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of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
JHSC Club & Community Update
Just a gentle reminder to always be courteous of our good Trail Creek neighbors, the Ryan Family, who maintain the access road. Your cooperation in being respectful of their access to their home will make the world a better place. Please access Trail Creek through the main JHSC entrance by the cabin and not the Ryan driveway.
During races try to stay off the driveway/access road as much as possible so the Ryans can get in and out. Thanks for your understanding! JHSC Nordic.
Lollipoppers have quite a few brand-new skiers this year, with some even joining us for the very first time last week! As you can imagine, this has made for some very challenging coaching situations as we literally have kids who have never had skis on in the same group with kids who can already skate! The learning curve is starting to flatten out for the never-evers a little bit as they gain familiarity and confidence in their equipment.
With all the fresh snow, doing on-purpose face-plants and belly flops has been a favorite end-of-practice activity this week! (Click on image above for a demonstration of this skill)
Coach Kathy Neily
Lollipopper Head Coach
Teewinots have been taking advantage of all of this fresh powder! This past week of practice we focused on classic skiing and spent some time working on our striding with some no pole skiing, drills, and games. To change things up we have been distance skiing out towards Faceplant and even brought a shovel along to build a jump.
Next week we will be moving back to skate skiing and will be focusing on pole plant timing through fun games and adventure skis out at Trail Creek.
Sevi Hagen
Teewinot Head Coach
The Junior Team has been enjoying a bunch of fresh snowfall following a great weekend of racing down at Soldier Hollow for the Super JNQ. This week we have put a wavy focus on weight transfer while skating and comfort riding a flat ski. We worked on these skills through varying no pole drills, Nordic X, and the one-ski downhill challenge. The Junior’s next races will include the Moose Chase and IMD Youth Championships, both held at Trail Creek; we will be focusing on race tactics so we can use home course advantage to its fullest. Thanks again for a great season so far, the trails have been incredible.
Calvin Wight
Junior Nordic Ski Team Head Coach
The Development team is completing its agility-focused block with vast improvement by all athletes. The coaches have been discussing the astonishing progress made by these athletes this season. The recent snows have kept us thinking as we come up with ways to do gliding drills in 5″ of new powder! We will now begin to focus on technique and speed as we look forward to the Moose Chase in mid-February. Congratulations are due for Ellie Weeler and Neve Pruzan who competed in the JNQ races at Soldier Hollow last weekend. This trip was a great experience to see what big-time races are like, with 700 kids competing in the different age classes.
With our team meshing, and now capable of skiing together for 5 to 10 kilometers during practice, our options are many. Hill adventures, relay races, obstacle courses, and a fun time trial are in our near future. Parents who would like to see what the kids are up to are always invited to join us for all or part of practice anytime.
Rob Murphy
Development Team Head Coach
Prep/Comp Team – This past weekend the prep and comp team competed in the western regions Super Qualifier in Soldier Hollow, UT. Soldier Hollow, being the 2002 Olympic venue, hosted over 600 athletes from the Rocky Mountain, Far West, Pacific Northwest, High Plains and Intermountain regions in world class fashion with challenging courses. Having trained and raced at this venue previously, Jackson skiers felt an almost home field advantage with the big uphills, technical downhills and distance pacing.
The Jackson team led up to the Soldier Hollow Super Qualifier with focused, race-specific training. This included working on our top-end speed, transitions at race pace, tactics in groups (such as sprint heats) and more. At this point in the season the Prep and Comp team is truly honing race skills and race fitness. This paid off as our team showed strong results including many personal bests and top ten overalls in the largest fields seen in junior racing.
With the Super Q checked off, we are back at it with some recovery-based training this week at Trail Creek and enjoying the mid-winter conditions of the Tetons.
Scott Lacy
Head Comp and Prep Coach
Last Updated: 1/26@ 10:45am
Working Weekend!
Our coaches and team members are hard at it again today with avalanche training classes in session as the grooming report is going to press. While you might have expected a rather light crowd today due to lots of our regulars migrating west for the Spud Chase, it is turning out to be a busy day. In addition to lots of our regular IMD skiers, there is also a good crowd of weekend skiers.
Never to fear, you’ll find plenty of good skiing today at Trail Creek. Today’s grooming was more or less double Pisten Bully passes of the Moose Chase Course with some additional intersections thrown in. The first pass placed a classic track while the second pass was for skaters benefit. As of 10:15 AM the temperature was -6ºC/21ºF with a partly cloudy sky, calm winds, and a little bit of non-accumulating snow. While since yesterday’s grooming we have received about three inches, if you make it out today you will find pretty much nothing but great conditions.
Groomer’s choice for today is a nice 15 K cruise on the Moose Chase Course.
Turpin Meadow Ranch Grooming Report
Last Updated: 1/25 @ 3pm
The snow continues to fall and our trails continue to be superb! If you need a rest from all the powder skiing come to Turpin to take some Nordic laps this weekend. Bring the whole family; trail passes are only $5 for kids 11 and under. Plus we have lots of amenities for our day guests: we have snowshoes and skis for rent, lunch is served from 11:30-2:30, and there is a full service bar for apres.
