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of Nordic skiing in Jackson Hole

Field Report: Two Oceans Lake

Ponteir S. recently discovered 2 Oceans Lake with friends on cross-country skis!
Lake is still frozen, but err on the cautious side as temps rise toward mid March.
Good time to explore.. start thinking about carrying bear spray, just in case!

End of Nordic Ski and Fat Biking Grooming Update

Grandview Point today. Photo by Jeff C.

Hard to believed of season grooming is already upon us!

End of season grooming updates:
Monday March 11 – Last day for grooming (and lunch) at Turpin Meadow Ranch
Friday March 15 -Last day for GTNP grooming-Taggart to Signal Mtn (Teton park road)
Wednesday March 20th – Last day – Teton Pines Nordic grooming
TC/J Trails and pathways groomed by Parks & Rec – TBD

(N.B. skiing may still be permitted once grooming has ceased:
*Teton County/Jackson Trails and Pathways allow skiing, biking, walking all year long
*Bridger-Teton USFS trails allow skiing, fat biking, snowshoeing all year long.
*Turpin Meadow Ranch allows skiing, fat biking, snowshoeing, on its trails, however the Lodge is closed.
*Grand Teton National Park does not allow usage of Teton Park Road due to plowing. Once plowing is completed, the road will reopen from 1 April to 1 May for non-vehicular use (walking, biking, roller-blading). Keep your eye open for upcoming crust-cruising!
*Nordic Centers such as Teton Pines, Trail Creek, Shooting Star no longer allow skiing once grooming ceases.
*Teton Valley trails are typically open, except for Teton springs, which will start its spring prep for golf.

Next Week – USCSA National Championship
March 12-16

This is a rare opportunity to watch college national champion nordic skiers here at Trail Creek! Hosted by the JH Ski Club. Trail Creek is hosting the USCSA National Championships March 12-16. Skiers from all across the continent will be competing in races throughout the week to see who is the fastest in the nation. It should be a great spectator opportunity and while the fields around the cabin will be maxed out with the races, our members are welcome to ski in the woods throughout the week. Details about the event can be found on the USCSA website.

Over 500 competitors will compete for National collegiate titles in alpine, Nordic, snowboard and freeski. Jackson Hole Ski & Snowboard Club, Snow King Resort, and Snow King Mountain are partnering to host the event.

Nordic Schedule @ Trail Creek

Monday Mar. 11th: Training
Tuesday Mar. 12th: Men’s & Women’s 7.5K
-10am Men
-11:30am Women
-4:30 Daily Awards

Wednesday Mar. 13th: Men’s & Women’s FSS
10am Freestyle Spring Qualifier
12 Freestyle Spring Begin
4:30 Daily Awards

Friday Mar. 15th: Men’s & Women’s 15K
10am Women
11:30am Men
4:30 Daily Awards

Saturday Mar. 16th: Men’s & Women’s CTS
10am Men’s Classic Team Sprint
11am Women’s Classic Team Sprint
12pm Mixed Freestyle Team Sprints
4:30pm Daily Awards
7pm Final Awards

March 16th Sandbag Final at Trail Creek
*This will be a Skate Race

Our citizen racers have one last chance to compete at the Sandbag Final at Trail Creek on March 16that 10:30. Due to the collegiate racing occurring at the same time, the venue will be slightly different this year.

Trail Creek Report

Last Updated: 3/10

Glorious Madhouse!

An amazing day at Trail Creek today; it started out with some gentle reminders to the early arrivals that the ski tracks really aren’t the best place to park your car, luckily the snow was firm enough to get them safely out; moving on, even though tomorrow is officially course inspection day, there were somewhere around 50 skiers out by late morning, enjoying our Wyoming scenery and hospitality, and finally it is just a drop dead gorgeous day today. There’s plenty of daylight savings daylight left for you to grab your skis and enjoy it yourself.

Overnight about an inch of ethereal snow fell and as of 12:30 the sky was perfectly blue, the wind calm, and the temperature was -8ºC/18ºF. Today’s grooming was basically best line skate passes of all the USCSA courses and the Sandbag Final course.

Look for evening grooming this week beginning tonight.

Groomer’s choice is to come check out the courses before the madhouse intensifies.

Turpin Meadow Ranch Grooming Report

Last Updated: 3/10

*Thanks for a wonderful winter Jackson and JH Nordic Alliance!

Last call: this was the closing weekend for Turpin’s winter season. Monday March 11 is the last day that trails will be groomed and lunch will be served this winter.

Big thanks to Turpin for hosting the Annual JH Nordic Alliance Free Nordic Ski, Fat Bike, Snowshoe day in January. Mark your calendar for the 4th Annual Free event next year on Sunday, January 5th 2020!!

Teton Co./Jackson Parks & Rec Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/9

8:45am: The levee and Stilson are groomed and in decent shape. I am heading to the school fields now and should be done around 10:45.

Grand Teton National Park Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/10

Grand Teton National Park – last week of grooming – Enjoy the fresh tracks!

The last day of grooming will be Friday March 15, as the road will be plowed starting Monday the 18th.

