends of Pathways) – 2016-2023

Nordic-Winter Groomed trails -user count (90-100 days per trail on average)

Turpin: 2,531 users (90 days)
TCJ P&R – 120,000 users (91 days)
Teton Pines : 2,100 users
GTNP -9000 contacts/approx 18,000 users
TVTAP -Teton Canyon -11,250
Teton Valley Trails & pathways (TVTAP -ID trails -no Teton Cyn) 33,750
Trail Creek Nordic-10,445
Shooting star- 3,000
Total: 201,076

Teton Valley - Teton Canyon winter trail

The Highlights from Teton Valley Trails and Pathways:

  • 8,581 miles groomed- 56% increase over 21-22 season.
  • First groom to last groom (season length): 154 days – longest on record!
  • 862 volunteer grooming hours.
  • 582 staff grooming hours (3 people).
  • 944 gallons of fuel used – most on record!

Water Safety Reminders

This past winter, Jackson Hole got an incredible amount of snow, breaking records! So, what does this mean for everyone who loves spending time on the water? Well, it means that a lot of snow will melt fast during June and the rest of the summer. This melted snow will flow down the mountains rapidly.

Especially as the 4th of July is just around the corner, there are more wanting to enjoy the water on rafts and boats to maximize the fun of the day.  

The Hole Hiking Experience Update - flowers blooming and baby bisons

The Hole Hiking Experience Update

As soon as the snow melts, new shoots and leaves burst forth with life. The valley and lower hillsides are bright green as plants begin to grow and photosynthesize — the process in which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to make oxygen and energy. The chlorophyll produced in the leaves is what makes them look green. Leaves are brightest when they first start to grow before the protective outer layer, or cuticle, is formed. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for producing and maintaining the oxygen content of the Earth’s atmosphere, and supplies most of the energy necessary for life on Earth.

I enjoy the pulse of newness and growth in the plant and animal world at this time of year. A drive through the parks can often yield sightings of young bison frolicking among the sage and the possible glimpse of a grizzly with her cubs along the roadways.

Arrowleaf-Balsamroot – Balsamorhiza  sagittata-  is a classic “composite” flower. 

What’s in Bloom in Jackson Hole

From our friend, Frances Clark, Program Coordinator, at Teton Plants

Check out our latest What’s in Bloom on Sageflats and Sunny Hillsides in Late June 2023.

This complements the earlier “Spring Flowers are Popping” May 2023 blog.

Audio Botanical Tour App from the National Museum of Wildlife Art:
Many of you may have been following the installation of a native plant garden at the art museum headed by Trevor Bloom, with help from Steve Deutsch and Arne Johanson, and many other volunteers. The project has been spearheaded by The Nature Conservancy in Wyoming, and the Teton Botanical Garden, with partial funding from the Teton Conservation District. Now you have access to an app that allows you to take your own audio tour with friends:

Two years ago—“Thousands of seedlings have been planted… along the Museum Sculpture Trail to make up the Greater Yellowstone Botanical Garden and we’re excited to present a corresponding audio tour! This effort is part of an ongoing project and study, focusing on native plant restoration and the mitigation on non-native grasses. The Museum is thrilled to be hosting this important work spearheaded by The Nature Conservancy in Wyoming and Teton Botanical Garden.”

This complimentary tour, available in both English and Spanish, can be found at wildlifeart.org/app. The Museum App can be downloaded from the App Store on Apple products, and is available as a web app for all other devices.

Mushroom Foraging permitted in GTNP this Spring/Summer

For the first year ever, mushroom foraging has been permitted in Grand Teton National Park! Rules and regulations vary on national park lands – we could not be more thrilled to spend our time foraging along marked paths (Please do not venture off of marked trails and paths).

A forager holding a large morel mushroom in the palm of their hand.
A forager holding a large morel mushroom
Skinny Skis' Fourth of the July 10k

The course begins in front of the Wilson Community Center in Wilson, WY. Participants travel out and back on the flat to gently rolling terrain of Fish Creek Road. A water station is at the 5km turn around point and “MILE” markers are displayed. Families, friends, strollers, dogs on leashes and donations are welcome! 

7:00-7:45am – Bib pick up
8:00 am – 10km running race start for all categories
9:30 am – Awards and raffle in Owen Bircher Park

July 4 – JH Skinny Skis’s 4th July 10k Run

Who’s coming out to support Skinny Skis at the annual 4th of July 10k run this year! Make sure to save some time on the holiday morning before your hamburger cook-outs and firework celebrations to come out and support one of your favorite community non-profits!

Tin Cup Challenge

Giving Period: June 15th – July 21st
Race Day: July 15th
Driggs, Idaho

A shared love for winter trail access is enough of a reason to support by giving to Teton Valley Trails and Pathways and Grand Targhee Ski & Snowboard Foundation through the Tin Cup Challenge this giving period, now until July 21st! ❄️ JH Nordic values the winter trail system in Jackson & Teton Valley and there is no question that both of these incredible partners are to thank for the impact they have on the community at large.

Show your support for the shared love of winter trails access in Teton Valley and donate through  the Tin Cup Challenge
Jackson Hole Art Fair

Jackson Hole Art Fair 

July 21-23, 2023 and August 18-20, 2023

Admission: $10 weekend pass | $6 single day | Free for children 12 & under

The Art Fair is the culmination of many individual artisans bringing their best items to sale. You’ll find something for everyone at this event, whether it be Western faire, native american-inspired jewelry, stunning wildlife photography, or inspired paintings that bring the heart of the American Wild West to life.

The Teton Food Tour is a community bike ride and food-tasting event at the base of the Tetons, starting in Teton Village. It doesn’t get any better than high-end cuisine in Jackson Hole and a recreation bike ride!

The 2023 food tour event will have visitors starting their bike ride at Bodega in Teton Village, traveling south along the bike path for food and drinks at Snake River Ranch, the Aspens, and at Owen Bircher Park in Wilson. Come out and enjoy some of the best cuisine that Jackson has to offer at the 2023 Teton Food Tour! 

Parking at the Stilson Parking Lot is recommended and meeting with your bicycle at Bodega.

The Teton Food Tour

Teton Food Tour

The food sponsors this year are Bodega, Slowfood in the Tetons, Sweet Cheeks Meats, Naughty Fruit, Snake River Brewing, Aspens Market, Persephone Bakery, Farmstead Cider, Hole Food Rescue, and Street Food. 

Ticket sales begin in June and are available until they sell out!

Mark Your Calendars: 6th Annual Free Ski, Fat Bike & Snowshoe Day at Turpin Meadow Ranch – Sun, Jan, 7th, 2024

We know the last thing on your mind is winter.. but keep this in the back of your mind and mark those calendars! The best way to kick-off the New Year will be at Turpin Meadow Ranch with the JH Nordic Alliance on January 7, 2024. Come out and enjoy demos, lessons, and more in the most scenic backdrop you can enjoy for outdoor recreation. Bring your entire family to try out nordic skiing and fat-biking, this event has become a community favorite tradition!

Explore JH Nordic



  • 25 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Sunshine and warm weather Mountain Weather is forecasting a big warm up. While the valleys may be balmy there is still lots of snow to slide on, ride on, and hike on in the mountains. For a detailed daily forecast check out mountainweather.com. What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Tuesday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on… Read More