Thank you for continually sharing your photos with us
of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
Cache Creek Update
Grooming of Cache Creek is finished for the season, however, you may still access Cache Creek on foot or bicycle , and enjoy the trail. Please remember to respect wildlife, manage your dog, and use trail etiquette as you would at any time.
Crust Cruising – GTNP – South of Blacktail Butte
Wide open spaces, smooth surfaces, like an ocean to explore , with flats, waves, gullies..
take advantage of exceptional snow coverage, smooth surfaces in GTNP and Bridger- Teton National forest.
With cold nights and warm days – enjoy crust cruising at its best in the short spring window!
Wildlife is on the move, so bring bear spray. A herd of elk and a bear were spotted near the Gros Ventre River west of Kelly.
Last Day of Grooming at Trail Creek
Conditions at Trail Creek today were superb. Perfect grooming for skate and classic and only crossed 3 other skiers!
Many thanks to the JH Ski Club Nordic program and Teton County/Jackson Parks & Recreation Dept for outstanding grooming since early December. Our community is fortunate and grateful for these exceptional winter trails for all!
End of Season E-mail Schedule
JHNordic Daily and Weekend Trail Reports will be shifting to our off-season schedule starting April 1st. From April 1st to 15th, look for our mid-week Report on Tuesday morning and weekend report on Saturday. Off-season, we will provide updates as relevant news becomes available, likely every month or so. We welcome your off-season nordic, fat bike , Snowshoe stories, photos, videos, training & travel..Happy spring skiing, riding!!
TC/J Parks & Recreation Survey
End of season grooming updates:
Grooming finished for the season: Teton Pines, Turpin Meadow Ranch, GTNP Teton Park Road, Game Creek
Saturday -March 30th – TC/J Parks & Rec trails-last day of grooming – Game Creek is finished.
Saturday March 30th – Trail Creek grooming finished, West Yellowstone Rendezvous Trails-last day
Sunday April 7th – Shooting Star
Sunday April 14th – Grand Targhee (note: only skate track & fat bike tracks are groomed -no classic track
April TBD – Teton Canyon and Teton Valley TVTAP groomed trails (N.B. skiing may still be permitted once grooming has ceased: *Teton County/Jackson Trails and Pathways allow skiing, biking, walking all year long. Yeti’s Loop is done grooming for the season.
You can also reference: https://jhnordic.com/grooming/
Skis, wax, poles and snow
Squirrels, and elk, coaches and . . . more snow
Lollipoppers, Teewinots, Devos, and Masters
Throw in Juniors, Preps, and a few poachers
Sand bags . . . a lot more snow . . . and the Betty Woolsey
Ginzu, the Preps, the roller and Pisten Bully
WYHSN, IMD, USCSA were amazing capers
Of course there’s moose, Ginzu, and a few lost gapers
Add these all up and what do we seek
A great Nordic center that we call Trail Creek
In building such an institution there is always strong mortar
That comes in the form of all our supporters.
Thanks for another great year!
The final grooming was double Pisten Bully passes with fresh classic tracks of the perimeter of the fields and major woods trails, actually on a couple inches of fresh snow, enjoy it while it lasts and see you next year!
Steve Swan
Last Updated: 3/10
Grooming is finished for the season.
*Thanks for a wonderful winter Jackson and JH Nordic Alliance!
Big thanks to Turpin for hosting the Annual JH Nordic Alliance Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe day in January. Mark your calendar for the 4th Annual Free event next year on Sunday, January 5th 2020!!
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/30
8:40am: the levee and Stilson are groomed and in good shape. A reminder that this is the last day of grooming for the season so get out and enjoy the trails while you can! I will be heading to the school fields shortly and should be done around 10:30.
Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/27
GTNP Road is now free of snow and open to non-motorized traffic.
Shooting Star Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/30
Snow coverage remains deep and uniform which should continue to provide solid Nordic conditions for the upcoming final week. Enjoy the spring skiing!
Next Update: Wednesday
Grand Targhee Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/30
We can always count on a Spring refresh here at Targhee! Just when conditions were getting a little crunchy, 3″ of fresh will soften the mountain up in time for the weekend.
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 3/30/2019, NO CLASSIC), Fat Bike OPEN.