Nordic skiing is still open in GTNP, but not on the Teton park road. Try many of the superb skier track trails such as Taggart-Bradley Lake, 2 Oceans Lake, Phelps Lake or any or the trail options from the Granite Canyon trailhead, Island hopping in Jackson lake, antelope flats, and more. See the Trails page for detail, search under GTNP Region.

Teton Pines Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/2

Come out and ski!! The sun is out and the skate skiing is awesome!! The classic track is groomed but the skate conditions are better. The next few mornings will start with cold temps so we recommend waiting until mid-morning once things soften up. March is here, so expect the freeze thaw cycle to continue for the remainder of the season. We are open 9am-4pm daily. Please give us a call at: (307)733-1733 with questions.

Shooting Star Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/10

Beginning tonight we’ll be grooming the Nordic Track in the evenings starting at 5pm to allow for above mentioned time sensitive process. Due to the evening grooming, conditions may be very firm and possibly icier in the mornings. Skiers sensitive to firm conditions should wait until mid-afternoon as the profile will soften. Also, DON’T walk on the GREENS after we have compacted them! Very important to stay off of them to prevent Post Holing!

***Next Nordic Update We’ll be after this procedure is over. Best Estimation is after Thursday permitting snow conditions.

Grand Targhee Grooming Report
Last Updated: 3/10

Take it slow this morning, hit snooze again or have that extra bit of coffee and ease into this daylight savings time. But, don’t take too long –  sunny skies await!

Cross Country/Fat Bike 15k: XC OPEN (Last groomed AM 3/9/2019), Fat Bike CLOSED.

Pinedale Nordic Trail Report
Last Updated: 3/9 @ 9am

Most trails above groomed this morning. Heavy dusting of new snow. 14F degrees. A little breezy. Looks like the sun might poke through.

Alta Track

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Last Updated: 3/10
Skate: Fair |  Classic: Fair

On a quest for a firmer track, I groomed late Saturday night to let it set up overnight. The snow is still quite soft, but hopefully the sunshine in the next few days will help it solidify. The classic track should be quite good in the morning if we don’t get too much drifting overnight.

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/8 @ 11am
Skate: Fair  |  Classic: Good

Groomed two passes on Driggs track this morning. Classic is still in good shape, and skate skiing is much better.

Sherman Park

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/8
Skate: Fair |  Classic: Not set
Set the track again with a few inches of fresh snow on top. It was a bit disorienting and I lost the trail a few times – sorry about that. The base is firm, so even with fresh snow continuing to fall, conditions will be good. Enjoy!

Teton Canyon

Grooming Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Last Updated: 3/10 @ 9am
Skate: Fair  Classic: Good
Finished grooming around 9am. Cold temperatures have not helped consolidate the trail much since Friday’s snow. Classic track has set up well but the center skate lane is still on the soft side. Enjoy the nice sunny weather!

Teton Springs

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday
Last Updated: 3/10
Skate: Excellent |  Classic: Good
Used the ginzu on the skate lane tonight, should be firm and relatively fast by the a.m. I left the classic tracks as is: in good shape. Come on down and enjoy!

Yeti’s Loop

Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/2 @ 7am
Skate: Good  |  Classic: Good
Did a few more laps on Yeti’s Loop Friday afternoon with the old ginzu. Got it cleaned up and buffed out.  Also set a classic track that will work well for classic skiing counter-clockwise.
Mike Harris should be plowed this morning…thank you Skyliners! Please park efficiently as the lot can only accommodate about nine vehicles. Are you enjoying this new trail?

5th Street Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/1 @ 8am
Singletrack: Not set
Trails closed for wildlife. Please respect closure till snow recedes.

Teton Springs Singletrack

Grooming Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Last Updated: 3/8
Singletrack: Poor
Did two passes earlier today and got it established again, then it started snowing…

Southern Valley Single Track

Grooming Schedule: As Needed
Last Updated: 3/8 @ 7pm
Singletrack: Fair

US College Ski Association (USCSA) Championships – Nordic Races

When: March 12-16
Where: Trail Creek Nordic Center, Trail Creek Road – off Hwy 22, Wilson WY

Shuttled Skate Ski from Signal Mountain to Bradley-Taggart 

When: Tuesday, March 12
Where: Meet at the Bradley-Taggart parking area

Professional Nordic skier Scott McGee and park ranger Elizabeth Maki will lead the group on a shuttled skate ski adventure from Signal Mountain to Bradley-Taggart on 14-miles of freshly groomed corduroy.

Rendezvous River Sports Karen Oatey Pole-Pedal-Paddle (PPP) – part of the Triple Crown series

When: Saturday, March 23
Where: Nordic leg: Shooting Star Nordic Trail – Access via Shooting Star maintenance access road -1 mile south of Teton Village

Send us your event dates, stories, photos
Follow JHNordic on Facebook, Instagram @JHNordic, #JHNordic
Sign up for Daily or Once a Week JH Nordic Trail ConditionReports to know what’s groomed, what’s happening first thing every morning – or just Saturdays.

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  • 11 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – More of the same for just a little longer… Mountain Weather is forecasting mostly clear skies with warm daytime temps and overnight colds still below freezing. A change in weather is in store for the end of the week. For a detailed daily forecast check out What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Tuesday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail… Read More