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of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole
Western Wyoming Avalanche Advisory
Strong winds, warming temperatures and heavy snowfall have created very dangerous conditions at all elevations. Natural avalanche activity occurred today and may become widespread, especially during the overnight. Large avalanches could impact roadways in the river canyons, on Teton Pass and beneath buttes and steep hillsides. Steep hillsides, steep banks and road cuts have and are likely to slide. Slides are possible on steep slopes that may not normally slide. The general avalanche hazard is high at all elevations. Travel in avalanche terrain is not recommended. – B-T Avalanche Center |
For most up to date avalanche conditions, visit: https://www.jhavalanche.org/
Highlights from the Nordic Recreational Masters Clinic
Last Updated: 2/15
Course Inspection!
As of 10 AM this morning the 2019 Moose Chase Course is open for Inspection. 10 AM conditions are partly cloudy with a light breeze and a temperature of -1ºC/30ºF. Today’s grooming was double Pisten Bully passes with fresh classic tracks of the entire course. The warm conditions overnight resulted in the trails setting up nicely after the Pisten Bully did its work although you will encounter debris in a couple of spots where trees went down. A little drifting is occurring in the fields.
Racing begins tomorrow at 10 AM with the 30 K wave. Start time conditions look to be -8ºC/17º/F with a partly sunny sky, perhaps a flake or two, and light breezes; it should be an awesome day for a Moose Chase. The grooming schedule is for several passes on the course this evening with a final best line skate pass around sunrise on Saturday.
Groomer’s choice for today is to make sure your registration is in so you can ski the Moose Chase tomorrow.
Turpin Meadow Ranch Grooming Report
Last Updated: 2/14
The new snow that fell at the ranch was full of moisture and groomed out superbly! Take advantage of the long weekend and come ski for yourself 😉 Remember, there are only 4 more weekends that we’re open so come up as often as you can. Locals get 10% off lodging and we’ve got a BOGO night 50% special for the larger chalet units. Come play and stay!
Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec Grooming Report
Last Updated: 2/15
7:45am: Cache Creek and Wayne May Park are groomed. The snow was very wet which caused some issues with the classic track in Cache so expect shallow, not so pretty, but skiable classic track there. Once again Game Creek will not be groomed because of considerable avy danger.
11:10am: Three Creek Pathway is groomed. Once again Game Creek will not be groomed because of a considerable avalanche danger rating at low elevations.
Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report
Last Updated: 2/15
Forecast looks alright for the next few days. Hope you all have time to go out and enjoy yourselves in GTNP. Grooming Taggart Lake Trailhead to Signal Mountain this morning, then off to Bar B Bar.
Teton Pines Grooming Report
Last Updated: 2/12
Teton Pines Nordic Center will be groomed early on Thursday, as it looks like more snow is coming on Wed into Thursday.
Shooting Star Grooming Report
Last Updated: 2/13
Storm skiing will be the story over the next three days as a potentially fierce winter weather system pushes through. Anticipate trails to accumulate snow after our morning preparations. Classic style skiing will likely be the more enjoyable adventure choice during this period for combating the ever changing conditions. Enjoy!
Next Update: Saturday
Grand Targhee Grooming Report
Last Updated: 2/15
9″ in 24 hrs, 8″ of that after lift closure! Once again, we find ourselves surrounded by a world of fresh snow. Emerge this morning to powder fields as far as the eye can see. This pow will be a bit on the heavier side, so bring the widest boards you’ve got and drop in on some surfy, soft turns.
Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 2/15/2019), Fat Bike CLOSED.
Pinedale Nordic Trail Report
Last Updated: 2/15 @ 10am
All trails above groomed this morning with the exception of Flatline and Heart Attack. About 6-8 inches of new snow from last night. 27F degrees. Most likely soft conditions today. Please no snow bikes when it is soft.
Alta Track
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 2/14 @ 8am
Skate: Poor | Classic: Not Set
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 2/15 @ 6pm
Skate: Poor | Classic: Not Set
Did a few laps around the Driggs track today and found the trail again. Got the South field staked out and partially groomed. Thanks to all the volunteers for their efforts this past week. It’s been a workout keeping up with all the snow.
Sherman Park
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 2/14 @ 11am
Skate: Fair | Classic: N/A
Made a number of laps to reset the track Thursday am. It is a bit wet and soft but fair and skiable.
Teton Canyon
Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 2/13 @ 8am
Skate: Not Set | Classic: Not Set
Plan to start grooming around 9:30am. Should be done by noon.
Teton Springs
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 2/15 @ 9am
Skate: Fair | Classic: Fair
Just finished roller grooming the trails. All set but it was snowing when finished.
5th Street Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 2/5 @ 11pm
Singletrack: Poor
Trail is snowmobiled in, but not groomed. Planning to roll it out tomorrow…stay tuned!
Teton Springs Singletrack
Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 1/24 @ 7pm
Singletrack: Good
All Singletrack in Teton Springs is groomed. Enjoy!
Southern Valley Single Track
Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 2/5 @ 11pm
Singletrack: Good
It’s all good in the hood! Trails may be a little soft if temperatures don’t drop. Please use discretion.
Skinny Skis Moose Chase Nordic Ski Race – 27th Annual
When: Saturday, February 16
Where: Trail Creek Nordic Center
-30K, 15K, 5K, 3K, 2K Freestyle * – part of the Triple Crown Race series
West Yellowstone Rendezvous 2019 Race – 2K, 5K, 10K, 25K classic, 25K & 50K freestyle
When: Saturday, March 2
Where: Rendezvous Trails, West Yellowstone, MT
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