*Note: Sorry to inform folks that the nordic grooming cat with our classic track setter has suffered mechanical issues that are not able to be resolved for the rest of the season. Consequently, there will be no more classic track grooming for the rest of the season. However, grooming of the skate track and fat bike trails will continue as conditions allow.
Pinedale Nordic Trail Report
Last Updated: 3/30
Most trails above have been groomed this morning. About ½ foot of new snow. Currently 21F degrees at the Nordic Equipment Building. The Snowmobile Hill Climb is going on at White Pine this weekend. White Pine parking lot is jammed with snowmobile rigs. Also, there are a cow and calf moose on Willow Loop in Kelly Park right below the Kelly Tie-In trail. Therefore that is not groomed. So please leave them alone. Don’t think they are doing very well – they don’t need to be harassed – they are weak, just trying to survive the winter.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/29
Skate: Good| Classic: Good
I ginzued the track on Friday night. The temperature dropped below freezing as I groomed, making for some variable snow conditions. I set the classic lane throughout the track except for one or two sections where the snow was too gooey to cooperate. The skate lane should be nice and firm by morning. Enjoy!
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/27 @ 2pm
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
Talked to skiers today. “Skiing is really good am. Slushy late.” No grooming today. Trails looked good and were quite firm.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/25 @ 8am
Skate: Fair | Classic: N/A
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/30
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
Finished up grooming around 9:30 pm Friday night. Mixed results with the warmer snow temperatures and having 2-3 inches of snow fall as I groomed (mostly out at the end of the trail). I actually had to reset the classic track that I had put in an hour before that got covered up with the new snow. Overall, the grooming effort was a success and with temperatures in the teens overnight should be well set for today’s skiers and other users. Have a nice time out there.
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 3/30
Skate: Excellent | Classic: Excellent
Might be the last two days to ski TS as the golf course crew resumes work in April. Get out and enjoy!
Yeti’s Loop
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/13 @ 2pm
Skate: Excellent | Classic: Excellent
Just finished grooming the Yeti. It always takes longer than anticipated…so much hair. Anyways, classic track is set for counter-clockwise skiing and the skate lane should be amazing. The trail is rather narrow so pay attention and stay in control.
Don’t forget about the orange donate button.
**3/26 – We will no longer groom Yeti’s Loop this season, however ski conditions are reasonable for classic xc skiing.
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/1 @ 8am
Singletrack: Not set
Trails closed for wildlife. Please respect closure till snow recedes.
Teton Springs Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/8 @ 7pm
Singletrack: Poor
Did two passes earlier today and got it established again, then it started snowing…
Southern Valley Single Track
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/11 @ 3pm
Singletrack: Excellent
Save-the-Date – 4th Annual JH Nordic Alliance Free Nordic Ski, Fat bike, Snowshoe Day @Turpin Meadow Ranch – Sunday January 5th 2020
One of JH’s most popular community winter fun events – open to all, family, friends, and dog friendly.
Mark your calendar for the first Sunday in January (January 5th) – 10am-3pm
Free Nordic ski demos from Skinny Skis
Free Nordic ski lessons by Teton County/Jackson Parks & Rec (30 min. Intro lessons)
Free fat bike demos courtesy of Teton Mtn Bike Tours, Friends of Pathways, Hoback Sports, The Hub.
Free snowshoe demos and tours from Hole Hiking Experience
Free back country Nordic ski tours led by JH Ecotour Adventures
Winter ecosystem information by the Bridger-Teton US Forest Service Rangers
Kids Corral with sledding and kiddie size XC skis -hosted by Snow King Mountain
FREE Town to Turpin Shuttle – by JH Ski Club
Try Turpin’s new dedicated fat bike trails & 15k of Nordic ski trails – free
Lunch, hot and cold drinks in the historic Turpin Meadow Ranch Lodge
Kates Real Food bar samples and Trilipiderm sun screen sample packets
Raffle to support local Nordic Alliance non-profit
Want to get involved, sponsor an activity, the raffle, volunteer? This community event is a great way to connect with our community and visitors. Contact nancy @ info@JHNordic.com.
Send us your event dates, stories, photos
Follow JHNordic on Facebook, Instagram @JHNordic, #JHNordic
Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed, what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.