Buy Your Turpin Meadows Trail Pass!
Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report
Last Updated: 1/26
The Teton Park Road will be groomed today from Taggart Lake Trailhead to South Jenny Lake. Spend your weekend in the Park!
Conditions have been great and with fresh snow, this weekend will be incredible! Come ski with us.
Shooting Star Grooming Report
Last Updated: 1/23 @ 9am
Trails are in great shape! Skiing on Wednesday will be on the powdery side from the current storm and then progressively firm up through the week. Enjoy!
Next Update: Saturday
Grand Targhee Grooming Report
Last Updated: 1/26
Nordic Trails are schedule to be groomed Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday in the AM. * Based on current conditions
5/6 classic trails groomed.
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 1/26/2019, no classic), Fat Bike CLOSED.
Pinedale Nordic Trail Report
Last Updated: 1/26 @ 10:30am
Half Moon Tie-In, Kelly Park, Kelly Tie-In, Upper Surveyor, Tree Loop, Moose Ridge, Old Road Trail all groomed this morning. Breezy, but nothing like down low. Recommend bringing a wind breaker and warm clothes. 14F degrees and sunny. Actually pretty nice up there.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 1/26 @ 2pm
Skate: Good | Classic: Excellent
More new snow! I may be a little optimistic on the “Good” rating for skating, however it was starting to set up and given the cold temps tonight it might be better than fair Saturday morning. Give it another groom or two and it will be great. One won’t go wrong classic skiing! The classic tracks turned out nice and crisp and also should set up overnight. Everything is groomed. Enjoy!
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 1/25 @ 8pm
Skate: Excellent | Classic: Excellent
Reset classic and skate track tonight. Main and north loop rolled multiple times to compact new snow and make skate skiing fresh. East loop reset classic trails. All grooming was done after snow stopped today, hoping for cold temperatures to make track firm. Enjoy the skiing this weekend.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 1/26 @ 8am
Skate: N/A | Classic: Good
Made 4 passes, 2 wide last night. Great conditions this morning! Enjoy.
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 1/26 @ 7am
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
Saturday; Another inch or two new snow yesterday afternoon aught to allow both skate and classic tracks to groom out nicely this morning, with the Ginzu. Start at 8am, finish by 10am.
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 1/24 @ 8am
Skate: Good | Classic: Good
I rolled the new snow this morning, in addition to Kevin rolling the track yesterday afternoon. Between the two, it should be fairly firm. The classic track looked like it set beautifully in the new snow. Enjoy!
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 1/24 @ 10am
Singletrack: Good
Packed in nicely. Go spin out those ski legs!
Teton Springs Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 1/22 @ 9am
Singletrack: Excellent
TS system groomed to perfection *may be wind blown
Southern Valley Single Track
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 1/22 @ 9am
Singletrack: Good
Entire Southern Valley Trail System has been groomed to perfection
14th Annual Spud Chase (Peaked Sports)-16K, 8K, 2K Freestyle
When: Saturday, January 26th
Where: Teton Springs, Victor, Idaho
More info: TVTAP.org
Boulder Mountain Tour Nordic Race
When: Saturday, February 2
Where: Ketchum, Idaho
34 km- designated as a skate race, but classic track is set the length of the course – part of IMD Nordic Marathon Series. bouldermountaintour.com/
Winter Trails Day
When: Saturday, February 3rd
Join Friends of Pathways, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Teton County/Jackson Parks and Recreation and many others to celebrate winter trails day!
TETON PASS 9am – noon
Join Friends of Pathways Pass Ambassador Jay Pistono and Teton County Search and Rescue Foundation at your favorite backcountry access point.
CACHE CREEK noon – 4pm
Bike Demos, PAWS of Jackson Hole, and Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation at the Trailhead with hot chocolate and interpretive activities at our most popular close-to-town trailhead.
MAY PARK 11am – 1pm
FREE preschool ski lessons with Snow King Mountain Ski School with children’s nordic ski equipment provided by Snow King Mountain. FREE Nordic Tips for Adults by Teton County/Jackson Parks and Recreation
Ranger Led Snowshoe Hike/Meet at Taggart Lake Trailhead
All ability levels, ages 8 and up, guided tour with stops.
Suggested donation of $5/adult (plus park entrance fee: show annual pass or $10/vehicle/day)
Space limited, call 307-739-3399 to reserve a spot. Some snowshoes available.
COAL CREEK – 9am – noon
Teton County Idaho Search and Rescue will be at the Coal Creek Trailhead with information.
Top of Bridger Gondola
Bridger-Teton National Forest with Bighorn sheep and Wildlife closure information. TOGWOTEE – 9am – noon
Teton County Search and Rescue Foundation with the Bridger-Teton National Forest will be talking to snowmobile riders with treats and hot chocolate.
Send us your event dates, stories, photos
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